Creation - Evolution Seminars

All presentations are fully illustrated. Other topics are available upon request.

Ape-Men and Cave Men

Why is there so much ado about a few old bones? Media bias has resulted in monkey business more than sound science. The history of fossil hominid discoveries is littered with fraud, error, and shifting opinions. In spite of the proclamations by National Geographic and other popular publications, the “proofs” of human evolution are anything but.

In this presentation we examine the claims of each of the prominent hominid finds to see how they stack up against the facts. We see that we were made in God’s image rather than having evolved from hominids who’re still trying to shake off an apelike past. We also look at cave men in light of biblical history.

Close Encounters: The Evolution Connection

Are unidentified flying objects real? Are they from advanced civilizations in other parts of our galaxy?

Most UFO sightings may be attributed to natural phenomena. But some defy explanation.

From Star Trek to ET, our culture has been conditioned to believe that there must be extraterrestrial life “out there” somewhere.

This presentation examines the evidence and shows how these phenomena are linked with belief in evolution and paranormal activity. It turns out that there’s a spiritual component that needs to be exposed: “for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Dinosaurs and Dragons

What were the dinosaurs like, and how do they fit in with biblical history? What happened to them? In these presentations we look at evidences in ancient accounts and folklore that they lived much more recently than 65 million years ago. We also examine fossil evidences and artwork left by ancient peoples. Is it possible that some dinosaurs and other animals supposedly extinct for millions of years have survived until relatively recent times? We’ll look at recent reports of sightings of dinosaur-like creatures, as well as strange animals of the Old Testament. Three different versions of this presentation are available.

Evolution or Creation? The Relevance of Creation

Why do so many young people abandon their Christian faith after they leave home? Today’s teens face unprecedented challenges to maintain their faith in the face of mounting societal pressures and cultural decay. This quick overview of the creation – evolution controversy examines the importance of the issue and its effect on our society. Does it matter what we believe? Do all scientists believe in evolution? Is the Bible compatible with evolution? What the textbooks don’t tell you about the controversy. A look at the fossil record, the complexity of creation, and other areas of science show the impossibility of evolution. We also look at examples of design in nature that can’t be explained by evolution.

Fossils and Creation

Where did the fossil-laden layers of sediment found all over the surface of the earth come from? Did they take millions of years to form, or could they have formed quickly? What does it take to form a fossil?

The “horse series” is found in most biology texts as a standard proof of evolution. In this session we take a closer look at this evidence to see if it really proves anything. We also look at the dating of rocks and fossils, “living fossils,” and evidences for recent catastrophe.

Genesis and the Age of the Earth

The Bible says that God completed creation in just six days, but science texts and the popular media claim that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. Which is right? Does it matter? If the earth is billions of years old, either Genesis is wrong or it must be interpreted figuratively. If it’s wrong, then doubt is cast upon the rest of the Bible. If we try to interpret it figuratively then it can be stretched to mean whatever current evolutionary thinking demands.

But hasn’t radiometric dating shown that the earth is very old? It turns out that all dating methods are based upon certain assumptions, since no one knows the history of the rock or other object being measured. These assumptions form the basis of the long ages obtained by radiometric measurements. In this presentation we look at some of the many evidences for a young earth.

Mammoths and the Ice Age

There are two mysteries that have intrigued scientists for hundreds of years:

  • What caused the ice age or ages?

  • What happened to the woolly mammoths and other ice-age animals?

Evolutionary science has yet to find satisfactory answers, but the Bible provides a basis for solutions that fit the evidence much better than current mainstream theories.

Were there many ice ages or just one? What does it take to have an ice age? Evidences left behind by the ice sheets provide clues.

Miracles of Creation

Recent scientific discoveries, far from proving evolution, have underscored its impossibility. In this presentation we explore the almost unimaginable complexity of God’s creation, from the inner workings of the cell and its components, to the amazing power of a bee’s brain, to the seemingly simple bird feather. We also see that, rather than an insignificant speck of dust in the cosmos, we inhabit a very special place. These all go to show that Creation reflects the handiwork of the Designer, rather than just being the result of accidents in space and chance mutations.

Noah’s Ark and the Genesis Flood

For many years scholars and scientists have scoffed at the notion of a worldwide flood as depicted in Genesis. If there was such a flood, where could all the water have come from, and where did it go? How could Noah have built an ark big enough to hold all the species of animals? Were there dinosaurs aboard the ark? We answer these questions in a biblical context, and also look at evidences for a worldwide flood, and possible location of the ark today.

Not by Chance: The Impossibility of Chemical Evolution

Could life have arisen spontaneously from “primordial ooze?” Evolutionists have proposed all kinds of scenarios in which conditions might be just right for the first living cells to form from a chemical “soup.” Many laboratory experiments have been performed to try to demonstrate how life might have formed. Headlines have made claims such as “Scientists Create Life in a Test Tube.” Is this really true, or is there more to the story? The odds are tremendously against chemicals forming life by chance.

The Heavens Declare His Glory

Do we live on an insignificant speck of dust in the universe, or are we a central part of God’s creation? Did God use the Big Bang billions of years ago to create the cosmos? The Big Bang model is fraught with problems, yet is accepted by most scientists in spite of them. In this presentation we take a critical look at these problems.

If the universe is not billions of years old, how can we see light from distant stars? We look at evidences for a young universe, and uniqueness of the earth and solar system.

The Genesis Question

Ten articles of faith of the evolutionist!

Is Genesis literally true? What difference does it make?

Many Christians today regard the book of Genesis as irrelevant to today’s culture. Some conclude that Genesis, while teaching good moral lessons, is not to be taken as literal history. Especially suspect are the first 11 chapters, covering the creation, fall, flood, and Tower of Babel. If Genesis is not reliable, then the only alternative is some form of evolution.

In this presentation we will see that Christianity and evolution are incompatible, and why it takes more faith to believe in evolution than the Biblical account of creation. We will examine some of the problems with evolutionary theory, and show why the Genesis account is much more plausible.

The Third Day

Museum displays often show what scientists believe the environment looked like in past ages, assuming that plant life evolved in parallel with animal life. Yet no fossil evidence exists to support such an assumption. In fact, no evidence of evolution is evident between fossils of plant species supposedly millions of years old and today’s counterparts, some of which are considered to be “living fossils.” The world’s oldest living things are trees that apparently date from shortly after the Genesis Flood.

Dry Falls

Washington's Other Catastrophe: The Lake Missoula Flood

Most people know about the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, but not as many have heard about the giant flood that carved out the landscape of Eastern Washington. In another example of how long-ages thinking has dominated the natural sciences for the last 200 years, geologists rejected the notion of a huge catastrophic flood because it sounded too much like the Genesis Flood. But one man stood up to the scientific establishment for 40 years before he finally was able to convince them that it doesn’t take millions of years to drastically alter the surface of the Earth. His name was J Harlen Bretz.

The Lake Missoula Flood provides a small model of what happened during Noah’s Flood.

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