Thomas Mede of Eton, 1493
(translated from Latin)
In the name of God amen, the thirtieth day of the month of April, 1493, I Thomas Mede of Eton, sound of mind and memory, make my testament in this form. First I give my soul to almighty God, to Saint Mary his mother and to all the saints, and my body to be buried in the church of Saint Mary in the royal college of Eton in the county of Bucks before the image of Saint Andrew. Item I give to the fabric of the church of Lincoln xii d. Item to the high altar of the college of Eton aforesaid xii d. Item to all of the other altars of the college viii d. Item to the fabric of the college iiii nobles. Item I give to Alexander my son a dwelling in the parish of Windsor and iiii pounds. Item to my son John iiii pounds. Item for the repair of (unclear) xiii s 4 d. The residue of my goods I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my wife and William Waterman, whom I make my executors, to dispose and order my will and to pay my debts. Given the day and year above written. Witnesses Robert Ellyot, Thomas Walles & John Dyrdant.