CP 1561-1600

1561 Hilary/fronts a 269
Essex. Thomas Mede versus Mathew Bradbury, esq. Common recovery of 2 messuages, a dove cote, 160 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 20 acres pasture, 12 acres brush, and 240 sheep on Elmedon, Wenden Lofts, Great Wenden and Little Wenden.

1561 Hilary/fronts a 725
Warks. William Bott, of Snytterfyld, yeoman or gent, summonded to answer Robert Mayd or Maydes, kinsman and aministrator of Hugh Porter, of Snytterfyld. Debt.

1561 Hilary/fronts a 784
London. John Golborne, executor of Thomas Golborne, of Stortford, Herts, versus Richard Mede of London, or of Claveryng, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Hilary/dorses a 2
Soms. Robert Mede of Cory Mallet, yeoman, to answer John Walshe, clerk. Trespass.

1561 Hilary/dorses a 504
Soms. William Mede of Curry Mallet, husbandman, attached to answer John Welshe. Trespass: close.

1561 Hilary/fronts b 313
Bucks. Jury between Walter Jordayn and Thomas Meade of Stewkkeley, husbandman. Trespass.

1561 Hilary/fronts b 596
Devon. John Meade versus Adam Stondon, of Plympton Mary, husbandman. Trespass: burning John's house at Plympton Mary.

1561 Hilary/fronts b 623
London. Ellen Wallys and Richard Wallys, executors of Richard Wallys, of London, salter, versus Edward Heynes, of Devises, Wilts, yeoman; William Mede, of Wynsley, Wilts, yeoman; Roland Clyffe, of Baramdowne, Rutland, yeoman; George Sherwood, of Stepleford, Glos, yeoman; William Bayly, of Watford, Herts, yeoman; and William Lawrence, of Liverpole, Lancs, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Hilary/dorses b 407

London. Thomas Mede, gent, and Joan his wife, executors of John Clampe, junior, of Huntingdon, gent; versus Lawrence Haryngton, of Hargrave, Nhants, clerk; William Joyce, of Hargrave, yeoman; and Roland, Haryngton, of Newtowne, Hunts, husbandman. Debt.

1561 Easter/fronts a 99
Herts. Reginald Mede, of Elmesdon, versus John Brydges, of Kings Hatfeld, Essex, yeoman; and Thomas Perye, of Kings Hatfeld, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Easter/fronts a 111
Devon. John Meade versus Adam Stondon, of Plympton Mary, husbandman. Trespass: burning John's house at Plympton Mary.

1561 Easter/dorses a 480
Soms. William Mede of Curry Mallet, husbandman, attached to answer John Welshe, clek. Trespass: close.

1561 Easter/fronts b 551
Warks. Robert Maydes summoned to answer Roger Hopkyns on a plea of replevin.

1561 Trinity/fronts a 121
Herts. John Brydges of Hatfeld Regis, Essex, summonded to answer Reginald Mede of Elmesden. Debt.

1561 Trinity/dorses a 79
Herts. Reginald Mede of Elmesden versus John Brydges of Hatfeld Regis, Essex; and Thomas Perye, of Hatfeld Regis, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Trinity/dorses a 81
Herts. Thomas Perye of Hatfeld Regis, Essex, summonded to answer Reginald Meade of Elmesden. Debt.

1561 Trinity/dorses a 332
Essex. Grace Glaskock of Stortford, Herts, widow, versus Richard Mede of Claveryng, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Trinity/dorses a 632
London. John Meade and Edward Meade versus Edward Madyson, of Sondon, Essex, gent. Debt.

1561 Trinity/fronts b 908
Warks. Robert Maides, administrator of Hugh Porter, of Snytterfeld, versus William Bott, of Snytterfeld, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Trinity/dorses b 194
London. Richard Mede of London, or of Claveryng, Essex, yeoman, summoned to answer John Golborne, executor of Thomas Golborne, of Stortford, Herts, versus . Debt.

1561 Michaelmas/dorses a 86
London. John Meade and Edward Meade versus Edward Madyson, of Sondon, Essex, gent. Debt.

1561 Michaelmas/dorses a 103
Herts. Thomas Mede and Joan his wife, alias Joan Clampe, widow, executors of John Clampe, of Huntingdon, gent, versus Philip Barbor, of Offorde Darcye, Hunts, yeoman; and Hugh Barberr, of Offorde Clunye, Hunts, yeoman. Debt.

1561 Michaelmas/dorses a 797

London. Humphrey Mede of Weston, Soms, carpenter, versus Geoffrey Cox, of Bath, Soms, yeoman; Thomas Hancocke, of Bath, butcher; and Thomas Parker, of Bath, weaver. Debt.

1561 Michaelmas/dorses a 980

Soms. Patrick Meade, of Kynsale, Ireland, merchant, versus John Michell, of Trewrowe, Cornw, merchant, owner of ship the Mychell; James Goodolfyn, of Gwynnepe, Cornw, gent; John Arrondell, of St Keverne, Cornw, gent; Thomas Mychell, of Myller, Cornw, ship master; Richard Stalworth, of Trewrowe, merchant or purser. Debt.

1562 Hilary pt 1/dorses 10

Essex. Henry Archer versus William Meade, of Eppyng, laborer. Debt.

1562 Hilary pt 1/dorses 28

Herts. Thomas Mede and Joan his wife, alias Joan Clampe, widow and executrix of John Clampe, of Huntington, Hunts, gent, versus Philip Barbor, of Offord Darcye, Hunts, yeoman; Hugh Barbor, of Offord Clunye, Hunts, yeoman. Debt.

1562 Hilary pt 2/fronts 324

London. Humphrey Mede, of Weston, carpenter, versus Geoffrey Cox, of Bath, Soms, yeoman; Thomas Hancock, of bath, butcher; Thomas Parker, of Bath, weaver. Debt.

1562 Hilary pt 2/fronts 1297

Soms. Patrick Meade, of Kynsale, Ireland, merchant, versus John Mychell, of Trewrowe, Cornw, merchant, owner of ship the Mychell; James Goodolphyn, of Gwynneppe, Cornw, gent; John Arrondell, of St Kevern, Cornw, gent; Thomas Mychell, of Myller, Cornw, ship master; Richard Stalworth, of Trewrowe, merchant or purser. Debt.

1562 Easter 1200/dorses pt 1 659

London. Edward Madyson, of Sondon, Essex, gent, summoned to answer John Meade and Edward Meade. Debt.

1562 Easter 1201 pt 2/ dorses 845

Cornw. Elias Wyllyam versus Thomas Mede or Meade, of Gwendron or Wendron, butcher. Trespass: assault at Gwendron.

1562 Trinity 1202/fronts 1025

Soms. James Goodolfyne, of Gwynnepe, Cornw,  gent, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsalle, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Trinity 1202/fronts 1025

Soms. John Arrendell, of St Keverne, Cornw, gent, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsale, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Trinity 1202/fronts 1026

Soms. Thomas Michell, of Miller, Cornw, ship master, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsalle, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Trinity 1202/dorses 831

Soms. Richard Stalworth, of Trewrowe, Cornw, merchant, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsalle, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Trinity 1203/fronts 938

Cornw. Elias William versus Thomas Mede, of Gwendron or Wendron, butcher. Trespass: assault at Gendron.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/fronts 460

Soms. John Mathewe; Joan his wife, versus John Meade, of Ilton, tailor; Joan Meade, of Ilton, widow; Maud Meade, of Ilton, spinster. Defamation. “John Mathewe is a theeff for he hath stolen oure capons & his wyff is a murderer for she dyd murder a childe and the bones thereof dothe lye in her garden.”

1562 Michaelmas 1204/fronts 842

Soms. Richard Stalworth, of Trewrowe Cornw, merchant, purser, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsall, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/fronts 842

Soms. Thomas Michell, of Miller, Cornw, ship master, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsall, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/dorses 121

Essex. John Trapps versus William Meade, of Thaydon Garnes, maltman. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/dorses 133

Essex. Thomas Clarke versus William Meade, of Thaydon Garnon, husbandman; John Browne, of Thaydon Garnon, husbandman; John Basse, of Spryngewell, Walden, husbandman. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/dorses 465

Soms. James Goodolfyne, of Guynnepe, Cornw, gent, summoned to answer Patrick Meade, of Kynsalle, Ireland, merchant. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1204/dorses 614

Soms. Thomas Michell, of Miller, Cornw, shipmaster, to be seized for debt execution to Patrick Meade. Debt.

1562 Michaelmas 1205/fronts 606

Essex. Geoffrey Sewster versus Reginald Meade. Replevin.

1563 Hilary pt 2 1208/fronts 1369

Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, yeoman, to Robert Thorpe, of Brent Illegh, Suffolk, gent. Indenture: sale of land inn Suffolk.

1563 Hilary pt 2 1208/fronts 1385

Robert Thorpe, of Brent Illegh, Suffolk, gent, to Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, yeoman. Indenture: sale of land.

1563 Hilary 1208/dorses 1157

Warks. Roger Hopkyns versus Robert Meydes. Replevin.

1563 Easter 1209/fronts 575

Beds. Robert Armestrong versus Thomas Meade, of Bykelleswade, fisherman. Debt.

1563 Easter 1210/fronts 384

London. Edward Mede or Meade, of Berden, Essex, versus John Johnson, of Stortford, Herts, yeoman; William Pilston, of Stortford, yeoman. Debt.

1563 Trinity 1212/dorses 354

Beds. Robert Armestrong versus Thomas Meade, of Bykelleswade, fisherman. Debt.

1563 Trinity 1212/dorses 446

London. Edward Mede or Meade, of Berden, Essex, versus John Johnson, of Stortford, Herts, yeoman; William Pulston, of Stortford, yeoman. Debt.

1563 Trinity 1214/fronts 689

London. Edward Mede or Meade, of Berden, Essex, versus John Johnson, of Stortford, Herts, yeoman; William Pilston, of Stortford, yeoman. Debt.

1564 Hilary 1215/dorses 664

Essex. William Dellowe gives the Queen six shillings eight pence for license to concord with John Meade and Mary his wife concerning ten acres land, seven acres pasture with appurtenances in Clavering.

1564 Hilary 1216/fronts 555

Soms. Roger Hall versus Philip Mayde, of Churchehyll, husbandman. Ejectment.

1564 Hilary 1216/dorses 671

Beds. Henry Ventrys and Richard Lodge versus Henry Mede. Replevin.

1564 Easter 1217/fronts 131

Cams. Warren Adams pays the Queen six shillings eight pence to have concord with John Mede and Agnes his wife concerning two messuages, two crofts, 80 acres land, 1 acre meadow, 1 acre wood with appurtenances in Hardwyck Toft and Maddyngley.

1564 Easter 1217/dorses 208

Soms. Philip Mayde, of Churchehyll, husbandman, summoned to answer Roger Hall. Ejectment.

1564 Easter 1219/fronts 871

Beds. Henry Ventrys and Richard Lody versus Henry Mede. Replevin, at Campton, West Croft

1564 Trinity 1220/fronts 400

Essex. John Medowe alias Mede, junior, gives the Queen 6 shillings 8 pence to concord with Giles Thrusell and Joan his wife concerning half of a messuage, a barn, 2 cottages, a garden, two orchards, 16 acres of land and 4 acres of pasture, with appurtenances, in Great Waltham.

1564 Trinity 1220/fronts 404

Bucks. Henry Rogers gives the Queen 6 shillings 8 pence to have concord with Thomas Meade and Joan his wife concerning a messuage, 28 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres pasture, with appurtenances, in Hollyngdon Magna and Hollyngdon Parva in the parish of Soulbury.

1564 Trinity 1220/dorses 785

Soms. Richard Mede versus John Mychell and William Rychard. Replevin.

1564 Michaelmas 1223/dorses 415

Soms. John Mychell and William Rychardes summoned to answer Richard Mede. Replevin at Yeomede in Myddlesee or Middlezoy.

1564 Michaelmas 1224/dorses 335

Essex. Thomas Mede, of Wenden Lofts, esq, versus Henry Serle, of Cambridge, gent; John Serle, of Cambridge, gent, his son. Debt.

1564 Michaelmas 1226/fronts 930

Cams. James Meede, senior, of Gamlingaye, shoemaker, versus John Fox, of Gamlyngay, yeoman; Thomas Parker, of Fosegrave, Sussex, yeoman. Debt.

1565 Hilary 1227/fronts 58

Herts. Avice Meade pays 20 shillings for license to concord with Thomas Bownest, for 2 messuages, 50 acres of land, 40 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, 30 acres wood, with appurtenances in Parva Hormede & Layston.

1565 Hilary 1227/dorses 377

Devon. John Mede, of Plympton Mary, husbandman, attached to answer John Peryman; Elizabeth his wife. Defamation: “Elizabeth Peryman, John Peryman’s wife, is a very witch and she hath bewitched you sir, John Peryman, and many others.” 

1565 Easter 1230/fronts 996

London. Robert Sely versus John Meade, of North Curre, Soms, husbandman. Defamation. “Thow art a theif for thow did steale a pygge of myne.” 

1565 Easter 1231/dorses 130

Cams. Richard Jacob pays six shillings eight pence for concord with James Mede and Agnes his wife for a messuage, ten acres land, four acres meadow, eight acres pasture, two acres wood in Gamlyngay.

1565 Trinity 1233/dorses 1007

Soms. John Michell and William Rychardes summoned to answer Richard Mede. Replevin at Yeomede, Myddlesoe. Undefended.

1565 Trinity 1235/fronts 847

London. Robert Sely versus John Meade, of North Curre, Soms, husbandman. Defamation. “Thow art a theife for thow dyd steale a pygge of myne.” 

1565 Trinity 1235/dorses 922

London. Robert Sely versus John Meade, of North Curre, Soms, husbandman. Defamation. “Thow art a theif for thow did steale a pygge of myne.” 

1565 Michaelmas 1239/dorses 307

London. George Snygge, of Bristol, merchant, versus John Mayde, of Langfurde, Soms, smith. Debt.

1565 Michaelmas 1239/dorses 365

London, John Thornton, of Shoplond, yeoman, executors of Henry Dore, of Pytsey; Thomas Tendring, of Chelmysford, yeoman, versus John Mede, of Claveryng, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Hilary 1240/fronts 714
Middx. Memorandum that George Meade of Eyston Magna, Essex, yeoman, comes and acknowledges that he owes 60 pounds to Robert Meade, son of John Meade of Depden, Essex. John Meade of Easton by his will, date 20 December 1565, bequeathed to George Meade his lease of the lordship of Easton upon condition that George shall pay to Robert Meade the son of John Meade of Depden 4 pounds a year until Robert Meade the son of Robert Meade reaches the age of 21.

1566 Hilary 1242/fronts 391

London. Thomas Brok, of Okeley; Richard Neale, gent, versus Thomas Mede, of Borton, Bucks, yeoman Joan his wife, administratrix of Richard Love, of Lethenboroughe, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Hilary 1242/fronts 681

London. George Snygge, of Bristol, merchant, versus John Mayde, of Langfourde, Soms, smith. Debt.

1566 Hilary 1242/dorses 326
London. Richard Wallys, of London, salter, executors of; (John Mansbridge; Ellen his wife; Richard Wallys), versus John Sentclere, of trymeley, Suff, esq; Thomas Salcocke, of Combe, Soms, clothier; William Meade, of Wynsley, Wilts, yeoman; Nicholas Edsawe, of Sonberye, Middx, yeoman; Stephen Crapper, of Leyton Busserd, Beds, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Easter 1243/dorses 123
Essex. William Clarke pays six shillings eight pence to concord with George Meade and Margaret his wife for 12 acres land with appurtenances in Takeley.

1566 Easter 1244/fronts 410
London. Henry Doore, of Pytsey, executor of; (John Thorneton, of Shopland, yeoman); Thomas Tendryng, of Chelmysford, yeoman, versus John Mede or Meade, of Claveryng, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Easter 1245/fronts 202
London. Thomas Brok, of Okeley; Richard Neale, gent, versus Thomas Mede, of Borton, Bucks, yeoman; Joan his wife, administratrix of Richard Love, of Lethenborough, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Easter 1245/fronts 613

London. Thomas Brok, of Okeley; Richard Neale, gent, versus Thomas Mede, of Borton, Bucks, yeoman; Joan his wife, administratrix of Richard Love, of Lethenboroughe, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1247/fronts 761
Essex. Edmund West, esq, executor of William West knight, versus John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1566 Michaelmas 1247/fronts 1150
London. John Meade, of Eystone at Mount (Great Easton), Essex, yeoman, executors of; (John Meade, his son; George Meade, his son; Thomas Browne, his son in law), versus Richard Meade, of Hormeade, Herts, husbandman; John Adam, of Stondon, Herts, tanner. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1247/dorses 315

Herts. Michael Mede paid 10 shillings to concord with John Reymond, gent, for 1 messuage, 1 garden, 2 orchards, 20 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 4 acres pasture, 12 acres wood in Magna Amwell, Parva Amwell and Stansted Thele, common pasture for 15 cows in Magna Amwell Marshe, and common pasture for 10 cows and one bull in Amwell Heth.

1566 Michaelmas 1247/dorses 639

Essex. Jury between Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight, and John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1566 Michaelmas 1249/fronts 367

London. John Meade, of Eystone at Mount (Great Easton), Essex, yeoman, executors of; (John Meade, his son; George Meade, his son; Thomas Browne, his son in law), versus Richard Meade, of Hormeade, Herts, husbandman; John Adam, of Stondon, Herts, tanner. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1249/fronts 695

Essex. John Meade, of Depden, yeoman, to answer Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight. Ejectment.

1566 Michaelmas 1250/fronts 467

Herts. Humphrey Isack, of Puckeredge, Braughyng, versus Richard Mede, of Magna Hormede, husbandman. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1250/dorses 160

London. Thomas Meade, of Loftes, Essex, gent, versus Alexander Easte, of Swavesey, Cams, gent. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1250/dorses 186

London. Thomas Meade, of Wenden Loftes, Essex esq, versus John Smyth, of Henham, Essex, husbandman; Anthony Clarke, parson of Wolley, Hunts, clerk. Debt.

1566 Michaelmas 1250/dorses 461

London. Thomas Meade, of Wenden Loftes, Essex, esq, versus John Brewster of Thryplowe, Cams, carpenter. Debt.

1567 Hilary 1251/fronts 379
Essex. William West, knight, executor of; (Edmund West, esq) versus John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1567 Hilary 1251/dorses 333

London. Thomas Meade, of Wenden Lofthes, Essex, esq, versus John Brewster, of Thryplowe, Cams, carpenter. Debt.

1567 Hilary 1252/fronts 852

Dorset. John Mede or Meade, of Blanford St Mary, clerk, versus John Bysson, of Blandford Forum, fletcher. Debt.

1567 Hilary 1253/fronts 801
London. Thomas Meade, of Lofftes, Essex, gent, versus Alexander East, of Swavesey, Cams, gent. Debt.

1567 Easter 1254/fronts 59
Essex. Thomas Meade, esq, pays to have concord with Nicholas Felsted, senior, and Nicholas Felsted, junior, concerning one messuage, one garden, 20 acres land, two acres pasture in Lyttelbury.

1567 Easter 1254/fronts 300
London. Richard Meade, of Hormeade, Herts, husbandman, to answer John Meade, son of John; George Meade, son of John; Thomas Browne, his son in law, executors of John Meade, of Great Easton, Essex. Debt, undefended.

1567 Easter 1255/dorses 361
London. Alexander Easte, of Swaysey, Cams, gent, to answer Thomas Meade, of Loftes, Essex, gent, Debt on a bond. That Isabel Clampe, Joan Mede, the wife of Thomas Mede, Katherine Clampe, Martha Clampe, shall quietly occupy lands and tenements that were of Alexander Easte or Thomas Easte his father, in Bassyngborne, Cams. 

1567 Easter 1256/dorses 315
London. Thomas Meade, of Wendon Lofts, Essex, esq, versus John Brewster, of Thryplowe, Cams, carpenter. Debt.

1567 Easter 1256/dorses 511
Dorset. John Mede or Meade, of Blanforde St Mary, clerk, versus John Bysson, of Blandford Forum, fletcher. Debt.

1567 Easter 1256/dorses 648
Soms. Philip Mayde, of Langforde, smith, to answer George Snygge, of Bristol, merchant. Debt.

1567 Trinity 1258/fronts 347
Soms. Philip Mayde, of Langford, smith, to answer George Snygge, of Bristol, merchant. Debt.

1567 Trinity 1258/dorses 176
Dorset. John Mede or Meade, of Blanforde St Mary, clerk, versus John Bysson, of Blandford Forum, fletcher. Debt. 

1567 Trinity 1259/fronts 292

Dorset. John Mede or Meade, of Blandforde St Mary, clerk, versus John Bysson, of Blandford Forum, fletcher. Debt.

1567 Trinity 1259/fronts 737

London. Thomas Pullyson, of London, draper, versus Alexander Mynge, of London, merchant, or of Dover, Kent, jurat; Humphrey Mede, of London, or of Dover merchant. Debt.

1567 Michaelmas 1260/fronts 987

Essex. Edward Meade pays six shillings eight pence to concord with Richard Meade and Joan his wife concerning one messuage, one garden one orchard, 16 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture in Berden.

1567 Michaelmas 1260/dorses 41

Herts. Richard Mede versus Thomas Brande, of Magna Hormede, yeoman. Covenant

1567 Michaelmas 1260/dorses 792

Essex. Simon Bredge pays six shillings eight pence to concord with John Meade and Mary his wife for ten acres land, one acre pasture in Stebbing and Felsted.

1567 Michaelmas 1261/fronts 389
Essex. Jury between Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight, and John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1567 Michaelmas 1261/fronts 480
Essex. John Meade, of Depden, yeoman, to answer Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight. Ejectment.

1567 Michaelmas 1262/fronts 232
Essex. Jury between Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight, and John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1567 Michaelmas 1262/fronts 383
Essex. Thomas Meade, sergeant at law, pays six shillings, eight pence to concord with Richard Cutte, esq, for 70 acres land, 7 acres meadow and 40  acres pasture in Elmeden, Arkesden, Langley and Wendon Lofts.

1567 Michaelmas 1263/fronts 840
London. John Meade, of Plympton Mary, Devon, yeoman, versus Hugh Edgecombe, of Ermyngton, Devon, yeoman; Ralph Cowne, of Ermyngton, yeoman. Debt.

1568 Hilary 1264/fronts 42
Essex. Jury between Edmund West, esq, executor of William West, knight, and John Meade, of Depden, yeoman. Ejectment.

1568 Hilary 1264/fronts 75
Essex. Reginald Meade, gent, pays 6 shillings 8 pence to concord with Robert Broke, gent, and Elizabeth his wife for 3 acres of wood in Cristhale.

1568 Hilary 1264/dorses 361
Essex. George Meade summoned to answer John Crowe. Replevin, at Great Easton.

1568 Hilary 1266/fronts 161

Soms. John Meade, of Ilton, tailor, versus Edward Wylles, of Curry Mallett, husbandman. Debt

1568 Hilary 1266/fronts 161

Soms. John Meade, “my son in law”, executor of Richard Vyell, versus John Chycke, of Barryngton, husbandman; Roger Long, of Sevenhampton Michell, husbandman; William Combe, of North Curry, husbandman; Robert Rowsewell, of Kyngston, miller. Debt.

1568 Hilary 1266/dorses 638

London. John Meade, of Plympton Mary, Devon, yeoman, versus Hugh Edgecombe, of Ermyngton, Devon, yeoman; Ralph Cowne, of Ermyngton, yeoman. Debt.

1568 Michaelmas 1273 part 1/dorses 260
Kent. Humphrey Mede, merchant dwelling in Dover, versus John Wade, of Canterbury, yeoman, Debt.

1568 Michaelmas 1275/dorses 370

Soms. John Mede, of Doniette (Donyatt), yarn washer, versus John Mathewe, of Abbot Isle, butcher. Debt.

1568 Michaelmas 1275/dorses 734

London. Thomas Meade, of Wendon Lofthes, Essex, esq, versus Roger Askham, of London, esq; Anthony Clerke, parson of Woolley, Hunts, clerk. Debt.

1569 Hilary 1276/dorses 267

Soms, Richard Vyell, executor of; (John Meade, “my son in lawe”), versus John Chicke, of Barrington, husbandman; Robert Rowsewell, of Kyngston, miller. Debt.

1569 Hilary 1278/fronts 799

Soms. John Mede or Meade, of Doniette (Donyatt), yarn washer, versus John Mathewe, of Abbot Isle, butcher. Debt.

1569 Hilary 1278/dorses 751

London. Thomas Meade, of Wenden Loofthes, esq, versus Anthony Clarke, of Wolley, Hunts, clerk. Debt.

1569 Trinity 1280/fronts 379

Herts. Michael Meade versus Giles Cock, of Ware, husbandman. Debt

1569 Trinity 1280/dorses 364

Kent. John Oldfylde versus Humphrey Mede, of Dover, merchant. Debt.

1569 Trinity 1281/dorses 218

Herts. Michael Meade versus Giles Cock, of Ware, husbandman. Debt.

1569 Trinity 1282/dorses 12

Soms. Richard Vyell, executor of; (John Meade, “my son in lawe”), versus John Chicke, of Barrington, husbandman. Debt.

1570 Hilary 1283 Part 1/dorses 109

Kent. John Oldfylde versus Humphrey Mede, of Dover, merchant. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1286/fronts 486

Glos. Thomas Mayde, of Tredyngton, husbandman, versus Robert Tomson alias Androwes, of Tewkesbury, butcher; Roger Hawkes, of Stoke Archard, yeoman. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1286/fronts 1021

London. William Abraham, of Herne, Kent, mariner, versus Humphrey Mede, of London, or of Newington, Kent, merchant. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1286/dorses 144

Soms. George Norton, knight, sheriff, versus John Meade, of Ryeston, tailor; Thomas Meade, of Ilmynster, shoemaker; Robert Hurman, of Ilton, smith. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1286/dorses 760

London. Thomas Meade, of Wenden Lofts, Essex, esq, Sergeant at Law, versus William Tusser, of London, or of Middle Temple, gent. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1287/fronts 196

London. Thomas Mayde, of Tredyngton, yeoman, versus John Poyner, of Southwick, Glos, gent. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1287/fronts 765

London. William Abraham, of Herne, Kent, mariner, versus Humphrey Mede, of London, or of Newington, Kent, merchant. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1287/dorses 510

London. Thomas Meade, esq, sergeant at law, versus Charles Rygges, of Huntyngton, Hunts, yeoman. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1288/dorses 238
Kent. John Oldfylde versus Humphrey Mede of Dover, merchant. Debt.

1570 Michaelmas 1288/dorses 496
London. Otwell Gleidell, of London, grocer, versus Humphrey Meade, of Dover, Kent, merchant. Debt, undefended.

1570 Michaelmas 1288/dorses 913

Essex. John Wyncoll, executor of William Wyncoll, of Bedford, husbandman, or of Magna Wenden, yeoman, versus Thomas Maynard, of Islyngton, Middx, innholder; Edward Owen, of Walden, tailor; Richard Meade, senior, of Hormeade Magna, Herts, husbandman; John Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, dyer; William Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, chandler. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 1/dorses 1530

Essex. John Wyncoll, executor of William Wyncoll, of Bedford, husbandman, or of Magna Wenden, yeoman, versus Thomas Maynard, of Islyngton, Middx, innholder; Edward Owen, of Walden, tailor; Richard Meade, senior, of Hormeade Magna, Herts, husbandman; John Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, dyer; William Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, chandler. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 1/dorses 1608

Essex. John Wyncoll, executor of William Wyncoll, of Bedford, husbandman, or of Magna Wenden, yeoman, versus Thomas Maynard, of Islyngton, Middx, innholder; Edward Owen, of Walden, tailor; Richard Meade, senior, of Hormeade Magna, Herts, husbandman; John Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, dyer; William Dyckson, of Awdeley End, Walden, chandler. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 2/fronts 146

London. Thomas Mayde, of Tradyngton, Glos, yeoman, versus John Poynter, of Sowthwicke, or of Tewksburye, Glos, gent. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 3/fronts 572

London. Thomas Mayde, of Tradyngton, Glos, yeoman, versus John Poyner, of Sowthwicke near Tewksburye, Glos, gent. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 3/dorses 1770

London. Thomas Meade, esq, Sergeant at Law, versus Charles Rygges, of Huntington, yeoman. Debt.

1571 Hilary 1290 part 3/dorses 1841

Kent. John Oldfylde versus Humphrey Mede, of Dover, merchant. Debt execution.

1571 Easter 1292/dorses 1958

London, Thomas Meade, of Wenden Loofthes, Essex, esq, Sergeant at Law, versus William Tusser, of London, of Middle Tempe, gent. Debt.

1571 Easter 1292/dorses 1983

London. William Whypple, of London, skinner, versus Thomas Meade, of Elsnam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1571 Michaelmas 1295/fronts 669
Essex. John Meade paid the Queen ten shillings to have concord with William Ferneley, Brigitte his wife, John Ferneley, Martha his wife, Henry Walker, Judith his wife, Robert Blome, Rebecca his wife, concerning one messuage, 160 acres land, ten acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 3 acres wood with appurtenances in Clavering.

1571 Michaelmas 1295/dorses 1320
Glos. John Grenowe alias Farmer versus Thomas Mayde, of Tredyngton, husbandman; Thomas Surman, of Tredyngton, husbandman; Henry Robert, of Tredyngton, husbandman. Trespass: close at Tredyngton.

1571 Michaelmas 1296b/fronts 569
Dorset. John Jesopp and John Meade summoned to answer John Strode. Replevin at Westfield, Beamynster.

1571 Michaelmas 1296/dorses 1510
London. Thomas Meade, sergeant at law, of Wenden Lofts Essex, esq, versus William Tusser, of Middle Temple, London, gent. Debt execution.

1571 Michaelmas 1297/fronts 796
Essex. Reginald Meade, gent, gives 10 shillings to the Queen to concord with Richard Cutt, esq, and Mary his wife concerning half of the manor of Mountnes & Dagworthes with appurtenances and half of 8 messuages, 40 acres land, 7 acres of meadow, 50 acres of pasture, 50 acres of wood and 40 shillings rent with appurtenances in Elmedon, Wenden Loftes, Crishall, Strettall and Arkesden.

1571 Michaelmas 1297/dorses 719
Essex. Thomas Meade, sergeant at law, pays 20 pence to concord with Richard Cutte, esq; Mary his wife, concerning the manors of Wigpitt, Cocksolles and Rockelles, with appurtenances, and land in Arkesden, Elmeden, Wenden Magna; Wenden Parva, Wenden Lofts, Newport Pond, Lytlebury, and Walden.

1572 Hilary 1299/dorses 657

Essex. John Edmond, of Cambridge, draper, versus Elias Meade, of Cambridge, gent, Bachelor of Arts. Debt.

1572 Trinity 1303/fronts 413

Herts. Michael Meade pays 20 shillings to concord with William Geldener, Anne his wife, William James, gent, and Joan his wife for one messuage, one barn, one garden, one orchard, 23 acres land, four acres meadow, 14 acres pasture, two acres wood in Magna Amwell, Parva Amwell and All Hallows, and common of pasture for 7 cows in Hethenhowe Marsh in Magna Amwell.

1572 Trinity 1305/fronts 294

Soms. Thomas Rawe, Joan his wife, executors of James Meade, of Ilton, husbandman, versus John Mathewe alias Were, of Abbott Ile, butcher. Debt.

1572 Trinity 1305/fronts 345

Soms. Thomas Bearde versus John Maller, of Pyll, clerk; John Meade, of Ryston (Ruishton), husbandman. Debt.

1572 Trinity 1305/dorses pt 1 117

London. Robert Est, of London, ironmonger; William Skydmore, of London, ironmonger; John Donne, of London, ironmonger, versus Richard Meade, of Stoke Hamond, Bucks, smith; Reginald Capon, of Magna Myssenden, Bucks, smith; William Bartlett, of Nettylbed, Oxon, smith; George Morgan, of Byxe, Oxon, yeoman; Thomas Carpenter, of Iver, Bucks, smith; Agnes Wylde, of Magna Myssenden, widow; John Kent, of Odyam, Hants, smith. Debt.

1572 Trinity 1305/dorses pt 1 530

Soms. Thomas Rawe, Joan his wife, executors of James Meade, of Ilton, husbandman, versus John Mathewe alias Were, of Abbott Ile, butcher. Debt.

1572 Michaelmas 1307/fronts 322

Soms. Thomas Rawe, Joan his wife, executors of James Meade, of Ilton, husbandman, versus John Mathewe alias Were, of Abbott Ile, laborer, butcher. Debt.

1572 Michaelmas 1307/dorses 3

Bucks. Richard Meade versus Robert Burre. Replevin.

1572 Michaelmas 1309/dorses 380

London. Edward Meade, of Bearden, Essex; Richard Hamond, of Depden, Essex, yeoman, versus John Cutt or Cuttes, of London, or of Thaxstede, Essex, knight; Edward Armiger, of Thaxsted, gent. Debt.

1572 Michaelmas 1309/dorses 773

Cams. Edward Redman, of London, merchant, administrators of; (John Redman; Henry Bysshopp), versus Thomas Meade, of Cambridge, or of Borton, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1573 Hilary 1310/fronts 703

London. Edward Armiger, of Thaxsted, gent, summoned to answer Edward Meade, of Bearden, Essex, yeoman; Richard Hamond, of Depden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1573 Hilary 1310/dorses 610

London. John Cutt or Cuttes, of London, or of Thaxstede, Essex, knight, summoned to answer Edward Meade, of Bearden, Essex; Richard Hamond, of Depden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1573 Hilary 1311 pt 1/dorses 149

Essex. Robert Mead, of St Benet Sherehogg, London, yeoman, versus Edward Engraye, of Shepperd, Cams, yeoman. Debt.

1573 Easter 1313 pt 1/ fronts 66

London. Edward Meade of Bearden, Essex, yeoman; Richard Hamond, of Depden, Essex, yeoman, versus John Cutt or Cuttes of London, or of Thaxsteade, Essex, knight. Debt.

1573 Easter 1313 fronts pt 2/fronts 113

Soms. John Mathew alias Were, of Abbott Ile, butcher, summoned to answer Thomas Rawe; Joan his wife (widow of James), executors of James Meade, of Ilton, husbandman. Debt.

1573 Easter 1313 dorses pt 1/173

Worcs. Robert Drynkwater versus Thomas Wakeman, of Southewycke, Glos, gent; Thomas Mayde, of Treddington, Glos, yeoman; Robert Jeynes, of Southewicke, yeoman; William Thomas, of Treddyngton, yeoman. Debt.

1573 Trinity 1316/fronts 431
Kent. Richard Judde gave the Queen six shillings eight pence for license to concord with William Mede and Joan his wife; Elizabeth Howe, widow; and Rose Corbye concerning one messuage, one barn, one toft, one garden, one orchard and two acres of land with appurtenances in Bexley.

1573 Trinity 1316/dorses 432
London. Edward Meade, of Bearden, yeoman; Richard Hamonde, , of Depden, Essex, yeoman, versus John Cutt or Cuttes, of London, or of Thaxstede, Essex, knight. Debt execution.

1573 Trinity 1318/fronts 40
Devon. John Ellys; Cecily his wife, alias Cecily Meade, of Underwoode, Plympton St Mary, widow, versus Roger Adams, of Underwoode, Plympton St Mary, tanner. Debt.

1573 Trinity 1318/fronts 956

Hunts. Thomas Meade, Sergeant at Law, versus John Bevell, of Sawtre, gent. Debt.

1573 Trinity 1318/dorses 61

Devon. John Ellys; Cecily his wife, alias Cecily Meade, of Underwoode, Plympton St Mary, widow, versus Roger Adams, of Underwoode, Plympton St Mary, tanner. Debt.

1574 Michaelmas 1324 pt2/fronts 46

Essex. Reginald Meade versus Thomas Norton, of Hinckston, Cams, gent. Trespass.

1574 Michaelmas 1324 pt1/dorses 475

London. John Darcy, Thomas, knight, Lord Darcy, executor of; (John Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy), versus John Thorogood, of London, or of Manewden, Essex, yeoman; Edward Meade, of London, or of Bearden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1574 Michaelmas 1324 pt 2/dorses 275

London. John Darcy, Thomas, knight, Lord Darcy, executor of; (John Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy), versus John Thorogood, of London, or of Manewden, Essex, yeoman; Edward Meade, of London, or of Bearden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1574 Michaelmas 1324 pt2/dorses 596

Essex. Edward Meade gives 30 shillings for license to concord with John Cutt, knight, and Anne his wife for 3 messuages, 3 barns, 3 gardens, an orchard, 150 acres land, 10 acres meadow, 40 acres pasture, 4 acres wood in Thaxsted and Sampforde Magna.

1574 Michaelmas 1324 pt2/dorses 614

Herts. Thomas Meade Sergeant at Law, pays 10 shillings for license to concord with James Lecheworth for 24 acres land, 20 acres meadow in Asshewell & Hinxworthe.

1575 Hilary 1326/fronts 757

Herts. John Meade, of Waltham Holy Cross, Essex, gent, versus Jerome Heydon, of Chesthunt, Herts, yeoman. Debt.

1575 Hilary 1326/dorses 16

Essex. Jury between Reginald Meade and Thomas Norton, of Hynckston, Cams, gent. Trespass.

1575 Hilary 1327/fronts 1191

Soms. William Smythe, of Welles, capper, versus Henry Mede or Meade of Blackeforde, or of Stoke Lane, husbandman; Richard Webb, of West Harptrey, yeoman; Robert Pratant, Stoke Lane, husbandman; John Hooper, of Blackeforde, husbandman. Debt.

1575 Hilary 1328/dorses 630

London. Thomas Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy, executor of; (John Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy), versus John Thorogood, of London, or of Manewden, Essex, yeoman; Edward Meade, of London, or of Bearden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1575 Hilary 1328/dorses 803

London. Richard Fissher, of Lottesforthe, Stondon, gent, versus William Meade, of Warbishe (Warboys), Hunts, or of Grene End, Stondon, Herts, husbandman. Debt.

1575 Michaelmas 1331 part 1/dorses 213

Essex. Thomas Meade; Nicholas Wright versus Edward Meade. Common Recovery, land in Thaxsted & Sampford Magna.

1575 Michaelmas 1331 pt 2/dorses 658

London, Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith, versus Robert Rithe, of London, or of Lincolns Inn, Middx, esq. Debt.

1575 Michaelmas 1331 pt 2/dorses 678

London. Robert Meade, of London, yeoman, versus Walter Byckles, of Huntington, Hunts, gent. Debt.

1576 Easter 1334/dorses 284

Essex. Thomas Meade, Sergeant at Law, pays 60 shillings for concord with Thomas Whetnall, esq; Dorothy his wife; Fulk Onslowe, esq; Mary is wife, for manor of Walburie with 12 messuages, 56 cottages, 2 dovecotes, 600 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 8 acres wood in Halyngburye.

1576 Easter 1334/dorses 531

Essex. John Turpyn, gent; John Wright, gent, versus Thomas Meade, Sergeant at Law. Common recovery: manor of Walburie with 12 messuages, 56 cottages, 2 dovecotes, 600 acres land, 60 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture, 8 acres wood in Halyngburye.

1576 Michaelmas 1338/fronts 58

Essex. Thomas Meade pays to have concord with Reginald Meade, gent; Robert Brooke; Elizabeth his wife, for 41 acres land in Christishall or Chrissall.

1576 Michaelmas 1338/fronts 58

Essex. William Samways pays to have concord with Reginald Meade; Barbara his wife; Robert Brooke; Elizabeth his wife, for 3 messuages, barn, dovecote, 2 gardens, orchard, 8 acres kand, 20 acres pasture in Christishall or Chrissall. 

1576 Michaelmas 1339/fronts 710

Devon. John Mede versus William Roger. Replevin at Will Parke, Brixton.

1576 Michaelmas 1339/fronts 988

London. Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, versus Thomas Cramphorne, of London, yeoman, or of Estwicke, Herts, loader. Debt

1576 Michaelmas 1339/dorses 164

London. William Meade, of Standon, Herts, husbandman, versus Thomas Brette, of High Crosse, Herts, maltman. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1341/fronts 452

Devon. John Mede versus William Roger. Replevin.

1577 Hilary 1341/dorses 274

London. Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, gent, versus Edward Madyson, of Sondon, Essex, gent. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1341/dorses 729

London. Richard Mead, of Hertfordshire, maltman, versus William Hunsdon, of London, or of Enfyld, Middx, maltman. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1342/dorses 804

Soms. John Nedes, of Bromfylde, miller, versus Vyall, Richard, of Riston, miller, executor of; (John Meade, of Ryston, husbandman). Debt.

1577 Hilary 1342/dorses 883

London. Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, yeoman, versus Thomas Cramphorne, of London, yeoman, or of Estwicke, Herts, loader. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1343/fronts 511

London. Edward Meade, of Berden, Essex, versus Thomas Cramphorne, London, yeoman, or of Estewicke, Herts, loader. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1343/dorses 246

Soms. William Pope; William Rydowte, churchwardens of Shyrborne, versus William, of Bradford, Dorset, husbandman. Debt.

1577 Hilary 1343/dorses 606

London. John Grene, of London, butcher, versus Robert Waller, of London, stationer; John Meade, of London, or of Ratclif, Stebinhith, Middx, yeoman. Debt.

1577 Easter 1344 part 1/fronts 541

Soms. John Chambers, of Marshfild, Glos, yeoman, versus Patrick Wilteshere, of Weston, husbandman; Humphrey Meade, of Weston, husbandman. Debt.

1577 Easter 1344 part 1/fronts 803

London. Leticia Martyn, widow, executor of; (Thomas Meade, Sergeant at Law) versus Edward Penruddock, of London, esq; Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Crawley, gent. Debt.

1577 Easter 1344 part 1/dorses 171

London. John Kynge, of London, salter, versus George Meade, of London, or of Ware, Herts, innholder; John Gentleman, of London, or of Dunwich, Suff, vintner. Debt.

1577 Easter 1344 part 1/dorses 1366

London. John Grene, of London, butcher, versus Robert Walley, of London, stationer, John Meade, of London, or of Ratclif, Stebenhithe, Middx, yeoman. Debt.

1578 Hilary 1352/dorses 640
London. Thomas Crabbe, of Stortford, Herts, linen draper, versus Michael Williams, of London, or of Hatfeilde, Essex, yeoman; Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elsenam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1577 Trinity 1347/fronts 835

Soms. John Nedes of Bromfylde, miller, versus John Meade, of Ryston (Ruishton), husbandman, executor of Richard Viall, of Risson, miller. Debt.

1577 Trinity 1348/dorses 334

Soms. John Nedes of Bromfylde, miller, versus John Meade, of Ryston (Ruishton), husbandman, executor of Richard Ryvall, of Risson, miller. Debt.

1577 Michaelmas 1349/fronts 19

Essex. Thomas Meade, of Elmedon, yeoman, versus John Steade, of Christishall, yeoman, Thomas Searle, of Dudnoe Ende, Elmedon, yeoman. Debt.

1577 Michaelmas 1349/fronts 19

Essex. Agnes Meade, widow, John Meade, executors of Edward Meade, versis William Clarke, of Cowpersale, yeoman. Debt.

1577 Michaelmas 1349/fronts 578

Bucks. William Hyllyar pays for license to concord with Thomas Meade and Alice his wife for one messuage, one barn, one orchard, 70 acres of arable land, 10 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture in Hansloppe.

1577 Michaelmas 1350/fronts 958

Soms. John Nedes of Bromfylde, miller, versus John Meade, of Ryston (Ruishton), husbandman, executor of Richard Vyvall, of Risson, miller. Debt.

1578 Hillary 1353/dorses 200
Soms. Richard Vyall, of Riston, miller, executor of; (John Meade, of Ryston (Ruishton), husbandman), summoned to answer John Nedes, of Bromfylde, miller. Debt.

1578 Hillary 1354/fronts 237
Dorset. Henry Heysam versus John Meade, of Stokeway, butcher. Debt.

1578 Hilary 1354/dorses 251
London. Edward Penruddock, of London, esq; Anne his wife, daughter of Thomas Crawley, gent, summoned to answer Leticia Martyn, widow, executor of; (Thomas Meade, Sergeant at Law). Debt.

1578 Easter 1355/fronts 999

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, licence to concord with Thomas Crawley, esq, and Margaret his wife for the Manor of Wenden Lowtes and 3 messuages, 1 dovecote, 1 windmill, 3 barns, 3 tofts, 3 gardens, 300 acres land, 6 acres meadow, 140 acres pasture, 60 acres wood in Wenden Lowtes, Elmedon, & Christishall.

1578 Easter 1356/fronts 424

Herts. Michael Meade, of Ware, innholder, versus William Aldred, of Ware, innholder. Debt

1578 Easter 1357/fronts 15

Soms. Maud Busell, administratrix of John Bursell, versus John Meade, of Rysdon, husbandman; Elizabeth his wife, executrix of Richard Viell. Debt.

1578 Easter 1357/fronts 32

Dorset. Henry Heysam versus John Meade, of Stokewaye (Stoke Wake), butcher. Debt.

1578 Easter 1357/fronts 650

Herts. George Rotheram, esq, paid 90 shillings to concord with Edward Smyth; Dorothy his wife; Humphrey Meade; Anne his wife; William Preston; Francis his wife, for a third of the manor of Chylwycke.

1578 Easter 1357/fronts 653

Herts. Humphrey Meade paid 10 shillings to concord with Michael Meade and Elizabeth his wife for two messuages, two gardens, two orchards, one acre land, four acres meadow, 10 acres pasture in Ware.

1578 Trinity 1358/fronts 371

Essex. Thomas Meade, gent, pays to concord with John Cosyn & Katherine his wide for 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden 1 orchard, 30 acres land, acre pasture in Heydon, Chissell Magna and Crissall.

1578 Trinity 1358/dorses 433

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Henry Cutte, esq, and Barbara his wife. Partition.

1578 Trinity 1358/dorses 434

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Thomas Crawley, esq. Warranty of charter.

1578 Trinity 1358/dorses 441

Herts. John Puckeringe, Jane his wife, versus Edward Smythe, Dorothy his wife, William Preston, Francis his wife, Humphrey Meade, Anne his wife. Partition: property in St Michaels by St Albans.

1578 Trinity 1359/fronts 129

Suff. Edward Meade, servant of Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Thomas Corder. Ejectment. Manor of Mantons, of which John Meade had seisin.

1578 Trinity 1359/fronts 911

Soms. John Nedes, of Bromfylde, miller versus John Meade, of Ryston, husbandman, executor of Richard Vyall, of Risson, miller. Debt.

1578 Trinity 1359/dorses 599

London. Alice Randyll, widow, administratrix of Edward Randyll, of London, esq, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith, and Samuel Meade, of Elsnam, Essex, clothworker. Debt

1578 Trinity 1360/fronts 724

Soms. Maud Bursell, administratrix of John Bursell, versus John Meade, of Rysdon and Elizabeth his wife, executors of Richard Vell. Debt.

1578 Michaelmas 1361/fronts 707

Soms. Maud Bursell, administratrix of John Bursell, versus John Meade, of Riston and Elizabeth his wife, executors of Richard Vyell. Debt.

1578 Michaelmas 1361/fronts 903

Herts. John Puckerynge, esq; Jane his wife, versus Edward Smith; Dorothy his wife; William Preston; Francis his wife; Humphrey Meade; Anne his wife. Partition, property in St Michaels by St Albans.

1578 Michaelmas 1361/dorses 91

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Thomas Crawley, esq. Warranty of  charter: property in Wenden Lowtes.

1578 Michaelmas 1361/dorses 92

Essex. Agnes Meade, widow, John Meade, executors of Edward Meade versus William Clarke, of Cowpersale, yeoman. Debt.

1578 Michaelmas 1362/fronts 1070

Herts. John Puckerynge, esq; Jane his wife, versus Edward Smith; Dorothy his wife; William Preston; Francis his wife; Humphrey Meade; Anne his wife. Partition, property in St Michaels by St Albans.

1579 Hilary 1363/fronts 257

Essex. John Bendysshe, gent, versus Thomas Meade, gent. Common Recovery: 1 messuage,

garden, 30 acres land, 1 acre pasture in Heydon, Chissell Magna, Christishall.

1579 Hilary 1363/dorses 1009

Soms. John Nedes, of Bromfeilde, miller versus John Meade, of Ryston, husbandman executor of Richard Viall, of Risson, miller.

1579 Hilary 1364/fronts 891

Herts. Thomas Meade versus William Adryn alias Awdry, of Ware, gent. Debt.

1579 Hilary 1364/fronts 901

Essex. Thomas Meade versus Wimond Carne, esq. Replevin.

1579 Hilary 1364/fronts 1062

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Henry Cutte, esq; Barbara his wife.

1579 Hilary 1364/dorses 180

Soms. John Bussell, administratrix of; (Maud Bussell, widow), versus Richard Vyell, executors of; (John Meade, of Riston, husbandman; Elizabeth his wife)

1579 Hilary 1364/dorses 1156

Essex. John Wright pays for license to concord with Lawrence Grene; Margaret his wife; Edward Meade; Joan his wife, for 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 3 tofts, 3 gardens, 2 orchards, 16 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 30 acres pasture, 10  acres wood in Elsenham, Tackley, and Stansted Montfitchet.

1579 Trinity 1367/fronts 678

Essex. Reginald Meade, gent, versus Robert Graves, of Elmedon, laborer. Trespass: close at Elmedon.

1579 Trinity 1367/dorses 199

Suff. Edward Meade, servant of Thomas Meade, Justice, versus James Barwick. Ejectment.

1579 Trinity 1367/dorses 526

London. John Basforde, of London, mercer, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1579 Trinity 1367/dorses 853

Herts. Thomas Meade versus William Aldred or Adryn, of Ware, innholder. Debt.

1579 Trinity 1367/dorses 858

Essex. Reginald Meade, gent, versus Richard Hunt, of Elmedon, laborer; together with Robert Graves, of Elmedon, laborer. Trespass: close at Elmedon.

1579 Trinity 1367/dorses 940

Essex. John Glascock, esq; John Meade, gent, versus Edward Earl of Oxford. Common recovery: manors of Canfeild Magna with appurtenances in Canfeild Magna Canfield Parva, High Roding, Hatfeild Brodoke, Great Dunmowe

1579 Trinity 1368/fronts 446

Suff. Edward Meade, servant of Thomas Meade, Justice, versus James Barwick. Ejectment

1579 Trinity 1368/dorses 4

London. Humphrey Toye, administrators of; (Anthony Kyrle, esq; Margery his wife); versus John, of London, gent; William Gryffith, of Oxford, gent; Christopher Meade, of London, gent; Thomas Peyrson, of Alton, Hants, clerk. Debt.

1579 Trinity 1369/fronts 765

Yorks. Thomas Whitwell, tanner, versus Ralph Meede or Medd, of New Malton, laborer. Debt.

1579 Trinity 1369/fronts 867

London. Anthony Kyrle, Margery his wife, administrators of Humphrey Toye, versus Christopher Meade, of London, gent; Thomas Peyrson, of Alton, Hants, clerk. Debt.

1579 Trinity 1369/dorses 78

Essex. Wimond Cary, esq, versus Reginald Meade, of Elmedon, gent. Trespass: assault.

1579 Trinity 1369/dorses 83

Essex. Robert Graves versus Reginald Meade, of Elmedon, gent. Trespass: assault.

1579 Trinity 1369/dorses 329

London. John Basforde, of London, mercer, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1579 Michaelmas 1371/fronts 628

Essex. Robert Graves versus Reginald Meade, of Elmedon, gent. Trespass: assault.

1579 Michaelmas 1371/dorses 165

London. William Crosse versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Hilary 1373/fronts 1198
Essex. Jury between Reginald Meade, gent, and Robert Graves, of Elmedon, laborer. Trespass.

1580 Hilary 1373/fronts 1280
Essex. Robert Graves, of Elmedon, laborer; together with Richard Hunt, of Elmedon, laborer, summoned to answer Reginald Meade, gent. Trespass: close and taking.

1580 Hilary 1373/dorses 1013
Essex. Wimond Carye, esq versus Thomas Meade, junior. Replevin.

1580 Hilary 1373/dorses 1393
London. Geoffrey Buckstole, versus Francis Meade, of London, gent, servant of Henry Sidney, Knight of the Garter. Debt.

1580 Hilary 1374/dorses 868
Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus Edward Wythepole, esq. Dower: land in Ketelbarston, Bylston and Monkes Ely.

1580 Hilary 1374/dorses 986
London. Robert Rolffe versus Thomas Meade, of Feny Stratford, Bucks, smith; Maurice Gordyn, of Stoke Breweyn, Nhants, smith; Richard Keslyngberye, of Parva Brickhill, Bucks, smith. Debt.

1580 Easter 1375/fronts 115

London. John Basforde versus John (Edward?) Meade, of Poole, Dorset, or of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Easter 1375/dorses 812

London. Agnes Meade, widow; John Meade, executors of Edward Meade, versus Robert Thorpe, of London, or of Brent Ileigh, Suff, gent. Covenant.

1580 Easter 1375/dorses 814

London. John Doyley, gent, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Easter 1375/dorses 832

London. John Meade versus Michael Meade, of London, or of Barkwaye, Herts, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Easter 1376/dorses 622

London. John Meade versus John Wright alias Wrinche, of London, or of New Windsor, Berks, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Easter 1376/dorses 649

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus James Barwycke, clerk. Dower.

1580 Easter 1376/dorses 672

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow, versus Edward Wythepole, esq. Dower.

1580 Easter 1377/fronts 572

London. Richard Stonley, esq, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Easter 1377/dorses 537

London. John Miller, senior, butcher, Thomas Meade, of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Trinity a1378/fronts 783

London. Agnes Meade, John Meade, executors of Edward Meade, versus Robert Thorpe, of London, or of Brent Illegh, Suff, gent. Covenant.

1580 Trinity a1378/fronts 784

London. John Meade versus John Wryght alias Wynche, of London, or of New Wyndesore, Berks, yeoman. Debt

1580 Trinity a1378/fronts 905

Essex. Edmund Gryffyn, gent; John Meade, versus John Wyseman, esq. Common recovery: Magna Canfeild with 100 messuages, 20 tofts, 2 mills, one dovecote, 100 gardens, 1050 acres land, 260 meadow, 1000 acres pasture, 1000 acres wood, 100 acres heath in Magna Canfeild, Much Dunmow, etc.

1580 Trinity a1378/fronts 1262

London. Richard Stonley, esq, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Trinity b1378/dorses 560

London. John Miller, senior, butcher, versus Thomas Meade of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Trinity b1378/dorses 935

Soms. John Crosse versus William Meade, of Yelton (Ilton?), husbandman; James Grynslade, of Crytche, husbandman. Debt.

1580 Trinity c1378/fronts 343

London. Richard Stonley, esq, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Trinity c1378/fronts 343

London. John Miller, senior, butcher, versus Thomas Meade of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Trinity c1378/fronts 1141

London. Philip Garlande versus Walter Garlande, of Waltham, Herts, and Katherine his wife, alias Katherine Meade, or Waltham, widow. Debt.

1580 Michaelmas 1379/fronts 243

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus James Barwicke. Dower.

1580 Michaelmas 1379/fronts 270

Essex. Edmund Gryffyn, gent; Johan Meade, versus John Wyseman, esq. Common recovery: Magna Canfeild with 100 messuages, 20 tofts, 2 mills, one dovecote, 100 gardens, 1050 acres land, 260 meadow, 1000 acres pasture, 1000 acres wood, 100 acres heath in Magna Canfeild, Much Dunmow, etc.

1580 Michaelmas 1379/dorses 218

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus Edmund Withipoll. Dower.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 1/fronts 20

London. John Doyley, gent, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 1/fronts 487

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus Henry Cutte; Barbara his wife. Partition

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 1/fronts/719

London. John Basford versus Edward Meade, of Poole, Dorset, or of London goldsmith. Debt execution.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 1/fronts 931

Suff. Francis Mannock, esq, versus Thomas Meade of Ellesnam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 1/fronts 931

Suff. William Crosse, versus Thomas Meade of Ellesnam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 2/fronts 848

London. Agnes Meade & John Meade, executors of Edward Meade, versus Robert Thorpe, of London, or of Brent Illeghe, Suff, get. Covenant.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 2/fronts 890

London. John Basford versus Edward Meade, of Poole, Dorset, or of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1580 Michaelmas 1381 pt 2/fronts 1159

Devon. Richard Meade versus William Crymes, gent. Replevin.

1581 Hilary 1382/fronts 917

Hunts. Edward Meade; William Samweys versus William Myles. Entry sur disseisin: property in Ramsey and Bury.

1581 Hilary 1382/dorses 390

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus James Barwicke. Dower.

1581 Hilary 1382/dorses 621

Essex. William Bowrne, John Meade, gent versus Richard Glascocke, gent. Common recovery: manors of Abbas Roodinge & Caldicott.

1581 Hilary 1382/dorses 728

Devon. Richard Meade versus William Crymes, gent. Replevin.

1581 Hilary 1383/dorses 75

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus Edmund Withipoll. Dower.

1581 Hilary 1384/fronts 86

London. Richard Lee versus John Snape, of London, or of Stanlake, Oxon, gent; John Seymour, of London, or of Burton, esq; Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1581 Hilary 1384/fronts 89

London. Agnes Meade, John Meade, executors of Edward Meade, versus Robert Thorpe, of London, or of Brent Illeghe, Suff, gent. Covenant.

1581 Hilary 1384/dorses 267

Soms. William Parker versus Henry Meade of (blank), husbandman. Debt.

1581 Hilary 1384/dorses 372

Suff. Francis Mannock, esq, versus Thomas Meade, of Ellesnam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1581 Easter 1385/dorses 84

Dorset. Roger Payre versus John Meade, of Stoke Wake, butcher. Debt.

1581 Easter 1386/fronts 824

Soms. William Parker versus Henry Meade, of Blackforde, husbandman. Debt.

1581 Easter 1386/dorses 479

London. John Doyly, gent, versus Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1581 Easter 1387/fronts 216

Beds. Henry Meade versus Edward Brokett. Replevin at Rushebedd, Campton, Beds.

1581 Trinity 1388/fronts 10

Beds. Edward Leventhorpe, gent, versus Henry Meade. Waste, at Mepershall

1581 Trinity 1388/fronts 597

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus James Barwick. Dower.

1581 Trinity 1388/fronts 616

Beds. Henry Meade versus Edward Brokett. Replevin.

1581 Trinity 1388/dorses 216

Hunts. Edward Meade, William Samweys versus William Myles. Common recovery: 1 messuage & 3 acres in Ramsey.

1581 Trinity 1388/dorses 403

Suff. Agnes Meade, widow of Edward Meade, versus Edmund Withipooll. Dower.

1581 Trinity 1389/fronts 675

Essex. John Meade, gent; John Wyseman, gent, versus George Glascock. Common recovery: manor of Threumhall, 10 messuages, 10 tofts, dovecote, 10 gardens, 120 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 20 acres wood in Stansted Mountfitchett, Byrchanger, Hatfyld Brodoke & Takelye.

1581 Trinity 1389/fronts 1149

Dorset. Roger Payre versus John Meade, of Stoke Wake, butcher. Debt.

1581 Trinity 1390/fronts 370

Soms. William Parker versus Henry Meade, of Blackforde, husbandman Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1392 pt 1/fronts 1121

Essex. John Wyseman, gent; John Meade, gent, versus Richard Glascocke; Maurice Lynsell. Entry sur disseisin: manor of Mynchyns in Great Dunmowe.

1581 Michaelmas 1392 pt 2/fronts 704

Herts. Michael Meade versus William Aldred, of Ware, innholder. Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1392 pt 2/fronts 1105

London. Thomas More versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Bourton Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1392 pt 2/fronts 1111

London. John Sander versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elsenam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1394/fronts 146

London. Thomas Sharpeles versus Edward Meade, of Poole, Dorset, gent. Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1394/fronts 167

Essex. Edmund Mordaunt versus Robert Harvye, Robert Meade. Replevin.

1581 Michaelmas 1394/fronts 782

London. William Benedict versus Edward Meade, of London, or of Canforde, Dorset, gent. Debt.

1581 Michaelmas 1394 b /dorses 274

London. Richard Meade versus Thomas Saunders, of London, or of Bragenham, Sulbury, Bucks, yeoman, Debt.

1582 Hilary 1395/fronts 657

Essex. Thomas Meade, gent, versus Reginald Phillipps, of Litleburye, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1395/dorses 587

Essex. Thomas Meade, Justice, versus John Wright, of Magna Hallyngbury, joiner; Thomas Gowge, of Magna Hallyngbury, tailor. Trespass: close.

1582 Hilary 1395/dorses 616

London. John Sander versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elsenam, Essex. yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1395/dorses 1069

London. Richard Meade versus Thomas Saunders, of London, or of Bragenham, Sulbury, Bucks, yeoman, Debt.

1584 Hilary 1420/fronts 21
Essex. John Meade versus Michael Hyde, of High Ester, husbandman. Trespass: close and taking at Stansted Mountfitchet.

1584 Hilary 1420/fronts 979
Suff. Michael Meade versus William Hudson or Hedgeson, of Waltham Crosse, Herts, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1397/fronts 718

London. Thomas Moore versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Bourton, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1397/dorses 669

London. John Sander versus Thomas Mead, of London, or of Elsenam, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1397/dorses 916

London. Thomas More versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Burton, Bucks, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1398/fronts 338

London. Richard Meade versus Thomas Saunders, of London, or of Bragenham, Sulbury, Bucks, yeoman, Debt.

1582 Hilary 1398/fronts 677

Cams. John Langham versus Thomas Mead of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1398/fronts 734

London. William Benedicte versus Edward Meade, of London, gent, or of Canford, Dorset, gent. Debt.

1582 Hilary 1398/fronts 771

London. John Ansell versus William Waters, of London, gent; Humphrey Meade, of Ware, Herts, innholder. Debt.

1582 Easter 1399 Pt 1/fronts 99

London. London. John Ansell versus William Waters, of London, gent; Humphrey Meade, of Ware, Herts, innholder. Debt.

1582 Easter 1399 Pt 1/dorses 771

Soms. Robert Marshall versus John Meade, of Royston, yeoman or tailor. Debt.

1582 Easter 1399 Pt 2/dorses 683

Cams. John Langham versus Thomas Meade, of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt

1582 Easter 1399 Pt 3/dorses 685

Herts. Richard Meade versus Thomas Wyfeilde, of Stortford, beer brewer. Debt.

1582 Easter 1399 Pt 3/dorses 704

Cams. John Langham versus Thomas Meade, of Elsenham, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1420/fronts 1016
London. Thomas Awdley, versus George Gyfforde, of London, esq; John Pemberton, of Northampton, gent; John Winkfeild, of London, gent; Nicholas Meade, of Swallowfyld, Hants, yeoman. Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1420/dorses 749
Dorset. John Meade, of Mylton, yeoman, to answer John Dallacorte. Debt, undefended.

1584 Hilary 1420/dorses 940
London. Christopher Meade, of Gamlyngay, Cams, yeoman, summoned to answer Thomas Selby. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1421/fronts 36
Dorset. Humphrey Bysshoppe versus John Meade, of Mylton, butcher or victualer. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1421/fronts 237
London. Robert Love versus Zachary Sherme, of London, or of St Clement Danes, Middx, shoemaker; Edward Lewys, of London, gent; Thomas Meade, of Parva Addyngton, Nhants, smith. Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1421/fronts 313
Dorset. John Mede, of Milton, innholder, summoned to answer William Moore. Debt, undefended. 

1584 Hilary 1421/fronts 670
London. Nicholas Erdswell versus Nicholas Meade, of Swallowfeilde, Wilts, yeoman. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1421/dorses 220
London. Giles Davers, gent, versus John Hoke or Whoke, of London, or of West Litleton, Glos, yeoman; Elias Hoke or Whoke, of London, yeoman; John Meade, of London, yeoman, or of Marshefilde, Glos, husbandman. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1421/dorses 765
Oxon. John Meade versus George Whytton, esq. Land in Hensington, Woodstock.

1584 Hilary 1421/dorses 795
London. Richard Smythe versus Richard Meade, of Stoke Hamond, Bucks, blacksmith. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1421/dorses 985
Dorset. John Galler versus John Meade, of Mylton, butcher. Debt, undefended. 

1584 Hilary 1422/fronts 937
Dorset. Edmund Meade versus John Garrett, of Bemyster, roper; John Pyddle, of Compton, husbandman. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1422/fronts 1051
Kent. Elias Meade, gent; Anne his wife, executrix of John Neale, versus Thomas Carden, of Mynster, Isle of Shepey, yeoman. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1422/fronts 1052
Kent. Elias Meade, versus Thomas Burde, of Charyng, yeoman; Simon Norys alias Fuse, of Ashferd, mercer, executor of; (Jerome Fusse, of Assheford, mercer). Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1422/dorses 81
London. Robert Rolfe versus Thomas Meade, of London, or of Fenny Stratford, Bucks, blacksmith; Thomas Reddolle, of Redborne, Herts, blacksmith. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1422/dorses 140
Beds. Roger Lyle, senior versus Robert Fitzherrye, of Campton, clerk, parson of Camelton; John Meade, of Clifton, husbandman; Lawrence Underwood, of Clifton, laborer. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1422/dorses 499
Herts. Alice Letcheworth, widow of James Letcheworth, versus Thomas Meade, Justice. Dower.

1584 Hilary 1422/dorses 570
Hants. Christopher Frowde, versus Henry Meade, of Blackford, Wedmore, Soms, husbandman. Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1422/dorses 948
Norf. Thomas Grave versus Humphrey Meade, of Ware, Herts, innholder; Roger Norton, of Gaynsborowe, gent, administratrix of; (Mary Norton, of Gaynsborowe, Lincs, widow). Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1423/fronts 387
Middx. Richard Westwood versus Edward Meade, of Ware, yeoman, mainpernor for Humphrey Meade, of London, or of Ware, innholder. Debt. 

1584 Hilary 1423/dorses 328
Herts. Richard Westwood versus Humphrey Meade, of London, or of Ware, innholder. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1423/dorses 328
Herts. Richard Westwood versus Geoffrey Ridgeway, of Ware, innholder, mainpernor for Humphrey Meade. Debt.

1584 Hilary 1423/dorses 443
Dorset. Henry Heysham versus Nicholas Mullyns, of Milton, merchant; John Meade, of Mylton, yeoman; James Sherwood, of Shaftesbury, gent. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1437/fronts 349
Devon. Elias Crymes, esq versus Richard Meade, of Bycklyghe, husbandman. Trespass: close.

1585 Hilary 1437/fronts 371
London. David Jenkyns versus Arthur Munday, of London, gent; Edward Meade, of London, or of Poole, Dorset, gent. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1437/fronts 872
Kent. John Neale, executors of; (Elias Meade, gent; Anne his wife), versus Thomas Carden, of Mynster, Isle of Sheppey, yeoman. Debt, undefended.

1585 Hilary 1437/dorses 962
Oxon. Thomas Gardener, gent, attorney, versus William Bunne, of Syresham, Nhants, yeoman; Christopher Meade, of Gamlyngay, Cams, yeoman; Thomas Payton, of Bury St Edmunds, esq; Christopher Newse, of Colchester, gent. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1437/dorses 1121
London. Leonard Mapes, gent, versus Thomas Brakyn, of London, or of Chesterton, Cams, gent; Christopher Meade, of London, or of Lincolns Inn, Middx, gent. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1438/fronts 759
London. John Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy, executor of Thomas Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy, executor of; (Thomas Darcy, knight, Lord Darcy), versus John Thurogood, of Manuden, yeoman, executor of; (Nicholas Thorogood, of Manuden, Essex, yeoman); Edward Meade, of Bearden, Essex, yeoman, executors of; (Agnes Meade, of Berden, widow; John Meade, of Farneham, Essex, yeoman). Debt.

1585 Hilary 1438/dorses 495

London. Thomas Meade, gent, versus James Maye, of London, yeoman, or of Ashdon, brickmaker; Thomas Lodge, of London, or of Anstye, Herts, yeoman. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1438/dorses 496

London. Thomas Meade, gent, versus John Halden, of Hornemeade, Herts, maltman. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1438/dorses 501
Dorset. John Mounsell versus Lawrence Lechelond or Leslond, of Taunton, Soms, clothier; Thomas Pearcey, of Ratclyff, Middx, mariner; Henry Hanley, of Sherborne, fisherman; Thomas Meade, of Blanford Forum, butcher. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1439/fronts 28

Dorset. William Payer versus John Meade, of Mylton, yeoman; Clement Swetinge, of Blanford St Mary, yeoman; William Gye, of Stockewall, husbandman. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1439/dorses 110

Exeter. John Payre versus John Meade, of Mylton, Dorset, butcher; Walter Bearde, of Milton, yeoman; John Grene, of Kingston, Dorset, yeoman. Debt.

1585 Hilary 1439/dorses 398

Soms. William Parker, versus Henry Meade, of Blackford, Wedmore, husbandman; Richard Hardwell, of Blackford, Wedmore, husbandman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1504/fronts 549

Hants. Thomas Whoode versus John Meade, senior, of Chapenham (Chippenham, Wilts?), thatcher. Defamation. “Thou Thomas art a thief and an arrant thief for thou has stolen a cloak.”

1593 Hilary 1504/fronts 558

Warks. Thomas Greene, senior, executor of; (Thomas Greene, junior) versus Thomas Hawes, of Wasperton, husbandman; Hugh Mayd, of Wasperton, husbandman; John Jeffes, of Napton, husbandman; William Allybond, of Ladbrooke, husbandman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1505/dorses 1207

London. William Meade, of London, baker, summoned to answer George Melton. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1506/dorses 1029

Hants. Richard Jervys, versus John Battyn, of Andever, or of Beminster Dorset, husbandman; Henry Child, of Andever, or of Mylton, Dorset, gent; John Mead, of Andever, yeoman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1507/fronts 235

Dorset. John Mynterne versus John Meade, of Milton, yeoman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1507/fronts 664

London. Christopher Pearcey, esq, versus Thomas Grene, of London, or of St Giles in the Fields, Middx, yeoman; Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elmedon, Essex, gent. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1507/fronts 682

London. Henry Scudamore, versus Richard Tayler, of Rixsam, Cheshire, chapman; Precilla Meade, of Watford, Herts, yeoman; George Charley, of Colbrooke, Middx, innholder; John Conye, of Waltam on Thames, Surrey, chapman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1508/dorses 1310

London. Edmund Burton versus Thomas Travys, of London, vintner; John Howley, of London, or of Radclif, Middx, vintner; John Mead, of Radcliff, yeoman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1508/dorses 1618

London. Christopher Pearcy, esq, versus Thomas Grene, of London, or of St Giles in the Fields, Middx, yeoman; Thomas Meade, of London, or of Elmedon, Essex, gent. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1509/frons 167

Hants. Richard Jervys versus John Battyn, of Andever, or of Beminster, Dorset, husbandman; Henry Child, of Andever, or of Milton, gent; John Meade, of Andever, yeoman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1509/fronts 406

Cams. Robert Bowles versus Christopher Meade, of Gamblyngaye, yeoman; John Goodwyn, of Thriploe, yeoman; William Holte, of Meldrethe, yeoman. Debt.

1593 Hilary 1509/dorses 1165

Dorset. Charles Twynye, gent versus John Meade, of Milton, yeoman. Debt, undefended.

1593 Hilary 1509/dorses 1488

London. Henry Scudamore, versus Richard Tayler, of Rixsam, Cheshire, chapman; Precilla Meade, of Watford, Herts, yeoman; George Charley, of Colbrooke, Middx, innholder; John Conye, of Waltham on Thames, Surrey, chapman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1540/fronts 49

Herts. Abraham Copwood versus Edward Meade, of Ware, gent. Debt, outlawry.

1595 Hilary 1540/fronts 327

Herts. John Burman, gent, attorney, versus James Jeve, of Norton, gent; John Belabye, of Norton, yeoman; John Meade, of Norton, laborer; Lawrence Howe, of Norton, laborer. Trespass: close.

1595 Hilary 1540/fronts 459

Yorks. Ralph Hustler versus Richard Wardell, of Old Malton, yeoman; William Cowper, of Amorby, yeoman; Richard Medd, of Old Malton, yeoman; Robert Edwardes, of Old Malton, yeoman. Trespass: close.

1595 Hilary 1540/dorses 999

Herts. Edward Cowper alias Godfrey versus Christopher Meade, of Amwell, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1540/dorses 1223

London. Lyllye Thomas versus Edward Meade, of Henham, Essex, or of Ware, Herts, gent; Cuthbert Ostler, of Barrington, Cams, yeoman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1541/fronts 76

Bucks. Lawrence Meridall, versus Richard Meade, of Sulbury, Bucks, yeoman. Trespass: close at Parva Brickhill.

1595 Hilary 1541/fronts 98

Warks. William Sheldon, Alice his wife versus Paul Mead, of Warwick, cordwainer; Alice his wife. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1541/fronts 712

Bucks. Lawrence Meridall, versus Richard Meade, of Soulbury, Bucks, yeoman. Trespass: close at Soulbury.

1595 Hilary 1541/dorses 1028

Soms. William Celey, gent, attorney, versus William Meade; Philip Hawker. Trespass: assault at Chard.

1595 Hilary 1542/fronts 143
London. Michael Robynson versus Chrisopher Meade, of Amwell, Herts, gent; Edward Marshe, of London, or of Buckland, Herts, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1542/dorses 815
London. John Watt versus Christopher Meade, of London, or of Magna Amwell, Herts, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1542/dorses 1034
Dorset. Richard Chapman versus Thomas Meade, of Blanford Forum, butcher. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1543/dorses 875
Dorset. Richard Smythe versus John Meade, of Mylton, husbandman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1543/dorses 1054

London. Clement Buck, gent, versus Edward Meade, of Stansted Veale, Herts, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1543/dorses 1065

London. Thomas Mead, gent, versus John Steed, of Chrissall, Essex, yeoman, executrix of; (Annabella Steed, of Chrisall, widow). Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/fronts 226

Sussex. Richard Mead versus Richard Hardman, of New Shoreham, yeoman; Edward Bellyngham, of East Grensted, chapman; John Gosson, of Wadherst, mercer. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/fronts 828

Herts. Gilbert Westhed versus Christopher Meade, of Great Amwell, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/fronts 899

Soms. William Meade, versus William Celey, attorney. Trespass: assault.

1595 Hilary 1544/fronts 968

London. John Malyn, executors of; (Francis Dod,; Margery his wife) versus Tempest Sheffeild, of London, or of Barnards Inn, Middx, gent; Humphrey Reade, of London, or of Hilderston, Stone, Staffs, tailor; John Meade, of London, or of Stibbighuth (Stepney?), Middx, yeoman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/dorses 1216

Sussex. John Wynter versus Henry Meade, of Willingdon, husbandman; James Terrey, of Wilmington, yeoman; John Somner, of Herstmounceux, tailor; John Chilley, of Herstmounceux, yeoman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/dorses 1439

Kent. Thomas Webbe versus William Smyth, of Cranebroke, carpenter; Richard Meade, of Cranebroke, carpenter. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1544/dorses 1866

London. Erasmus Major versus John Meade, of Mylton, Dorset, yeoman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1545/dorses 1117

London. Thomas Meade versus Christopher Currant, of London, or of Chrissall, Essex, yeoman; Richard Parishe, of London, or of Wisbitche, Isle of Ely, Cams, yeoman. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1545/dorses 1143
London. John Watt versus Christopher Meade, of London, or of Amwell Magna, Herts, gent. Debt.

1595 Hilary 1545/dorses 1284
London. Thomas Culwick, gent, attorney versus Francis Babington, of London, esq; Ingram Frysar, of London, gent; Richard Westley, of London, goldsmith; Edmund Middleton, of London, haberdasher; John Pope, of London, gent; William Bretton, of Horndon on the Hill, Essex, yeoman; Nicholas Meade, of London, yeoman; Ewan Sherborne, of St Giles without Creplegate, Middx yeoman; William Alexander alias Zinzano, of London, gent; Robert Brayton, administrator of; (Henry Brayton, of London, draper). Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/fronts 723
London. William Cragg, gent, attorney versus William Higden, of London, or of Redburne, Herts, yeoman; John Merywether, of Chart juxta Sutton, Kent, gent; Humphrey Meade, of Kegworth, Leics, butcher. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/fronts 897
Nhants. Brian West versus Thomas Meades, of Helmeden, butcher; William Meades, of Helmeden, butcher. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 1368
Soms. Thomas Collyns versus Thomas Meade, of Weston, husbandman. Ejectment.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 1446
London. Thomas Culwick, gent, attorney, versus William Typper, of London, gent; John Wolmer, of Haddam, Herts, husbandman; Benedict Barwick, of London, ironmonger; William Spatchurst, of London, gent; Nicholas Meade, of London, gent; William Hornyolde, of London, gent; Ralph Neade, of London, yeoman; Martin Smythe, of London, haberdasher; William Rutland, of Mitcham, Surrey, gent. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 1503
London. Robert Boothe versus Edward Meade, of London, or of Stansted St Margaret, Herts, gent. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 1617
Staffs. William Hoo versus John Wilke, of Willenhall, gent; Roland Meade, of Willenhall, collier. Trespass: close and taking.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 1648
London. John Meade, administrator of William Robinson, versus George Fowkes, of Hartinge Sussex, gent; Andrew Russell, of West Hartinge, Sussex, gent; Richard Russell, of London, or of West Hartinge, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 2036
Essex. Richard Meade versus William Crosse, of Manuden, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1574/dorses 2036
Essex. Richard Meade versus John Foxe, of Widdington, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1576/fronts 146
Essex. Richard Meade versus Nicholas Barnard, of Stortford, Herts, tailor; Francis Santon alias Mathewe, of Stortford, bricklayer. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1576/fronts 211
Essex. Richard Meade versus Thomas Cowell, of Hodesdon, Amwell, Herts, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1576/fronts 270
Soms. Thomas Collyns versus Thomas Meade, of Weston, husbandman. Ejectment.

1596 Michaelmas 1576/fronts 968
London. Christopher Meade versus Richard Chambers, of Magna Amwell, Herts, yeoman. Trespass: assault.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 504
Monmouth. Edward Meade, of London, goldsmith, versus Thomas Harrys, of London, or of Middle Temple, gent; Moses Fockyng, of London, goldsmith. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/fronts 447

Dorset. Thomas Ashcame versus John Meade, of Mylton, yeoman; John Payer, of Milton, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/fronts 1004
Sussex. Richard Meade versus Richard Kente, of Framfeld, yeoman, chapman; Hugh Awcocke, of Clyffe juxta Lewes, victualer. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 1129

London. William Pascall versus James Meade, of London, or of Thavys Inn, gent. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 1771

London. William Robinson, administrator of; (John Meade) versus George Fowkes, of Hartinge, Sussex, gent; Andrew Russell, of Harting, gent; Richard Russell, of London, or of West Harting, Sussex, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 1790

London. William Cragg, gent, attorney versus John Merywether, of Chart juxta Sutton, Kent, gent; Humphrey Meade, of Kegworth, Leics, butcher. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 1924

London. William Dauncer, versus William Spycer, of London, or of Warwick, gent; Edward Mede, of London, or of Poole, Dorset, gent. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1577/dorses 1942

London. Thomas Culwick, gent, attorney, versus William Typper, of London, gent; John Wolmer, of Haddam, Herts, husbandman; Benedict Barwick, of London, ironmonger; William Spatchurst, of London, gent; Nicholas Meade, of London, gent; William Hornyolde, of London, gent; Ralph Neade, of London, gent; Martin Smythe, of London, haberdasher; William Rutland, of Mitcham, Surrey, gent. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1578/fronts 943

Essex. Richard Meade, versus Henry Thurgood, of Pelham Furnex, Herts, husbandman; Richard Thurgood, of Pelham Furnex, husbandman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1578/dorses 1345

Dorset. Robert Strode, esq, versus John Meade, of Milton, yeoman; Henry Childe, of Milton, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1579/dorses 1408

Herts. Meade Christopher, gent, versus John Baytman, of Amwell Magna, husbandman; John Gyllam, of Amwell Magna, husbandman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1579/dorses 1633

London. Thomas Lake versus James Anton, of London, mercer; Richard Meade, of London, or of Berden, Essex, yeoman. Debt.

1596 Michaelmas 1579/dorses 2109
Kent. Lynch Thomas, gent versus John Bargar, of Dover, tanner; Humphrey Meade, of Dover, gent, jurat. Debt.