
It is generally thought that Thomas Mede of Clavering, who left a will in 1504, was from Bristol or Somerset, related to the merchant family of Bristol. I used to think so too, but now I'm not so sure. All of the people below lived within three or four miles of Clavering. I don't know if they are in the same family as Thomas Mede of Clavering, or how they might be related to each other. I just thought I'd put them all in one place to see what it would look like.

Born about 1380-1410

William Mede, of Clavering, senior, manor court rolls 1422-24

William Mede, of Clavering, junior, manor court rolls 1433-34

Eustace Meed, of Henham, husbandman, Common Pleas 1427

John Mede, father of William Mede, of Clavering, husbandman, manor court rolls 1433-35

John Mede or atte Mede or Maad, of Wimbish, husbandman, Common Pleas 1423-35

Thomas Mede or Maad, of Debden, husbandman, Common Pleas 1431

John Mede, senior, of Ryklyng, husbandman , Common Peas 1422-30

John Mede, junior, servant in Wediton, or of Wydyngton, laborer 1421-22

John Mede, of Clavering, Essex, husbandman, Common Pleas 1435-36

(Possibly these three John Medes are father and son; Clavering and Rickling are about a mile apart.)

Richard Mede, of Clavering, Essex, husbandman, manor court rolls 1422-33, Common Pleas 1435-36

Thomas Meede, of Newport, Essex, husbandman, Patent rolls 1439, Common Pleas 1438-47

Richard Mede, of Henham, Essex, husbandman. Common Pleas 1448

William Mede alias Taillour, of Magna Warle, or of Wendon Lofts, yeoman or farmer, Common Pleas 1448-50

Born about 1390-1430

John Mede, of Manuden, Essex, husbandman, Common Pleas 1454

John Mede, of Furneux Pelham, Herts, husbandman, Common Pleas 1454

Born about 1410-1450

Thomas Mede, of Stansted, husbandman , Common Pleas 1476

Born about 1440-60

John Mede, of Claveryng, Essex, yeoman, Common Pleas 1485-6, manor court rolls 1484-85

William Mede of Clavering, manor court rolls 1484-1504, brother of Thomas

Thomas Mede of Clavering, Essex, husbandman, manor court rolls 1499-1500, Common Pleas 1500-1, will 1504

Born about 1460-80

William Mede, of Berden, manor court rolls 1495-1500, will 1502

Giles Mede, of Claveryng, Essex, labourer, Common Pleas 1501-2

John Mede, of Furneux Pelham, Herts, yeoman , Common Pleas 1501-3, son of John Mede of Furneaux Pelham

Robert Mede, of Claveryng, Essex, yeoman, Common Pleas 1507, probably son of Thomas Mede of Clavering, will 1504