Robert Meede of St Albans, 1431
In the name of God, amen, the 13th day of June anno domino 1431, I Robert Meede, of sound mind and in good memory, make my testament in this form. First I commend my soul to God almighty, my creator, to the Virgin Mary and to all the saints in heaven, my body to be buried in the cemetery of St Peter of St Albans. Item I give to the same church 12 d. Item I give for the benefit (ad opus) of Charnell Brotherhood 12 d. The residue of all my goods not bequeathed I give to Hugh Meede my brother, whom I constitute executor of this testament, to dispose of for the good of my soul.
Hugh Mede of St Albans, 1442
In the name of God, amen, the 6th day of June, 1442, I Hugh Mede of St Albans, make my testament. First I give my soul etc. and my body to be buried in the cemetery of St Peter in the aforesaid town. Item to the fabric of the said church 6 d. Item to the light of All Saints in St Andrews chapel 12 d. Item to the light of the Blessed Mary in the said chapel 12 d. Item to Thomas my son, a monk at Westminster, 1 --- with 1 silver spoon. Item to Ellen my daughter 1 silver spoon with one silver pelu--. The residue of all my goods I give to Isabel my wife, whom I make my executrix, with Roger Awllnell as auditor to dispose for my soul.
Thomas Meade of Barley, Herts, 1531
In the name of God Amen the xth day of January in the year of our lord God a thousand five hundred and thirty I Thomas Meade of Barley in the diocese of London, whole of mind and memory thanks be given unto God my saviour, make, ordain and dispose this my present testament and last will in manner and form as hereafter doth ensue. First I bequeath and commend my soul unto God, our lady & all saints and my body to be buried in the churchyard of our blessed lady of Barley aforesaid. Also I bequeath to the high altar of the same church for my tithes and oblations forgotten or withholden xiid. Item I bequeath to an honest priest to sing in the said church for my soul and all Christian souls at my principal feast in the next year after my death xxs. Item to the belfrey there xiid. Item to the torches there xiid. Item I bequeath to the gild of Saint Katherine iiii bushels of malt and my great brass pan. Item I give and bequeath to Richard my son forty shillings to be paid unto the said Richard by the hand of mine eecutor of the sale of my house and land in Barley aforesaid upon condition that the said Richard shall surrender and release unto Thomas Miller all his right, title and interest that the said Richard hath or may have of & in the said house & land by reason of a surrender by me made at a court holden at Abbotsbury at hockday xii months before the date of this my present will or else not. Also I bequeath to William Meade my son vis. viiid. Item to Sybil my daughter iiis. iiiid. The residue of all my goods and chattels not above bequeathed after my funeral expenses due, my debts paid and this my present testament fulfilled I give and bequeath to Margaret my wife, which Margaret and John Fordham & William Chapman of this my present testament and last will I ordain and make my executors and I give to any of them for their labour besides their reasonable costs iiis. iiiid. They being witnesses John Coburn, Thomas White, William Watson & others more. Given at Barley the day and year above written.
Simon Meade of Gilston, Herts., 1546
In the name of God, Amen, the year of our lord 1546 I Simon Mede, sick of body but whole of mind, make and order this my present testament and last will. First I bequeath my soul unto almighty God and to our blessed lady Saint Mary and to all the saints of heaven, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Saint Margaret in Gilston and I bequeath to the high altar of the said church vi d. Item I bequeath to my mother church of Wells iiii d. I bequeath to Margaret Nicholson my daughter xl s and to any one of her children xii d apiece. I bequeath to Alice Motte my daughter xl s and any one of her children xii d apiece. The residue of goods after my debts paid and the rest of my bequests are done I give to Anne my wife whom I make and ordain my executrix and I will that George Baley, smith, be another. And I will that the said George shall have for his labour iii s iiii d. Item I give unto Margaret my daughter half a quarter of wheat. Item I bequeath to John Body a bushel of wheat.
They being witnesses: Robert Manning, parish priest, Robert Cooke of Gilston, and I give to either of them iii s iiii d apiece. Nicholas Peling witness.
Thomas Meade of Bishops Stortford, Herts, 1552
In the name of God Amen the XII th day of June in the year of our lord 1552 and in the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign lord King Edward by the grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and Ireland the supreme head, I Thomas Meade of Hockerill in the parish of Stortford in the county of Hertford, husbandman, whole of mind and memory, praising God for the same, do make and ordain this my last testament containing in it my last will as hereafter follows. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Stortford aforesaid. Item I give to the poor of the said town XX d. Item I bequeath unto my daughter Lucy five pounds to be paid at the time of her marriage in the hand of Thomas Person, Bailiff, of Stortford aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath unto the child that my wife goes with, if she be with any, at the time of marriage five pounds to be paid by the hand of the said Thomas Person. And I will that if myife be not with child that then the said five pounds to remain unto my said daughter Lucy to be paid at the time aforesaid and my will is that the said sum of ten pounds shall be levied of the goods of me the said Thomas Meade and if it fortune my said wife be with child and either of them do die then I will that the one of them shall have the other's share, and if the said children do both die before the payment aforesaid then I will the said sum of X pounds to remain to my said wife. The residue of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts being paid, my legacies performed and my funeral discharged, I give them wholly to Julian my said wife, whom I ordain and constitute my executrix together with the said Thomas Person to whom I give for his pains XII d and John Chaf my overseer to whom I give for his pains iiii d. In witness whereof I have caused this my last will to be written and read openly before me, they being witnesses present Matthew Calader, Edmond Esheredge and Richard Feather vicar.
Elizabeth Mede of Standon, 1557
In the name of God amen, the year of our lord God 1557 the xxx day of March, I Elizabeth Mede, widow, of the parish of Standon in the county of Herts in the diocese of London, being whole of mind & of good remembrance, thanks be to God, do ordain & make this my last will & testament in manner & form following. First I bequeath my soul unto God almighty, to our lady Saint Mary & to all the holy company in heaven & my body to be buried in the churchyard of Standon. Item I give to any of my six children, that is to say Agnes, Ellen, Elizabeth, Richard, Mary & John, to any of them vis. viiid. when they or any of them cometh to the age of xx years. Item I ordain & make William Mede of Standon & John Adams of the same my sole executors of this my last will & testament, to whom I give all my goods & debts, both movable and unmovable & they to bring up or see the bringing up of my six children & at the ages above said to give to any of them the vis. viii d. & to bring my body honestly to the earth & pay my debt. Thee being witnesses of this my last will & testament Robert Ashton, vicar of Standon, John Gayle with others more.
Richard Meade of Watford, Herts. 1559
In the name of God, Amen, anno domino 1559 and the xx day of October I Richard Mede of the parish of Watford within the county of Herts, sick in body but whole of mind make my testament and last will as followeth. First I commit my soul to God and my body to be buried within the churchyard of Watford. Also I give to William my son iii li vi s iiii d. (One line crossed out.) Item my will is that the said goods so given shall be delivered to my overseers when they shall demand it for his profit as they think best. Item I give to Prysly and Roger my sons xl s apiece to be delivered to my overseers in like manner and if any of my said children die before they be of lawful age then I will his part so given to remain to the others that liveth. And if my wife do marry then I will that my said wife find sufficient surety to my overseers to deliver the said good to them when they or their assigns shall call for it, or else to deliver the said good immediately to my overseer and my will us my children shall have this good delivered to them at the age of xxi years if my overseers think that they be able to occupy the said good. Item I give to my wife's two daughters vi s viii d apiece. The rest of my goods not given, my debts paid, I give to Margaret my wife whom I make my whole executrix and I make John Martin and John Finch my overseers and give them v s betwixt them the which is in Cornish's hand. Witnesses Andrew Dallow vicar, John Kelsey, Richard Jones, Thomas Heydon.
Richard Mede, 1560
This inventory of all the goods of Richard Mede of the parish of Watford within the jurisdiction of Saint Albans, provided the xxi day of September Anno Domino 1560 and the second year of our sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth, appraisers Thomas Finch, John Marten, Thomas Philyppe and Oliver Eckelles.
Imprimis in the hall one cupboard price 3 s
Item one table board and a joined chair 2 s 7 d
Item one form and ii little chairs 6 d
Item iiii pewter platters & viii pewter dishes 9 s
Item ii pottingers, ii saucers, a cup,
a salt cellar, and an old pewter pot 2 s
Item one latten basin & iii candlesticks,
a chafing dish and a mortar 5 s
Item iii brass pots 7 s
Item v kettles, a posnet and a skimmer 10 s
Item old painted cloths aloft the hall 12 s
Item ii pairs of kacks (?), one andiron, a pair
of pothooks and a spit, ii gridirons, ii fire
shovels, 6 a prime pan 7 s
Goods in all other places of the house
Item a bushel and a vame (?) 5 s
Item a bolting with iii tubs and a shovel 4 s
Item iii bedspreads, iii mattresses, iii
coverlets, with bolsters, pillows and blankets 30 s
Item xv pairs of sheets, iii tablecloths,
iii napkins 50 s
Item iii chests with painted cloths in the loft 5 s 6d
Item one horse 3£ 6 s 6d
Item a cow 20 s
Item a hog and iii pigs 7 s
Item vi lbs of yarn 3 s
Item his apparel 20 s
Item a axe and ii bills 2 s
Item all other treen vessels and board 5 s
Sum total 13 £ 5 s 4 d
Executed the 26th day of the month of October Anno Domino 1560.
Robert Meade of Thorley, Herts, 1571
In the name of God amen, I Robert Meade of Thorley in the county of Hertford and diocese of London, being of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God, do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul unto almighty God my maker, saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Thorley aforesaid. Item I give to Edward my son my red cow and a pair of sheets. Item I give to Harry my son my dun cow and a pair of sheets. Item I will that all my sheep be equally divided between Edward my son and Harry my son. Item I give to Johanna my daughter my ____ and a pair of sheets to be delivered at the day of her marriage or at the age of XX years of age. Also my will is that if any of my three children fortune to die before they come to the age of XX years that then the part so deceased to be equally divided amongst they that be then alive. The residue of my goods not bequeathed I give and bequeath to Johanna my wife whom I ordain and make my sole ecutrix, and Andrew Davotey to be supervisor of this my last will and testament. There being witnesses John ______ and Thomas Brown with others.
Robert Meade of Braughing, Herts, 1572
In the name of God amen, the XVIII day of November 1572 I Robert Meade of Braughing within the county of Herts, tiler, do make this my last and testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God In whom I hope to have remission of my sins and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Braughing aforesaid. Item I will that whosoever do keep my daughter Elizabeth shall have my house and a bullock with commodities and profit until my children come to _____ and if my daughter Johanna do marry before my said heir be of the age of XXI years that then I will my daughter Johanna shall have my house and bullock and she to keep my daughter Elizabeth until my son Henry be of the years aforesaid and then to have my house and bullock to his heirs forever and he to keep my daughter Elizabeth during her natural life. If he fortune to die that then the said Elizabeth to have my house and bullock during her natural life as aforesaid and then to remain my said house and bulck to her heirs for ever, in default thereof to Richard and his heirs and so consequently to all my children beginning with my daughter Joan, whom I will that my son Henry shall have unto my son Richard at the said age of XXI years. Item I will the timber and leases left to be should by my executors hand the money to be delivered to the said Richard by then at his age above written. I will also that he shall have _____________ the money thereof to be delivered unto him by my executors at his age above written. Also I will that Henry shall have a bedstead and the cupboard. I give and bequeath unto Johanna my daughter two sheets, a bolster, a mattress and coverlet. All thereof not bequeathed and given I will that it shall be equally divided between Johanna and Alice my daughters. My executors my brother William Meade and Henry Meade and I give to either of them for their pains a pig. Also I will they make a wall where the old house does stand. Witnesses hereof Robert Adams, Thomas Clark, John Endlay. Deliverigby me to Robert Adams.
Avis Mede of Royston, Herts 1579
In the name of God amen, the xxviii th day of May anno domino 1576 & in the eighteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lady queen Elizabeth, I Avis Mede of Royston in the diocese of London, widow, being whole & perfect of remembrance, praised be almighty God, make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following, first desiring almighty God to receive my soul to his mercy at his will & pleasing & my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors. Item I give unto my daughter Bridget Reynolds wife unto Thomas Reynolds in money xx Li. to be paid unto her within one half year next after my decease. Item I give unto Elizabeth Suelle daughter of John Suelle my son in money iii Li. vis. viiid. to be paid to her at the day of her marriage, one pair of flaxen sheets, a pair of towen sheets, my great brass pot, my greatest hutch & iii of my best cushions. Item I give and bequeath to Ellen Suelle & Judith Suelle daughters of the said John Suelle to either of them in money iii Li. vis. viii. toe paid to either of them at the days of either of their marriages. Item I give unto Christopher Suelle, Edmond Suelle & Abraham Suelle sons of the said John Suelle my son to either of them in money vi Li. xiiis. iiiid. to be paid to either of them when they shall accomplish & be of the age of xxi years. Item I give unto Suzan Yokesley alias Brook wife of Richard Yokesley alias Brook in money xx Li. to be paid to her within four years next after my decease, viz xiiii days next before the feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle yearly five pounds until the said xx Li. be fully paid. Item I give unto the said Suzan Yokesley also my household stuff, saving & excepting my table, my frame the (unclear) & my best featherbed, the bedstead, the mattress, the bolster, a pair of new blankets, my best overing (?) & ii pillows, which table, frame, (unclear) featherber, bedstead, mattress, bolster, blankets, overing and pillows I give and bequeath to John Suelle my son aforesaid. The residue of all my goods & chattels, my debs paid & these my legacies performed, I give & bequeath to the said John Suelle my son which John Suelle I make & ordain sole and whole executor of this my said last will & testament & Thomas Turner to be my supervisor to see this my said will performed. These being witnesses Thomas Painter, Richard Turner, Thomas Turner, John Sherman, Robert Auger. The mark of the said Avis Mede.
Inventory of William Mead of Watford Herts 1592
A true inventory of all the goods and chattels of moveable and immovable of William Meade late of Watford in the county of Hertford, mealman, deceased the xxvii th day of September in the four and thirtieth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth the queen's majesty, now is valued and priced the vi day of October in the year above said by John Longes, Griffen Nybolles & William Safford.
In the hall
Inprimis a cupboard and a cupboard cloth and an old painted clother viii s
Item a table, a form, an old counter, an old chair and three old stools v s
Item a pair of tongs, a pair of andirons, a fire shovel, ii hangers and ii pairs of old bellows iii s
In the chamber
Inprimis one joined bedstead, a trundle bed and a table with a frame and a form xx s
Item three chairs xiii s iiii d
Item an old painted clother, an old doublet, and an old wicker chair vi s viii d
Item six pairs of tow sheets xx s
In the loft
Inprimis an old bedstead, an old featherbed, two old flock beds, ii old blankets, an old coverlet, three bolsters & a little chest xxx s
In the buttery
Inprimis four kettles, an old brass pot and two (?) ix s iiii d
Item ix little old pieces of pewter and two old pewter pots iii s vi d
Item a lining wool, two tubs and other timber x s
Item two old tubs and a boulting hutch, iii old chairs iiii s
Item debts
Summa totalis vi li xii s x d
George Meade of Ware, Herts, 1621
In the name of God amen, the nine and twentieth day of December Anno Domino 1620, I George Meade of Ware in the county of Hertford, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) first I commend my soul into the hand of almighty God my maker, hoping through the merit of Jesus Christ my only redeemer and saviour to have pardon for my sins and to reign with him eternally, and my body to the earth whereof it was made. And for and concerning my land, messuages, tenements, leases, plate and moveable goods whatsoever wherewith the lord has blessed me withal I give bequeath unto my son George Meade, my debts, legacies and funeral expenses discharged, to him and his heirs forever, whom I do make my sole and whole executor of this my last will and testament. Item I give and bequeath unto the poor of Ware three pounds to be paid by my executor to be equally divided amongst them at the discretion of the churchwardens of the said parish within half a year after my deceas In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses hereunto Michael Saxpes, Ed Meade, John Combes.
Samuel Mead of Thorley, Herts, 1621
In the name of God amen, I Samuel Mead of the parish of Thorley in the county of Hertford, labourer, being sound of body & of good & perfect remembrance, for which God's name be praised, do ordain and make this my last will and testament in form and manner following. In primis I commend my soul into the hand of almighty God and body decently to be buried at the appointment of my executrix. Item I bequeath & will unto my daughter for term of her life the bed, bedstead and all things belonging thereunto in the parlor & also the cupboard in the parlor & the box in my lifetime I had use of & the table in the parlor and the with the frame in the chamber & the form thereunto belonging. And after the death of my daughter I will unto one of my daughter's children & the heirs of the said child upon whom she shall think good to bestow all the moveables mentioned & set down before. Item I give unto my wife for term of her natural life my house with the land, orchard and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. After he death of my wife I will unto my son Samuel & his heirs my house & orchard with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, upon this condition that my aforesaid son Samuel shall permit & suffer my daughter Hannah & her husband & children during the term of my daughter's natural life peaceably and quietly to enjoy & possess to her use the parlor in my house, and shall likewise suffer her & her husband & children to have liberty quietly to have use of the chimney in the hall & use of the oven, use of the yard with free ingress, egress & regress to & through the yard & hall at all times whensoever she or they will to the aforesaid parlor and other commodities before mentioned & named for term of her natural life without molestation or trouble. Item I will further that my aforesaid daughter Hannah shall have for term of her life the one half of the fruit (any year) that shall be growing in & upon the orchard belonging to my house. And if my son Samuel shall molest & trouble my daughter & not suffer her peaceably &quietly to enjoy & possess all those commodities & other things as I have given and granted to her by this my last will & testament, then I will that my son Samuel shall have nothing to do with my house but that my daughter shall have full power & authority by this y will to come and cast him out of the aforesaid house & peaceably & quietly to enjoy it with the orchard & appurtenances thereunto belonging for term of her natural life. And it is my will that if my son Samuel shall go about to cross & hinder that which I have granted & given by this my last will & testament, that then he shall neither enjoy the house, nor orchard, nor any other commodity which was mine until after the death of my daughter Hannah. All the rest of my goods, chattels, moveables & whatsoever I have and shall be possessed of at the hour of my death, I which I have not formerly given, I give & bequeath unto my wife who I make the sole and only executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the aforesaid Samuel Meae have hereunto set my hand & seal the seventeenth day of June and in the eighteenth year of the reign of our gracious king James, king of England, France & Ireland, defender of the faith, and of Scotland the three and fiftieth. 1620.
Jeremy Meade of Rickmansworth 1621
In the name of God Amen, I Jeremy (Jerame) Meade if Rickmansworth in the county of Hertford, white baker, being sick in body but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given to almighty God, do make, constitute & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following. First I bequeath my soul unto almighty God my maker hoping assuredly through the only merit of Jesus Christ my saviour & redeemer to be made partaker of that glorious life which is to come. Next my body I concede unto the earth whereof it was made to be buried in the parish church of Rickmansworth aforesaid. Item I will & devise unto my loving wife Joane all those my lands, tenements & hereditaments in the parish of Cheneys in the county of Bucks which I lately purchased of Master Tryon of London to have and to hold to my said wife during the term & space of nine years next & immediately from & after my decease upon this special trust & consideration that she my said wife shall & will out of the lease, issues & profits of my said lands (h own third only excepted) pay and discharge such debts as I owe so far forth as the profits thereof shall extend, but if in case my wife shall marry within the said term of nine years next after my death then my will & meaning is that my said wife before her marriage shall give sufficient security to Richard Procter & Alexander Aldwyn to answer the profits which she shall receive & to manifest the disposition of the same in & concerning my debts allowing to the intent & meaning of the devises of the term aforesaid. Item my will & meaning is that after the end and expiration of the said term of nine years as aforesaid that the said Richard Procter & Alexander Aldwyn shall & may enter into the said lands & enjoy the profits thereof for & during the space of ten years next after to the intent & only purpose that they the said Richard & Alexander may raise the sum of two hundred pounds to be equally distributed & paid to my two daughters Mary & Elizabeth for their portions at their several ages of four & twentyyars & if any my daughters die before their said ages of four & twenty years then my mind & meaning is that her portion be divided in this manner, that is to say, twenty pounds thereof to my wife & the other four score to be divided between my sons Jerome & Richard & the surviving sister. And further if it should happen that the said Richard Procter & Alexander Aldwyn shall raise the said sum of two hundred pounds sooner than in the said ten years, then my mind & meaning is the said lease to cease & be utterly void, provided also nevertheless that if my son Jerome or his heirs shall pay unto my said daughters such sums of money as are formerly (?) or so much as shall be due amongst those that survive, that then it shall be lawful for my said son Jerome & his heirs to enter unto the said lands & enjoy the same to them & their heirs forever & to avoid the said lease to make and to raise my daughters' portions as aforesaid. Item I bequeath to the poor of the parish of Rickmansworth twenty dozen of bread & twentyshillings in money to be bestowed at my burial. Item I give & bequeath to Mary Hill my wife's sister forty shillings. The residue of my goods not bequeathed, my debts paid & burial charges defrayed, I give unto my said wife whom I make my full & sole executrix of this my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have subscribed my name and set my seal the third day of November Anno Domino 1621.
Richard Meade, Baker, Rickmansworth, 1637
In the name of God Amen, the twentieth day of January anno domino one thousand six hundred thirty six, anno reg. Caroli duodecimo I Richard Meade of Rickmansworth in the county of Hartford, baker, weak in body but of good and perfect memory, God be praised therefore, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul into the hands of almighty God my maker, hoping assuredly through the only merit of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made partaker of life everlasting, and I commend my body to the earth whereof it is made, to be buried in Christian burial as becometh. Whereas I have this present day made a surrender into the hands of the lord of the manor of Croxley by the hands of William Baldwyn, one of the customary tenants of the manor aforesaid sworn to take surrender of tenantslying in extremis in the presence of Jowh Ewer and Nicholas Aldwyn, two other of the customary tenants of the said manor according to the custom of the said manor, of all my customa messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments holden of the said manor of Croxley to such use and uses and to such intent and purposes as I have or shall in and by my last will and testament in writing devise, dispose, limit and appoint the same, now I the said Richard Meade do here by this my last will and testament devise, dispose, limit and appoint all my customary messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments holden of the said manor of Croxley to George Scudmore of Watford in the county of Hertford, baker, John Andrews and Abraham Andrews of Rickmansworth aforesaid, and Raphe Twitchett of Watford aforesaid and their assigns for and during the term of the natural life of Johane Gyle my mother, wife of John Gyle, upon trust and confidence nevertheless that they the said George Scudamore, John Andrews, Abraham Andrews and Raphe Twitchett shall permit and suffer the said Johane to have, receive, take and dispose to her own use and behoof the said customary messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments for hrmaintenance, so as the said John Gyle do not meddle with the same or the rent, issues or profit thereof, and if the said John Gyle do meddle with the same or receive the rent, issues or profit thereof or any part thereof that then the said George Scudamore, John Andrews, Abraham Andrews and Raphe Twitchett shall receive and dispose the same as to them shall seem most convenient and best for the good and benefit of the said Jonane and for her maintenance. And after the decease of the said Johane I do devise, dispose, limit and appoint the said messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments to Elizabeth Tuly my sister, wife of Anthony Tuly, for and during the term of her natural life and after her decease to the first son begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and to the heirs of the body of such first son, and for default of such issue to the second son begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and to the heirs of the body of such second son, and for default of such isu to the third son begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and the heirs of the body of such third son, and for default of such issue to the fourth son begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and to the heirs of the body of such fourth son, and for default of such issue to the first daughter begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and the heirs of the body of such first daughter, and for default of such issue to the second daughter begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and to the heirs of the body of such second daughter, and for default of such issue to the third daughter begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and the heirs of the body of such third daughter, and for default of such issue to the fourth daughter begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Elizabeth and the heirs of the body of such fourth daughter, and for default of such issue to any son or daughter to be begotten on the bodyof he said Elizabeth and to the heirs of the body of such son or daughter, and for default of such issue to Anthony Hill of Chesham magna in the county of Buckingham my uncle, his heirs and assigns for ever. Item my will and meaning is and I will, devise and appoint my executors to purchase free or customary lands, tenements or hereditaments of the value of three score and ten pounds of lawful English money, which lands, tenements and hereditaments by my said executors to be purchased my will is shall be assured and conveyed to the said Elizabeth my sister for term of her life and after her death to the issue of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten in such manner and form as the said Elizabeth during the life of the said Anthony her husband may not sell or alienate the same or the rent, issues or profit thereof but so that if the said Elizabeth do survive her said husband that then the said Elizabeth may sell or alienate the same provided and my will and meaning is that if the lands new surrendered o th use of me and my heirs by Thomas Weedon shall come to the said Elizabeth as heir to me the said Richard by reason of the breach of the condition annexed to the said surrender, that then my executors shall not purchase for the said Elizabeth any lands, tenements or hereditaments. Item I give and bequeath unto my said sister Elizabeth ten pounds of lawful English money. Item I give and bequeath unto my aunt Mary Puddifatt twenty shillings. Item I give and bequeath to the poor of Rickmansworth forty shillings in money and bread of he value of other forty shillings, all to be distributed at my funeral. Item I give and bequeath unto my mother's servant Sara Trott forty shillings. The residue of all my money, goods and chattels whatsoever unbequeathed, my legacies being paid and the charges of my funeral discharged, I will shall be emploed by my executors for the good and benefit and towards the maintenance of my said mother Johane Gyle so as the said John Gyle shall not have anything to do with the same or have r receive any profit thereby, and to be paid by them to my said mother at such time and times as to them shall seem most convenient and best for the good and benefit of my said mothe during her life and after her death to be paid to such person & persons and in such manner as my said mother by her last will and testament or by any other writing by her sealed in the presence of two or more witnesses shall direct or appoint. And I nominate, make, ordain and appoint the said John Andrews, George Scudamore, Abraham Andrews and Raphe Twitchett my executors in trust for the good and benefit of my said mother and I give to every one of them for their pains ten shillings besides their ordinary charges to be borne and allowed tehm when they shall travel about my business concerning this my will. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written, Richard Meade. Published by the said Richard to be his last will and testament in the presence of William Abbott, Robert Corbet, Richard Warden.
John Meade of Shenley, Herts. 1626, proved 1639
In the name of God amen the seventeenth day of February anno domino 1626 I John Meade of Shenley in the county of Hertford and in the diocese of Lincoln, tailor, being perfectly whole in body, mind & memory, blessed be the name of Almighty God for the same, do make this my present testament and last will in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God my creator & maker and to Jesus Christ mine alone and only saviour and to the holy ghost my consolation and comforter, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Shenley aforesaid. Item I bequeath unto my cousin Mary now wife of Richard Jarrell of Harrow sixpence and to each of her children sixpence apiece. Item I give to her eldest brother William Gordon son of Robert Gordon of Derbyshire and of the parish of Hallam sixpence and to each of the aforesaid Robert Gordon's sons or daughters that he had by his second wife sixpence apiece if they come and demand it with a true testimonial under the hand of the minister and churchwarden of the parish where they were born that they are true and lawful sons and daughters of the aforesaid Robert Gordon. Item the residue of all my goods and chattels, moveables and immovables I do give unto Elizabeth my beloved wife whom I do ordain and make my true and sole executrix of this my last will and testament, these being witnesses.
Francis Mead of Aspeden, yeoman 1649
In the name of God amen, the one and twentieth day of May anno domino one thousand six hundred forty nine, I Francis Mead of Aspeden in the county of Hertford, yeoman, being of sound and perfect remembrance, praise be given to almighty God, do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth. First I bequeath my soul and body into the hands of almighty God my creator, hoping assuredly to be saved by the death of Jesus Christ my blessed savior and redeemer. And for my body I do bequeath it to the earth, desiring the same to be buried in Christian burial at the best discretion of my executrix hereafter named. And for my worldly goods I do bequeath as followeth. Item I give unto Mary my loving wife all my houses (unclear), orchards, lands, goods and chattels whatsoever during her natual life, and after her decease to Mary my daugher. But if it shall please God to take my daughter out of this world before her mother my loving wife, then to my loving wife and her heirs forever, whom I make and ordain my whole executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereunto I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written. The mark of Francis Mead, sealed and delivered in the presence of us Thomas Watson, Eleanor Sampson.
1671 Mary Mead, spinster, Bishops Stortford
Memorandum that on or about the tenth day of November 1670, Mary Meade of Stortford in the county of
Hertford, spinster, being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory, and having a mind to dispose of that estate she had, did utter and declare her mind in these or the like words in effect. I give all my estate to my Mistress Wholley, meaning the wife of Robert Wholley of Stortford aforesaid, Gent, and my will is that all my goods and estate shall remain at Mr Wholley's house for her my said Mistress, and that none should be stirred from thence for my brother nor his child shall not have a pennyworth thereof but she shall have them all. Mary Martin, Elizabeth Horchin.
1679 Thomas MEADE of Needham Green, Hatfield
In the name of God amen, the 8 day of July 1679, I Thomas Meade at Needham Green in Hatfield parish, do make this my last will in manner following. First I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God through Jesus Christ & my body to be buried decently in a Christian manner. Item and my house and all things within it unto my wife for 3 years excepting first: four platters the two least platters unto my daughter Elizabeth, one unto Mary and the other unto my daughter Ann. One bill the middle kettle I leave unto my wife during her life, the rest of the kettles and 2 barrels and 2 mattocks, one axe and a bill and 2 spits, one pair of cob irons, 3 wimbles, 2 hutches, 2 tables, 2 forms, 2 cupboards, my own bedding, a tub, a bay colt, my clothes, to be equally divided among my three daughters, and also five & thirty pounds due to me by John Read maltster in Hatfield town, to be paid at Michaelmas next I leave to be divided equally among my daughters. I owe John Bedle 8 pounds and Abraham Beadle 12sh and 2d, Hary Harrys ten shillings, to Edward Robertson 3 shillings, to John Brown two shillings, to Tobias Fletcher fifteen shillings, to Dame Horewood twenty pence. Miles Ody owes me three shillings. I ordain my daughters proportionally to pay my debts. Of eight or nine hundred fagots I leave one hundred to my wife and the rest to my daughters. The house after three years or my wife's death I leave to my son John Meade & after him to Anne (?) his wife to his second William Mead. What my wife hath from me I appoint her to leave you after her death to my daughters. I desire that William Beard & John Wood be overseers in the dividing of my goods amongst my daughters. I desire that my son and daughters pay equally for my burial. I appoint also William Beard & John Wood to maintain me during my sickness out of my own estate. I hereby give you power to take it from my debtors. In witness of all this I have hereunto set my mark & seal before the witnesses Tobias Fletcher & John Hull.
Will of Tilly Mead of Hatfield, 1696
In the name of God amen, the one and thirtieth day of July, one thousand six hundred and ninety six, I Tilly Mead of Woodside in the parish of Bishops Hatfield and county of Hertford, husbandman, being sick and weak in body but of perfect and sound mind & memory, praised be to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, hereby revoking and disannulling all other or former wills by me heretofore made. And first and principally I recommend my soul unto the hand of almighty God who gave it me, and my body I commit to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried in the churchyard of Hatfield at the discretion of my executor hereafter named. Imprimis my will is that first of all my funeral expenses shall be paid and discharged. Item I give, devise and bequeath unto my daughter in law Elizabeth Mead my house and land being freehold situate, standing and being in Grubbs Lane in the parish of Bishops Hatfield and county of Hertford aforesaid, to her the said Elizabeth Mead and to her heirs for ever, provided the said Elizabeth Mead do not nor shall not marry unto Thomas Mead Gray of Bishops Hatfield and county aforesaid, and if it shall happen the said Elizabeth Mead shall marry the said Thomas Gray my will and meaning is that my house and land as is aforesaid shall at the time of her marriage to the said Thomas Gray go unto my grandson the eldest son of my son Tilly Mead and his heirs for ever. Item I give unto my daughter in law Elizabeth Mead as aforesaid my two best featherbeds with all their appurtenances belonging, as also my bay mare and the clock and one cow and two hogs. Item I give and bequeath unto my brother John Mead the sum of twenty shillings to be paid him by my executor. Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Moore the sum of one guinea to be paid her by my executor. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Tilly Mead my house and orchard situate, standing and being at and in the parish of Ridge in the said county of Hertford. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Tilly Mead all the rest and residue of all my goods of what nature or kind soever, being in or about my dwelling house unto the said Tilly Mead and his heirs forever, and of this my last will and testament I make and ordain my loving friend James Killop my whole and sole executor. In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Tilly Mead his mark, signed, sealed, published, pronounced & declared to be the last will & testament of Tilly Mead in the presence of us John Searanck, Thomas Deare his mark, & Thomas Arthur.