
Kellogg in Essex

This project started out as an attempt to find the ancestry of Nicholas Kellogg, who was born in or near Debden, Essex, in 1488. It seems quite certain that the origin of this surname was Kelhog - a hog butcher - in northwest Essex. Below are several examples of Kelhog for the 13th and 14th centuries within about 10 miles of Debden. Unfortunately, there are not enough records for the 15th century to prove a direct link to Nicholas Kellogg.

William Cullehog, 1274 Hundred Rolls

Essex Feet of Fines 1276-77. Geoffrey Kyllehog and John Kyllehog hold a tenement in villeinage in the town of Depedene (Debden) Essex

The Story of the Sampfords [Great and Little Sampford, Essex], by Gerald Curtis

1327: Gilbert Kelhog assessed 20½d in the lay subsidy

1345. John Kelhog with a messuage and 2 acres

Register book of Tilty Abbey, extracts of Court Rolls of Amberden in Debden, 1325-1419

1325 View of frankpledge, Amberden

Richard Culhog holds a meadow of the Abbot of Tiltey

1325 Suitors of the court are (six names, including Richard Kelehog)

1336 Debden and Amberden

Rents of assise of Tiltey Grange at Debden and Amberden from the free tenants

Richard Kelehog, 6 d

A.D. 1343 to 1349. John le Bee surrenders a cottage lying between John le Hopper's

messuage and the road from Newport to Wimbish, and abutting on the messuages of

John le Hopper & John Kelehog.

1349. Death of John Kelehog

1356. Suitors of court (among others) Ralph Kelehog

June 1333. Feet of Fines

William de Waleden, querent, and Richard Kilhogge, of Parva Merlawe, Bucks, and Joan his wife, deforciants.Messuage and 27 acres of land in Parva Merlawe.

1353. Wednesday after the Feast of St. Petronilla [31 May], 27 Edward III. [A.D. 1353], Richard Quelhogge convicted of selling putrid pork. Adjudged to stand on the pillory and have the bad meat burnt beneath him. (Calendar of letter-books of the city of London)

The Place-Names of Essex. by P.H. Reaney. Shalford, Hinckford Hundred.

Walter Kelehoog in Court Roll in 1369

Account 1374                          D/DC 16/32

Manor of Weldebarnes in Debden

Account of John Kelhog from Michaelmas in the 48th year of Edward III to Michaelmas in the 49th year of Edward III.

Farm (lease) of land

And of 10 s of farm of land held once by Richard Kelhog demised to John Freman. And of 10 s of land which John Kelhog senior demised to John Kelhog junior.

1381 Poll Tax. William Kelhog of Magdalen Laver, Essex, pays 12d.

1383 Close rolls. To the sheriff of Essex. Writ of supersedeas in favor of Thomas Kelhog, chaplain, at suit of Geoffrey Brokhole, knight, for trespass

Catalogue of ancient deeds vol. 6.

Grant by Agnes late the wife of Michael Bygyn of a messuage and garden in Pekham,

Surrey bought from Bartholomew Kelhog and Maud his wife of Pekham. February 20

Richard II (1396-7)

1419 Close Rolls. To the escheater of Essex and Hertfordshire. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor of Newton Hall, 100 acres of land, 20 acres of pasture, 7 acres of meadow and 10 acres of wood in Great Dunmowe, co. Essex, and the manor of Hounysdoun, co. Hertford, delivering to Avice late the wife of John Goldyngton any issues thereof taken; as it is found that John Goldyngton held the said manor and lands in Great Dunmowe by gift of William Charteseye and Thomas Kelhoc clerks to them, their heirs and assigns, by name of Newton Hall and all other their lands in Dunmowe, and the manor of Hounysdoun by gift of the said clerks to them, by name of John Goldyngton easquire and Avice his wife, and that the same are not held of the king.

Manor of Nicholls, Shalford, Microfilm Ph4/144

Land held by Walter Kelidge (possibly Walter Kelhogg)

Succeeded by Adam Kelidge

Succeeded by Roger Kelidge

Deed 1518      D/Dab/T12

Manor of Debden Hall

At the court with view of frankpledge held the Thursday in Easter week in the ninth year of the reign of Henry VIII (1518), it is accounted that out of court after the last court John Selese surrendered into the hands of John Byston, a tenant of this manor, in the presence of Thomas Hokley and William Kylhogge, tenants of the same manor, one messuage and one acre of land called Sawyerys lying in Peryton End, to the use of (ad opus: being sold to) Nicholas Kylhogge whom the lord King places in seisin, to hold to the same Nicholas and his heirs at the will of the King for all ancient services and he gives the King a fine and does fealty.

Deed 1519-20 D/Dab/T12

Manor of Debden Hall

Court and view of frankpledge the last day of January in the 11th year of Henry VIII (1519-20).

(Transfer of land) in the presence of William Kelhogge and Nicholas Wright.

Lay subsidies

1524 lay subsidy 81/134

Carlton with Willingham, Cams

Simon Riche               in goods 20 s   pays 4 d

1545 lay subsidy 82/191

Carlton with Willingham, Cams

John Kellogge for his goods 2 d

Simon Kellogge for his goods 1 d

1524 lay subsidy 108/155


Nicholas Kellog           in moveables 4 lb        pays 2 s

William Kellog             in moveables 3 lb        pays 18 d

Little Sampford

John Kyllogg               in moveables 5 lb        pays 2 s 6 d

Great Sampford         

William kellhog            in moveables 7 lb        pays 3 s 6 d

1525 lay subsidy 108/171

Debden, Essex

Nicholas Kellog           in moveables 40 s       pays 12 d

William Kellog             in moveables 3 lb        pays 18 d

Little Sampford

John Kyllog     in moveables 4 lb        pays 2 s

Great Sampford

William Kellog in moveables 7 lb       pays 3 s 6 d

Muster Rolls, 1536 (E101/549/8)

John Kyllog, of Sampford Parva, archer

Nicholas Kellog, of Debden, archer

William Kellog, of Debdon, archer

Feet of Fines

John Kellogg of Little Sampford, Essex in 1540.

John Ryche alias Kelhoge of Little and/or Great Sampford in 1541

John Riche alias Kellogg of Little and/or Great Sampford in 1543

1550                D/Dab T24 Land called Kelloggs in Debden

Abstract of Edmund Joscelyn’s title to Great and Little Kelloggs in Debden

Description of property

One tenement in Debden aforesaid called Kelloggs with the appurtenances containing by estimation 30acres, whereof 10 acres arable, 16 acres pasture, 2 acres meadow and 2 acres plants and shorts (scrubland ?) lying together between lands called Cobrys Lash and the land of Edmund Mordaunte called the Deanes with one head thereof abutting on the way leading from Wymbyssh to Newport n the north.

And also 2 crofts of arable land containing 2 acres called Bobbies lying together between the lands of Sir William West called Joyness Field belonging to the manor of Tenderynge on the way leading to Thaxsted abutting on Kingsmead.

Feet of Fines for Essex, Vol VI, 1581-1603. Link:

Michaelmas term (Oct. to Dec.) 1584

Page 29, 

No. 38. Martin Skynner, plaintiff, Philip Kellog & wife Agnes & Thomas Rowland & wife Agnes, deforciants. 1 messuage & 1 garden in Bocking. £80. 

Thomas Kellogg and his wife Marion in Feet of Fines for Essex, Vol. V, 1547-1580. Link:

Michaelmas term, 1560

Page 81

No. 7. Easter & Michaelmas. Christopher Sumner, plaintiff, Thomas Kelloge & wife Marion, deforciants. 1 messuage,1 curtilage, 20 acres arable, 10 acres meadow & 16 acres pasture in Ulting, Hatfeld Peverell & Boreham. £80. 

Michaelmas term, 1561

Page 90

No. 17. John Pyke, plaintiff, Thomas Kellogge alias Kellocke & wife Marion, deforciants, 2 messuages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2 gardens & 2 orchards in Malden. £40.