William Pontifex

Sir William Pontifex

9 Jun. 1518

London Consistory Court Wills 1492-1547: London Record Society 3

I Syr William Pontifex bequeith my soule to Allmighty God and to our Blessyd Lady and to all the seinctes in hevyn, and my body to be buried within the churchyard of Mary Magdalyn of Est Ham. I bequeith a trentall to be don for my sowle at Sainct Cristofers in London, amonges my brothers and they to have for doyng it 10s. I will that a prest sing for my soule and the sowlys of my fryndes and for all Cristyn soulys, in the church of Mary Magdalyn Est Ham a hoole yer. I geve to Thomas Guge and William Guge, my god childerne 9 li. 6s. 8d., by like porcions, to William Guge, a silver spone that is in my chambre att London, to every godchild that I have 4d. a pece. I bequeith to my nyce Agnes Guge, all my rayment and all the apparell of my chambre as well beddyng as hangynges and all other stuff. I bequeith to Sir William Dykonson for wryting this my will 20d. I bequeith all the residue of my goodes to Thomas Guge and Agnes, his wyff whom I make myn executours. I will that Master Jamys Gylbert be supervisour and o have for his labour 10s. Witnes Sir William Dykonson, Thomas Pawlyn of London, William Collam, Arthur Jakson and many other.