Lyme Disease Doctor's Survey

Your City, County, State and Zipcode ________________________________________________

Number of patients seen per week (average) _______

Specialty _________________________

1. Where do you generally get your information about Lyme disease?

Internet _______ Medical Journals _______ Colleagues _______

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene _______ CDC _________

Other- please indicate ___________________________________________________

2. Do you have a private practice, are you connected to a hospital/academic center or are you in a group practice setting?

Private Practice _______ Group Practice _______ Hospital/Academic Setting _______

3. How many patients with tick bites have you seen in the past 12 months?

Zero _______ 1-10 _______ 11-20 ______ 21-30 _______ 30- 40 _______ 40-50 _______

More than 50 _______ More than 100 _______ Other ________

4. How many patients with Lyme disease have you seen in the past 12 months?

Zero _______ 1-10 _______ 11-20 ______ 21-30 _______ 30- 40 _______ 40-50 _______

More than 50 _______ More than 100 _______ Other ________

5. How many tests have you ordered for Lyme disease in the past 12 months?

Zero _______ 1-10 _______ 11-20 ______ 21-30 _______ 30- 40 _______ 40-50 _______

More than 50 _______ More than 100 _______ Other ________

6. Do you routinely provide information (handouts) to patients about Lyme disease?

Yes _______ No _______ If so, where did you get the materials? __________________________

7. Do you discuss prevention methods concerning tick bites or Lyme disease with your patients?

Always _______ Seldom _______ Only when approached _______ Never _______

8. The physical exam finding of erythema migrans rash alone is sufficient to establish the diagnosis of Lyme disease?

True _______ False _______ Don’t Know _______

9. What is the name of the infectious agent that causes Lyme disease?

Babesia microti _______ Ixodes damini _______

Borrelia burgdorferi _______ Bartonella quintana _______

10. Do you report cases of Lyme disease to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene?

Always ________ Sometimes ________ Rarely _______ Never ________

11. Which of the following may be signs or symptoms of Lyme disease?

Fever _______ Third-degree heart block _______ Fatigue _______

Migratory arthralgias _______ Conjunctivitis _______ Bell’s palsy _______

Pain in bursae, tendon, muscle or bone _______ Goiter _______

Cranial neuropathies _______ Meningitis _______ Arthritis _______

12. How would you usually treat an asymptomatic patient with a recent tick bite who had no lab testing performed to date?

_______ Query patient about length of tick attachment/type of tick, then determine action to take

_______ Test patient and wait for results to determine appropriate action to take (follow-up)

_______ Prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure- If so please indicate duration __________

_______ Wait to see if symptoms develop and then treat

_______ Other- please specify _________________________________________________________

13. When is testing for Lyme disease most appropriate?

_______ At the time of tick attachment

_______ One week after tick is removed

_______ Three weeks after a tick bite

_______ All of the above

14. If a patient has an erythema migrans rash and negative Lyme test(s) should they be treated for Lyme disease?

Yes _______ No _______ Don’t know _______

15. How often do you test for tick-borne coinfections?

Never _______ Occasionally _______ Always _______

16. What tick borne coinfections have you tested for in symptomatic patients with a history of a tick bite?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever _______ Babesiosis _______ Borrelia lonestari _______

Anaplasmosis _______ Ehrlichiosis _______ None _______

17. If patient remains symptomatic after initial treatment or relapses, what course of action do you generally take?

Re-treat ____ Re-test ___ Consider alternate diagnosis ____ Treat symptomatically _______

Refer to another specialty _____ If so, what specialty? _________ None of the Above ________

Thank you for participating in this survey.