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For Those With A Recent Tick Bite!
Get It Right!
Everyone agrees- the sooner treatment begins after a tick bite the better! If you have recently been bitten by a tick please print out a copy of the current treatment recommendations located here and take them to the doctors's office with you...
There is a one page document with guidelines for treating adults and children with a tick bite, and one for treating adults and children with a rash and/or symptoms. Both protocols are from treatment guidelines prepared by an experienced Lyme treating physician and they have been used by physicians world-wide.
Immediately take the printed document with you to your local doctor so you can begin treatment. Unfortunately, many physicians are still not familiar with the current treatment recommendations, so you need to be your own advocate and...
>>> Treat the Bite! <<<
On the upper left side menu you will find contact information for experienced health care professionals treating people with acute and chronic Lyme and tick borne diseases.
If you must travel long distances please note some of them offer Skype and/or phone services for some of their follow up appointments. Please ask about these services when contacting the individual offices.
This site has USA listings (by State), additional country's listings, alternative care providers, support group lists, and a list of speciality labs used by experts for testing purposes.
Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines are located here. Detailed medical information on Lyme and various tick borne diseases is located here. Please see the menu to your left for more information.
If you are unable to locate a Lyme-treating professional in your area please check the additional suggestions page to help with your search.
I sincerely hope you are on the road to recovery soon!
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Thank you!
This site is dedicated to Betty Gordon (BettyG- Iowa) and all of the other volunteer patient advocates who have worked tirelessly for years to help the growing number of people contracting Lyme and tick borne diseases. Thank you for your dedication, your kind and wonderful efforts and the generous donation of your time and resources.The world is a much better place because of each of you!
DISCLAIMER: provides lists with names and basic contact information for a variety of health care professionals who treat Lyme disease in order to help people seeking medical care and because of the growing need for this type of free service.
We do not judge the professional competence or evaluate the qualifications of health care providers on the lists. We do not endorse any of the providers or the quality of care you may or may not receive. We do not make any specific recommendations. We simply provide a basic list in an effort to help you during your search.
The selection of any health care provider should be made by you and your family after careful consideration. As many know, there is more than one approach when it comes to diagnosing and treating Lyme disease (often a choice between the right way and the Infectious Disease Society of America's way).
Our list contains names of health care professionals who often follow more flexible and individually tailored diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols than those advocated by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). IDSA guidelines for the treatment of Lyme disease were originally published in 2000. They were updated in 2006 (very few adjustments made) and have not been updated since. They do not incorporate or consider any of the latest scientific studies published over the past 12 years. is not responsible for any incorrect information on this site. We can not reply to any requests for our opinions, discuss a provider's treatment methods, or comment on how professionals practice medicine. If you have questions concerning diagnosis, treatment, insurance, specific protocols, office locations, etc. please contact the providers directly. does not receive any monetary or other benefits from anyone to be included on this list. There is also no advertising of people or products on this site.