
Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement or recommendation of any of the health care professionals. Please call the office for up-to-date information on hours, prices, treatment protocol information and insurance.

The preferred protocol for patients seeking a Lyme-literate doctor in Australia is to either:

* Email a request for doctor contact information to the Lyme Disease Association of Australia (LDAA) ; or,

* Join one of the Facebook support groups and post a message asking to be PRIVATE MESSAGED contact details for the doctor closest to your location.


Dr. Richard Schloeffel (MB BS) Gordon, Australia (02) 9418 1388 option 1

Dr. Nicola McFadzean-Ducharme (ND) San Diego, CA 619-546-4065

Lab & Testing Information

Australian Biologics Testing Services

Lyme Testing & Food Intolerance

Suite 605, 6th Floor

379-383 Pitt Street


Ph:(02) 9283 0807

Fx:(02) 9283 0910

ABN: 83 057 347 387

Suggestions for Areas With Few Or No Listings

1. Pick the state or country nearest you and check their listings.

2. Go to a friend or relatives home to visit and while you are there see a doctor practicing in that area.

3. Contact alternative health care practitioners and ask if they can treat patients with Lyme and tick borne diseases or at least address some of your symptoms until you can find a trained Lyme treating doctor.

4. Contact your local chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopathic doctors and others to ask if they can treat Lyme and tick borne disease patients or at least some of your symptoms until you can find a doctor trained in treating Lyme disease.

5. Work with your local doctor and ask them to consult with a Lyme treating doctor.

6. Find a Lyme treating doctor in another state/country who does phone and/or Skype consults after the first visit.

7. Contact a volunteer Lyme support group or patient advocate in or near your area for suggestions.

8. Search online for alternative and Lyme treating medical doctors treatment protocols and consider treating based on those options (always treat with the assistance and guidance of a health care professional).

9. Join a local or online support group and see if they have suggestions.
