Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement or recommendation of any of the health care professionals. Please call the offices directly for up-to-date information on hours, prices, treatment protocols and insurance.
Dr. Gregory Bach (DO, PC) Hamburg, PA 610-488-8030 (Sadly, Dr. Gregory Bach passed away on January 22, 2022. More information to follow.)
Dr. Domenick Braccia (DO) Harleysville, PA 215-256-0050
Dr. Marty Bacsik (Family Medicine) Morrisville, PA 215-736-2508
Dr. Ann Corson (Family, Integrative-Holistic) Cochranville, PA. 610-869-0270
Bangor Medical Center (Multi-specialities, Children, Adults) Bangor, PA. 610-588-4502
Dr. Marilyn Curran (MD, Psychiatrist) Wynnewood, PA 610-642-2099
Dr. Andre Garabedian (Family & Integrative Health) King of Prussia, PA 610-265-0500
Dr. Cindee Gardner (Homeopathic) Pittsburgh, PA 412-646-4151
Dr. Joseph Joseph (Internist, Family Practice) Hermitage, PA 724-962-3633
Dr. Frank C. Noonan (DO) Myerstown, PA 717-866-0055
Dr. Marina Makous (Family Medicine & Psychiatry, PANS/PANDA) Exton, PA 484-876-1362 (Offers Skype and Phone Consults- US & Internationally)
Rita Rhoads Martinez Reed (MPH, CRNP, CNM) Christiania, PA 717-786-0210
Dr. Martin Mulders (Integrative Medicine) Wayne, PA 610-688-4777
Dr. Leonard Schuchman (Family, DO, MPH, FAAFP) West Chester, PA 610-235-4105
Dr. Eugene Shippen (MD) Shillington, PA 610-777-7896
Dr. Marc Schwartz (DC) Jenkintown, PA 215-881-9700
Dr. Virginia Sherr (MD, Psychiatrist) Holland, PA 215-355-7826 (Offers Skype and Phone Consults)
Dr. Harold Smith (MD) Bloomsburg, PA 570-387-9494
Dr. Sri Chandra Swami (MD, MBBS, Family) Hermitage, PA 724-981-3322
Dr. Amelia Withington (MD, Psychiatrist) Chester, PA 610-874-5257
*** Due to the high number of complaints from Lyme patients
We do not recommend Johns Hopkins doctors when you,
And especially your children, are dealing with a
Lyme diagnosis and treatment.***
NOTE- The treatment guidelines Johns Hopkins doctors follow (Infectious Disease Society of America- IDSA) were published in 2000, slightly updated in 2006 (minor changes), and are currently 11 years old.
These old guidelines do not utilize any of the current science or studies generated over the past decade. They were removed from the National Guideline Clearinghouse, however, they continue to be promoted by Johns Hopkins' doctors.
An investigation by the CT Attorney General found the guideline authors (some from Hopkins) were riddled with conflicts of interest.
"The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion."
Infectious Diseases
Allentown, PA
Speaks Out Against ILADS, Lyme Treating Doctors,
Chronic Lyme & Lyme Related Organizations
Internal Medicine
Newtown Square, PA
License Number- MT208012
Internal Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
License Number- MT205736
The last two so-called doctors listed above are in Pennsylvania, the
State with the highest number of reported Lyme cases in the USA.
Yet, both have decided to hang tight to the IDSA's failed protocols and
Unbelievably inaccurate chronic Lyme disease theories.
If they can't understand the most common tick borne disease in the world
How will they do with the more difficult medical conditions?
In Their Own Words...