100,000 People- Looking For A Lyme Doc

Serving The Lyme Community

It's amazing! Over 100,000 people have visited this site in the past 2+ years. That boils down to about 4,000+ people per month, or an average of 130+ people per day looking for medical treatment for chronic Lyme and tick borne diseases.

More good news- no doctors were brought up on charges based on information from this site since it went online. (Unfortunately, some were already being investigated and/or were facing charges when this site became available.)

Unexpected bonus- lists that can be printed and shared by our dedicated volunteer patient advocates have helped our rural communities that do not use or have access to computers (or have electricity).

Reduced work load- volunteers report they've been able to focus on other projects instead of spending hours each week answering the most famous words in the Lyme disease world... "Where can I find a doctor to treat Lyme disease?"

For example- requests sent to me over the past two decades, averaging 60- 65 per day (sometimes over 100 per day), have dropped to about 5 or 6 requests per month!

Free access to this site- made life easier for sick patients and health care professionals by not having to become a "member" of a group to get answers, or having to navigate an often complex registration process to try to find a doctor's name. It also protects a patient's privacy by not requiring them to share their personal information with people unknown, which could later be used for other purposes.

Communications- other than positive comments, the only other communications have been from health care professionals asking to be added to the list, or notes from a few kind people about a broken link that was promptly corrected.

Help patients find you- if you are a health care professional treating Lyme and tick borne diseases, or a volunteer support group leader and would like to be considered for this list, please email Lucy Barnes at: AfterTheBite@gmail.com Simple instructions for this sign-up process are located here.

Moving forward- I hope you all will join me in continuing to advocate for a cure for chronic Lyme disease! Let's keep on trucking! We can do it! We really can! One bite at a time...

Lucy Barnes


Total Visitors

Updated- August 2018

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