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Kittipat's Homepage
Relevant projects showroom
Feature selection using Principle of Relevant Information (PRI)
3D LiDAR point-cloud segmentation
Add color to vim
Auto-indent in Sublime Text 3
Data Visualization packages
Deep neural network resources
Editing with vi[m]
Export HTML option in Sublime Text 3
Good resources for App Development
How to format your new external hard drive using mac
How to get zipcode database
How to scrape data in general
How to scrape rental data from
How to use boto3 on multiple AWS accounts
How to use crontab
I just made a tutorial website for kids, and it is up! Please check it out.
IJCNN 2011 Oral presentation
Image Hashing
ITSBN version 2.1.4 released
ITSBN version 2.3.0
Machine Learning for Business, Feb 8 2018 @NIA
Our MVPA paper "Information Theoretic-based Feature Selection for Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data" is done and out!
Our poster for the research day is up! "Enhancement of fMRI Pattern Classification with Mutual Information"
Reduce pdf file size and split pdf into parts
SAS syntax highlight in sublime text 3 for Mac
SAS Training
Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization toolbox for MATLAB is updated
Techniques for decision tree
Test spherical camera Ricoh Theta @ Pike place market
To run Tensorflow on Jupyter notebook
Use selenium in python
Using kernel trick with the Perceptron algorithm
Deep Learning for Chest X-ray
Bot in a nutshell
About me (old lame version)
Bot's BibTex
Bot's Brain Research
Bot's Research Diary in 2011
[Solved] Preliminary results and problems on ITSBN 6.0
Add in the Thesis how to pick the number of class labels
Bot's PhD work Diary
DDT experiment in Oct
DDT version 6
Dynamic Analysis of Brain
Ideas on initializing ITSBN with GMM-class-majority on each superpixel
Implementing majority vote scheme as the initial class value for ITSBN version 4.5.0
Interesting machine learning -- brain research groups
Interesting papers to read to improve the DDT
Life after first submission
Make my toolbox available on the Internet
My resources after restart
Philosophy for image segmentation research
Result from using Yang's evaluation code
Review: Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
Some ideas on ITSBN
Sparse samples in superpixel (3S) for GMM image segmentation: A very simple image segmentation
superGMM results
superGMM_UCM_avg_sLuv + BIC
Texton is such a bad feature for image segmentation!
What I should do about BSDS300
What should I do in this week?
Bot's Silly Tools
machine learning and statistics for big data
Classification with Sparse Regularization
CMU9 fMRI brain dataset
Haxby's 2001 dataset
Sensory motor fmri
Growth track
data science
Evaluating data quality from multiple providers
Good articles about data science
Good Resources for Data Science
How to display iPython notebook properly in Github
How to get flat table from SQLPlus using spool
Open public dataset
Pig -- a language for Hadoop
Python for Data science
Set operations in Hive: Union, Intersect, Size and Jaccard Index
Tock Hive
Using git and Github
Download available codes and toolboxes
information-theoretic learning (ITL) MATLAB toolbox
EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture model on gridded space
Fast Dynamic Tree for Sensor Fusion
Fast DT version 3.5.7
GMM for Image Segmentation
Good machine learning resources
An introduction to graphical models
Hierarchical biclustering toolbox
how to fix geometry of fMRI in FSL
I'm selling 2000 Honda Civic LX
image segmentation
Image Segmentation using GMM-BIC
Irregular Tree-Structured Bayesian Networks
Code document: ITSBN Toolbox
Version 3.0.1
Version 4.0.0
Version 6.0
Preliminary results on ITSBN
Kaggle competition
Lexicals project
file format for the preprocessed lexical data
Preliminary analysis
semantic features
sparse regularization on lexical data
libsvm for MATLAB
Classify using n-fold cross validation
Complete example
Complete example for classification using n-fold cross validation
Complete example on classification in most general scenario
Use Multiclass OVR SVM with cross validation and kernel specification
logistic regression for feature selection
Machine learning websites
Moving sale
MVPA and Machine Learning for Brain fMRI
3D supervoxel for brain image
a map for mvpa
biclustering algorithm on category-sensitive descriptor
Robust bicluster winner
Brain Functional Distinguishability Measure
Class-specificity distinguishability
Comparison k-nn and k-rn on VTC and whole brain
Correlation of distinguishability with other measures
Class-specific measures: CMI and CD
Classification using Distinguishability Measure
Classification using Non-informative Voxels
Classification using Versatile Voxels
Convert data between MATLAB and Nifti format
Distributed information in the brain
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocessing MATLAB toolbox version 1.8
functional brain clustering
Mutual Information-based Feature Ranking for MVPA of fMRI brain data
Preprocessing Haxby's 6 subjects
simple classification on fMRI data
Simulated Annealing (SA) for Voxels Selection
experiment on SA
Spectral CoClustering (Biclustering) algorithm
tree-structured Bayesian network for brain fMRI segmentation
About shipping information
Adhoc new MO
Analysis the rules matched
Datanet and ETL Manager
Datanet and ETL Manager
Description of Tables and variables
Get the max of each partition in SQL
Good SAS example for connecting/uploading to DW and Production
Ideas for Data Binning
Import data in R
Investigation tools
Max EDD with disbursement schedule
Often-used tables
OpenRefine: A nice way to clean the data
Perfect Order Percentage (POP) deep dive
RapidMiner: A free software for data analytics
Reading list
Same buyers leaving lots of positive feedback to same sellers
SAS and proc SQL example
Some samples from SFS
sqldf package in R
Often-used LaTeX techniques
'IEEEtran.cls' not found
Adjust the vertical space between Title and Authors
Bibliography style
Biography section of a journal
Convert .jpg images in a folder into .eps
Convert a bunch of images file
Convert pdf file to jpg or png figure
convert ps to pdf
How to add/change text color in LaTeX?
How to convert figures from .eps to .pdf?
How to force the subscript stay under summation/product?
How to indicate Chapter when citing a book using .bib
How to make figure spanning 2 columns in your 2-column paper?
How to put 3 or more authors in IEEE format?
How to reduce the font size of bibliography/reference?
Interesting facts about UF dissertation template
LaTeX error message: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000] $f'$
Make subfigure in LaTeX
merge pdf files into a pdf
Remove pages in a pdf file using terminal (in Ubuntu)
Resize pdf file from command line
Scale equation to fit with the width
scale the figures to fit the page width and height
Show code on LyX
Some math symbols
Trademark, registered and copyright
Unknown graphics extension: .eps
Use algorithm and pseudocode on LyX
Use LaTeX on Google Site
Often-used MATLAB Techniques
Automatically maximize a figure upon creation
Bar Chart/Graph with Error Bar
Convert cell array of string number into numerical array
Convert numerical array to numerical cell array
Convolving (Blurring) an image
Display a segmentation image
Generate 3D spiral data with labels
Generate n different colors (for multiple classes plot)
How to modify tick labels on MATLAB plot
How to not displaying any figure?
How to plot 3D ellipsoid for 3D Gaussian distribution
How to plot the main title to a figure with many subplots
How to remove the tick marks from a plot
Including text and number on your plot
Make your own color map
Making array of structure
Often-used index techniques
Some facts about meshgrid
Space between subplots
Write cell array to text file
Often-used R techniques
?apply in R
A better way to import data from .csv file
Application -- extract name and meaning from HTML tag
Calculate max/min (across columns) for every row in R
Collection of Basic R
Compare dates in R
Convert factor to numeric in R
Convert list to dataframe in R
Convert table to data frame in R
Converting numerical factor to numeric
Data frame multiplication
Dataframe and vector manipulation
Decision tree and automatic rule generation
Discretizing, binning continuous variables
Display Decision Tree with a nice graphic
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.0 Gb
evaluate R command using eval, parse and paste
Example on class "factor"
Example on data frame
Extract or Change column names in data frame
Good book for R
Handle JSON file format
How to extract a string of variable/object name from R object
How to index elements in a list
How to list functions, methods and objects in R
How to make a new variable from string of character
How to plot 2D image?
How to prevent a data frame degrading to a vector
How to remove some parts out of a vector of character?
How to remove/drop columns in a data frame
Independence test using Chi-square test
Information theory in R
Insert a new column between two columns
Install RStudio sever on Ubuntu
Lots of R visualization can be found here
merge dataframes and still preserve the original order
Operation for each row of data frame in R
pivot table : flatten the key-value pair dataframe
R package for Lasso and Elastic net penalty
Regular Expression
Remove all variables in R except loaded functions
ROC package in R
Slot in R
Sort data frame
Upgrade R and RStudio
Use Thai language in R
Using CHAID decision tree in R
Using dcast from package reshape2
Using function aggregate() and ddply()
Using strsplit and sapply with email
Visualizing acyclic graph using Sankey diagram
Weight of Evidence (WoE) Transformation
What's a good Editor for R
Writing data frames into multiple excel sheets
Optimization using Simulated Annealing (SA)
Personal Medical Assistant
Disease Ontology (DO) Dataset
Integrating AWS Lambda and API Gateway for Facebook Messenger Chatbot
Plot data vs labels
Programming with Python
(An easy way to) convert images to pdf from python
A good practice when reading from a file in Python
Append or Extend a list
Binning data using decision tree regression
Bridging the gap between Pandas and Scikit-learn
Cheat sheet
check if string in pandas dataframe column is in list
Chi-square test
complete a pdf form using python
Connect to Oracle database from python
Connecting python to database
Convert data type of columns in DataFrame -- Object to float64
Convert key-value to flat file
Convert multi-index into columns
Convert string to datetime format in Python
Count the occurrence of a character in a string
Create variable report from a dataframe
Dashboard web application for Python
Decision Tree in Python
Demystifying variable assignment in python
Display Decision Tree in Python using pydot and GraphViz
Display if string cintains characters
Finding a corresponding leaf node for each data point in a decision tree
Format and display elements in python list
frequency, contingency and pivot tables -- All done by crosstab
Generate date string range in python
get the maximum value for each row
Good resources for Python programming
How can I obtain the element-wise logical NOT of a pandas Series?
How to add a row to dataframe in a for loop
How to call API endpoint using python
How to convert ipython notebook into other formats
How to display a nicely ordered crosstab in Pandas
How to download images from url in Python
How to import a (MATLAB) .mat file into Python?
How to plot a graph using matplotlib in Eclipse
How to send email with file attachment via Python
Implement logistic regression scoring without scikit-learn
Import a module not in path
Import large file size into Python using pandas
Initialize dataframe with unknown row number
Install a newer version of anaconda while keeping the existing one
Install scikit-learn in your computer
iPython notebook shortcuts
latex on iPython and Matplotlib
List all columns in a dataframe containing a string
Moving average using rolling_mean
Optimizing your python code: code performance profiling
Pandas aggregate count distinct
Pivot table in Python
Process large data file in python
Python cheat sheet
Python taking arguments from command line with argparse
Python taking inputs from command line
Rename columns in python
resources for Python
Run IPython notebook on AWS
Sample rows from pandas DataFrame
Sample with replacement
Scikit learn on Big(ger) Data
Setting aspect ratio in matplotlib
Setup Ipython notebook on a remote server and how to connect to it
Setup iPython notebook server for remote access
Sorting multiple lists A and B by the value in B in python
SQL query for pandas
Static class variable in Python
Tokenizing Thai language
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
Update anaconda and its packages on Ubuntu
Use IPython notebook with Spark
Using Anaconda
Using iPython on AWS
Using iPython step by step
output example from creating python 3 environment in Anaconda
Using multi threads in python
Using Python to read and write Spreadsheet
virtualenv and pip
Working with Unicode, ASCII and utf-8
write to text file
Python boot camp Feb 2013
Reading list
Reading list for MVPA
Research Diary
Brain network characterization
ACM-BCB 2012, Orlando, New Deadlines: June 7, 2012 (Abstract submission), June 15, 2012 (Paper submission)
BIBM 2012, Philadelphia, May 31, 2012
Machine learning research Diary
(Collapsed) Gibbs sampling
Clustering on social network graph
Comparing logistic regression and LDA
Data set for Big Data
Disadvantage of rotationally-invariant classifiers on feature selection
Estimating mutual information
Feature selection on brain voxel space using regularizations
Good resource for Fraud Detection
Latent model for the brain activation
Shared component GMM
Transform the histogram using Weight of Evidence (WoE)
A story to tell
Collaborative filtering on brain
Conference/Journal list
GMM on the class specific response map
Haxby et al.'s several-subject fMRI is available
I like Gael's website
Justify the model and the data using earning curve analysis
Next steps for distinguishability measure
Regularizations for logistic regression
Surface-based searchlight approach
Using independent voxel classification accuracy to determine feature order
Using supervoxels in fMRI classification
Voxel selection using l1-norm
Voxel selection using submodular function optimization
RGB-D segmentation
Research Progress List
Research Writing
Adverb in front of a sentence
as follow, as follows, as followed, as following
throughout this paper
When describing corresponding items in order
Resume (Short CV)
shared-component Gaussian Mixture Models
static hand posture recognition
Sum-Product Algorithm: MATLAB code
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.0
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.2
technical interview
Compilation of technical programming interview websites
Reverse singly linked list
Sort a linked list
terminal command techniques
"brew update" fails with: fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees
Archive files using command tar
Compare the differences between 2 files
Concatenate csv files with same header
Find and replace text (patterns) within a text file in terminal
for loop in terminal
Good read for bash programming
How to add alias
How to append columns to text file
How to configure your vi
How to time processes in milliseconds from terminal
Loop to read a file line by line in terminal
manipulate pdf files with command line on terminal
Randomly select lines from a text file
Run multiple scripts one after another in UNIX terminal
Sampling text file with header
Select lines from text file
select some columns from csv file
Using cron to schedule your cronjobs
using find
Very nice tutorial on processing csv files in terminal
terminal commands
Recursive copy of specific files in Unix
Tips on brain analysis tools
Using FSL
Toolbox plot a covariance matrix 2D and 3D
Tools for data science
Quantopian Zipline a python package for trading
Under-Water Sensor Fusion using Deformable Bayesian Networks (DFBN)
Code documentation DFBN version 3.1.4
Useful stuff
Variational Bayes Gaussian Mixture Models (VBGMM) and other variational methods
White-Border Removal Toolbox
Kittipat's Homepage
Relevant projects showroom
Feature selection using Principle of Relevant Information (PRI)
3D LiDAR point-cloud segmentation
Add color to vim
Auto-indent in Sublime Text 3
Data Visualization packages
Deep neural network resources
Editing with vi[m]
Export HTML option in Sublime Text 3
Good resources for App Development
How to format your new external hard drive using mac
How to get zipcode database
How to scrape data in general
How to scrape rental data from
How to use boto3 on multiple AWS accounts
How to use crontab
I just made a tutorial website for kids, and it is up! Please check it out.
IJCNN 2011 Oral presentation
Image Hashing
ITSBN version 2.1.4 released
ITSBN version 2.3.0
Machine Learning for Business, Feb 8 2018 @NIA
Our MVPA paper "Information Theoretic-based Feature Selection for Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data" is done and out!
Our poster for the research day is up! "Enhancement of fMRI Pattern Classification with Mutual Information"
Reduce pdf file size and split pdf into parts
SAS syntax highlight in sublime text 3 for Mac
SAS Training
Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization toolbox for MATLAB is updated
Techniques for decision tree
Test spherical camera Ricoh Theta @ Pike place market
To run Tensorflow on Jupyter notebook
Use selenium in python
Using kernel trick with the Perceptron algorithm
Deep Learning for Chest X-ray
Bot in a nutshell
About me (old lame version)
Bot's BibTex
Bot's Brain Research
Bot's Research Diary in 2011
[Solved] Preliminary results and problems on ITSBN 6.0
Add in the Thesis how to pick the number of class labels
Bot's PhD work Diary
DDT experiment in Oct
DDT version 6
Dynamic Analysis of Brain
Ideas on initializing ITSBN with GMM-class-majority on each superpixel
Implementing majority vote scheme as the initial class value for ITSBN version 4.5.0
Interesting machine learning -- brain research groups
Interesting papers to read to improve the DDT
Life after first submission
Make my toolbox available on the Internet
My resources after restart
Philosophy for image segmentation research
Result from using Yang's evaluation code
Review: Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
Some ideas on ITSBN
Sparse samples in superpixel (3S) for GMM image segmentation: A very simple image segmentation
superGMM results
superGMM_UCM_avg_sLuv + BIC
Texton is such a bad feature for image segmentation!
What I should do about BSDS300
What should I do in this week?
Bot's Silly Tools
machine learning and statistics for big data
Classification with Sparse Regularization
CMU9 fMRI brain dataset
Haxby's 2001 dataset
Sensory motor fmri
Growth track
data science
Evaluating data quality from multiple providers
Good articles about data science
Good Resources for Data Science
How to display iPython notebook properly in Github
How to get flat table from SQLPlus using spool
Open public dataset
Pig -- a language for Hadoop
Python for Data science
Set operations in Hive: Union, Intersect, Size and Jaccard Index
Tock Hive
Using git and Github
Download available codes and toolboxes
information-theoretic learning (ITL) MATLAB toolbox
EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture model on gridded space
Fast Dynamic Tree for Sensor Fusion
Fast DT version 3.5.7
GMM for Image Segmentation
Good machine learning resources
An introduction to graphical models
Hierarchical biclustering toolbox
how to fix geometry of fMRI in FSL
I'm selling 2000 Honda Civic LX
image segmentation
Image Segmentation using GMM-BIC
Irregular Tree-Structured Bayesian Networks
Code document: ITSBN Toolbox
Version 3.0.1
Version 4.0.0
Version 6.0
Preliminary results on ITSBN
Kaggle competition
Lexicals project
file format for the preprocessed lexical data
Preliminary analysis
semantic features
sparse regularization on lexical data
libsvm for MATLAB
Classify using n-fold cross validation
Complete example
Complete example for classification using n-fold cross validation
Complete example on classification in most general scenario
Use Multiclass OVR SVM with cross validation and kernel specification
logistic regression for feature selection
Machine learning websites
Moving sale
MVPA and Machine Learning for Brain fMRI
3D supervoxel for brain image
a map for mvpa
biclustering algorithm on category-sensitive descriptor
Robust bicluster winner
Brain Functional Distinguishability Measure
Class-specificity distinguishability
Comparison k-nn and k-rn on VTC and whole brain
Correlation of distinguishability with other measures
Class-specific measures: CMI and CD
Classification using Distinguishability Measure
Classification using Non-informative Voxels
Classification using Versatile Voxels
Convert data between MATLAB and Nifti format
Distributed information in the brain
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocessing MATLAB toolbox version 1.8
functional brain clustering
Mutual Information-based Feature Ranking for MVPA of fMRI brain data
Preprocessing Haxby's 6 subjects
simple classification on fMRI data
Simulated Annealing (SA) for Voxels Selection
experiment on SA
Spectral CoClustering (Biclustering) algorithm
tree-structured Bayesian network for brain fMRI segmentation
About shipping information
Adhoc new MO
Analysis the rules matched
Datanet and ETL Manager
Datanet and ETL Manager
Description of Tables and variables
Get the max of each partition in SQL
Good SAS example for connecting/uploading to DW and Production
Ideas for Data Binning
Import data in R
Investigation tools
Max EDD with disbursement schedule
Often-used tables
OpenRefine: A nice way to clean the data
Perfect Order Percentage (POP) deep dive
RapidMiner: A free software for data analytics
Reading list
Same buyers leaving lots of positive feedback to same sellers
SAS and proc SQL example
Some samples from SFS
sqldf package in R
Often-used LaTeX techniques
'IEEEtran.cls' not found
Adjust the vertical space between Title and Authors
Bibliography style
Biography section of a journal
Convert .jpg images in a folder into .eps
Convert a bunch of images file
Convert pdf file to jpg or png figure
convert ps to pdf
How to add/change text color in LaTeX?
How to convert figures from .eps to .pdf?
How to force the subscript stay under summation/product?
How to indicate Chapter when citing a book using .bib
How to make figure spanning 2 columns in your 2-column paper?
How to put 3 or more authors in IEEE format?
How to reduce the font size of bibliography/reference?
Interesting facts about UF dissertation template
LaTeX error message: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000] $f'$
Make subfigure in LaTeX
merge pdf files into a pdf
Remove pages in a pdf file using terminal (in Ubuntu)
Resize pdf file from command line
Scale equation to fit with the width
scale the figures to fit the page width and height
Show code on LyX
Some math symbols
Trademark, registered and copyright
Unknown graphics extension: .eps
Use algorithm and pseudocode on LyX
Use LaTeX on Google Site
Often-used MATLAB Techniques
Automatically maximize a figure upon creation
Bar Chart/Graph with Error Bar
Convert cell array of string number into numerical array
Convert numerical array to numerical cell array
Convolving (Blurring) an image
Display a segmentation image
Generate 3D spiral data with labels
Generate n different colors (for multiple classes plot)
How to modify tick labels on MATLAB plot
How to not displaying any figure?
How to plot 3D ellipsoid for 3D Gaussian distribution
How to plot the main title to a figure with many subplots
How to remove the tick marks from a plot
Including text and number on your plot
Make your own color map
Making array of structure
Often-used index techniques
Some facts about meshgrid
Space between subplots
Write cell array to text file
Often-used R techniques
?apply in R
A better way to import data from .csv file
Application -- extract name and meaning from HTML tag
Calculate max/min (across columns) for every row in R
Collection of Basic R
Compare dates in R
Convert factor to numeric in R
Convert list to dataframe in R
Convert table to data frame in R
Converting numerical factor to numeric
Data frame multiplication
Dataframe and vector manipulation
Decision tree and automatic rule generation
Discretizing, binning continuous variables
Display Decision Tree with a nice graphic
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.0 Gb
evaluate R command using eval, parse and paste
Example on class "factor"
Example on data frame
Extract or Change column names in data frame
Good book for R
Handle JSON file format
How to extract a string of variable/object name from R object
How to index elements in a list
How to list functions, methods and objects in R
How to make a new variable from string of character
How to plot 2D image?
How to prevent a data frame degrading to a vector
How to remove some parts out of a vector of character?
How to remove/drop columns in a data frame
Independence test using Chi-square test
Information theory in R
Insert a new column between two columns
Install RStudio sever on Ubuntu
Lots of R visualization can be found here
merge dataframes and still preserve the original order
Operation for each row of data frame in R
pivot table : flatten the key-value pair dataframe
R package for Lasso and Elastic net penalty
Regular Expression
Remove all variables in R except loaded functions
ROC package in R
Slot in R
Sort data frame
Upgrade R and RStudio
Use Thai language in R
Using CHAID decision tree in R
Using dcast from package reshape2
Using function aggregate() and ddply()
Using strsplit and sapply with email
Visualizing acyclic graph using Sankey diagram
Weight of Evidence (WoE) Transformation
What's a good Editor for R
Writing data frames into multiple excel sheets
Optimization using Simulated Annealing (SA)
Personal Medical Assistant
Disease Ontology (DO) Dataset
Integrating AWS Lambda and API Gateway for Facebook Messenger Chatbot
Plot data vs labels
Programming with Python
(An easy way to) convert images to pdf from python
A good practice when reading from a file in Python
Append or Extend a list
Binning data using decision tree regression
Bridging the gap between Pandas and Scikit-learn
Cheat sheet
check if string in pandas dataframe column is in list
Chi-square test
complete a pdf form using python
Connect to Oracle database from python
Connecting python to database
Convert data type of columns in DataFrame -- Object to float64
Convert key-value to flat file
Convert multi-index into columns
Convert string to datetime format in Python
Count the occurrence of a character in a string
Create variable report from a dataframe
Dashboard web application for Python
Decision Tree in Python
Demystifying variable assignment in python
Display Decision Tree in Python using pydot and GraphViz
Display if string cintains characters
Finding a corresponding leaf node for each data point in a decision tree
Format and display elements in python list
frequency, contingency and pivot tables -- All done by crosstab
Generate date string range in python
get the maximum value for each row
Good resources for Python programming
How can I obtain the element-wise logical NOT of a pandas Series?
How to add a row to dataframe in a for loop
How to call API endpoint using python
How to convert ipython notebook into other formats
How to display a nicely ordered crosstab in Pandas
How to download images from url in Python
How to import a (MATLAB) .mat file into Python?
How to plot a graph using matplotlib in Eclipse
How to send email with file attachment via Python
Implement logistic regression scoring without scikit-learn
Import a module not in path
Import large file size into Python using pandas
Initialize dataframe with unknown row number
Install a newer version of anaconda while keeping the existing one
Install scikit-learn in your computer
iPython notebook shortcuts
latex on iPython and Matplotlib
List all columns in a dataframe containing a string
Moving average using rolling_mean
Optimizing your python code: code performance profiling
Pandas aggregate count distinct
Pivot table in Python
Process large data file in python
Python cheat sheet
Python taking arguments from command line with argparse
Python taking inputs from command line
Rename columns in python
resources for Python
Run IPython notebook on AWS
Sample rows from pandas DataFrame
Sample with replacement
Scikit learn on Big(ger) Data
Setting aspect ratio in matplotlib
Setup Ipython notebook on a remote server and how to connect to it
Setup iPython notebook server for remote access
Sorting multiple lists A and B by the value in B in python
SQL query for pandas
Static class variable in Python
Tokenizing Thai language
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
Update anaconda and its packages on Ubuntu
Use IPython notebook with Spark
Using Anaconda
Using iPython on AWS
Using iPython step by step
output example from creating python 3 environment in Anaconda
Using multi threads in python
Using Python to read and write Spreadsheet
virtualenv and pip
Working with Unicode, ASCII and utf-8
write to text file
Python boot camp Feb 2013
Reading list
Reading list for MVPA
Research Diary
Brain network characterization
ACM-BCB 2012, Orlando, New Deadlines: June 7, 2012 (Abstract submission), June 15, 2012 (Paper submission)
BIBM 2012, Philadelphia, May 31, 2012
Machine learning research Diary
(Collapsed) Gibbs sampling
Clustering on social network graph
Comparing logistic regression and LDA
Data set for Big Data
Disadvantage of rotationally-invariant classifiers on feature selection
Estimating mutual information
Feature selection on brain voxel space using regularizations
Good resource for Fraud Detection
Latent model for the brain activation
Shared component GMM
Transform the histogram using Weight of Evidence (WoE)
A story to tell
Collaborative filtering on brain
Conference/Journal list
GMM on the class specific response map
Haxby et al.'s several-subject fMRI is available
I like Gael's website
Justify the model and the data using earning curve analysis
Next steps for distinguishability measure
Regularizations for logistic regression
Surface-based searchlight approach
Using independent voxel classification accuracy to determine feature order
Using supervoxels in fMRI classification
Voxel selection using l1-norm
Voxel selection using submodular function optimization
RGB-D segmentation
Research Progress List
Research Writing
Adverb in front of a sentence
as follow, as follows, as followed, as following
throughout this paper
When describing corresponding items in order
Resume (Short CV)
shared-component Gaussian Mixture Models
static hand posture recognition
Sum-Product Algorithm: MATLAB code
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.0
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.2
technical interview
Compilation of technical programming interview websites
Reverse singly linked list
Sort a linked list
terminal command techniques
"brew update" fails with: fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees
Archive files using command tar
Compare the differences between 2 files
Concatenate csv files with same header
Find and replace text (patterns) within a text file in terminal
for loop in terminal
Good read for bash programming
How to add alias
How to append columns to text file
How to configure your vi
How to time processes in milliseconds from terminal
Loop to read a file line by line in terminal
manipulate pdf files with command line on terminal
Randomly select lines from a text file
Run multiple scripts one after another in UNIX terminal
Sampling text file with header
Select lines from text file
select some columns from csv file
Using cron to schedule your cronjobs
using find
Very nice tutorial on processing csv files in terminal
terminal commands
Recursive copy of specific files in Unix
Tips on brain analysis tools
Using FSL
Toolbox plot a covariance matrix 2D and 3D
Tools for data science
Quantopian Zipline a python package for trading
Under-Water Sensor Fusion using Deformable Bayesian Networks (DFBN)
Code documentation DFBN version 3.1.4
Useful stuff
Variational Bayes Gaussian Mixture Models (VBGMM) and other variational methods
White-Border Removal Toolbox
Relevant projects showroom
Feature selection using Principle of Relevant Information (PRI)
3D LiDAR point-cloud segmentation
Add color to vim
Auto-indent in Sublime Text 3
Data Visualization packages
Deep neural network resources
Editing with vi[m]
Export HTML option in Sublime Text 3
Good resources for App Development
How to format your new external hard drive using mac
How to get zipcode database
How to scrape data in general
How to scrape rental data from
How to use boto3 on multiple AWS accounts
How to use crontab
I just made a tutorial website for kids, and it is up! Please check it out.
IJCNN 2011 Oral presentation
Image Hashing
ITSBN version 2.1.4 released
ITSBN version 2.3.0
Machine Learning for Business, Feb 8 2018 @NIA
Our MVPA paper "Information Theoretic-based Feature Selection for Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data" is done and out!
Our poster for the research day is up! "Enhancement of fMRI Pattern Classification with Mutual Information"
Reduce pdf file size and split pdf into parts
SAS syntax highlight in sublime text 3 for Mac
SAS Training
Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization toolbox for MATLAB is updated
Techniques for decision tree
Test spherical camera Ricoh Theta @ Pike place market
To run Tensorflow on Jupyter notebook
Use selenium in python
Using kernel trick with the Perceptron algorithm
Deep Learning for Chest X-ray
Bot in a nutshell
About me (old lame version)
Bot's BibTex
Bot's Brain Research
Bot's Research Diary in 2011
[Solved] Preliminary results and problems on ITSBN 6.0
Add in the Thesis how to pick the number of class labels
Bot's PhD work Diary
DDT experiment in Oct
DDT version 6
Dynamic Analysis of Brain
Ideas on initializing ITSBN with GMM-class-majority on each superpixel
Implementing majority vote scheme as the initial class value for ITSBN version 4.5.0
Interesting machine learning -- brain research groups
Interesting papers to read to improve the DDT
Life after first submission
Make my toolbox available on the Internet
My resources after restart
Philosophy for image segmentation research
Result from using Yang's evaluation code
Review: Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models
Some ideas on ITSBN
Sparse samples in superpixel (3S) for GMM image segmentation: A very simple image segmentation
superGMM results
superGMM_UCM_avg_sLuv + BIC
Texton is such a bad feature for image segmentation!
What I should do about BSDS300
What should I do in this week?
Bot's Silly Tools
machine learning and statistics for big data
Classification with Sparse Regularization
CMU9 fMRI brain dataset
Haxby's 2001 dataset
Sensory motor fmri
Growth track
data science
Evaluating data quality from multiple providers
Good articles about data science
Good Resources for Data Science
How to display iPython notebook properly in Github
How to get flat table from SQLPlus using spool
Open public dataset
Pig -- a language for Hadoop
Python for Data science
Set operations in Hive: Union, Intersect, Size and Jaccard Index
Tock Hive
Using git and Github
Download available codes and toolboxes
information-theoretic learning (ITL) MATLAB toolbox
EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture model on gridded space
Fast Dynamic Tree for Sensor Fusion
Fast DT version 3.5.7
GMM for Image Segmentation
Good machine learning resources
An introduction to graphical models
Hierarchical biclustering toolbox
how to fix geometry of fMRI in FSL
I'm selling 2000 Honda Civic LX
image segmentation
Image Segmentation using GMM-BIC
Irregular Tree-Structured Bayesian Networks
Code document: ITSBN Toolbox
Version 3.0.1
Version 4.0.0
Version 6.0
Preliminary results on ITSBN
Kaggle competition
Lexicals project
file format for the preprocessed lexical data
Preliminary analysis
semantic features
sparse regularization on lexical data
libsvm for MATLAB
Classify using n-fold cross validation
Complete example
Complete example for classification using n-fold cross validation
Complete example on classification in most general scenario
Use Multiclass OVR SVM with cross validation and kernel specification
logistic regression for feature selection
Machine learning websites
Moving sale
MVPA and Machine Learning for Brain fMRI
3D supervoxel for brain image
a map for mvpa
biclustering algorithm on category-sensitive descriptor
Robust bicluster winner
Brain Functional Distinguishability Measure
Class-specificity distinguishability
Comparison k-nn and k-rn on VTC and whole brain
Correlation of distinguishability with other measures
Class-specific measures: CMI and CD
Classification using Distinguishability Measure
Classification using Non-informative Voxels
Classification using Versatile Voxels
Convert data between MATLAB and Nifti format
Distributed information in the brain
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocess MATLAB toolbox version 1.0
fMRI preprocessing MATLAB toolbox version 1.8
functional brain clustering
Mutual Information-based Feature Ranking for MVPA of fMRI brain data
Preprocessing Haxby's 6 subjects
simple classification on fMRI data
Simulated Annealing (SA) for Voxels Selection
experiment on SA
Spectral CoClustering (Biclustering) algorithm
tree-structured Bayesian network for brain fMRI segmentation
About shipping information
Adhoc new MO
Analysis the rules matched
Datanet and ETL Manager
Datanet and ETL Manager
Description of Tables and variables
Get the max of each partition in SQL
Good SAS example for connecting/uploading to DW and Production
Ideas for Data Binning
Import data in R
Investigation tools
Max EDD with disbursement schedule
Often-used tables
OpenRefine: A nice way to clean the data
Perfect Order Percentage (POP) deep dive
RapidMiner: A free software for data analytics
Reading list
Same buyers leaving lots of positive feedback to same sellers
SAS and proc SQL example
Some samples from SFS
sqldf package in R
Often-used LaTeX techniques
'IEEEtran.cls' not found
Adjust the vertical space between Title and Authors
Bibliography style
Biography section of a journal
Convert .jpg images in a folder into .eps
Convert a bunch of images file
Convert pdf file to jpg or png figure
convert ps to pdf
How to add/change text color in LaTeX?
How to convert figures from .eps to .pdf?
How to force the subscript stay under summation/product?
How to indicate Chapter when citing a book using .bib
How to make figure spanning 2 columns in your 2-column paper?
How to put 3 or more authors in IEEE format?
How to reduce the font size of bibliography/reference?
Interesting facts about UF dissertation template
LaTeX error message: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000] $f'$
Make subfigure in LaTeX
merge pdf files into a pdf
Remove pages in a pdf file using terminal (in Ubuntu)
Resize pdf file from command line
Scale equation to fit with the width
scale the figures to fit the page width and height
Show code on LyX
Some math symbols
Trademark, registered and copyright
Unknown graphics extension: .eps
Use algorithm and pseudocode on LyX
Use LaTeX on Google Site
Often-used MATLAB Techniques
Automatically maximize a figure upon creation
Bar Chart/Graph with Error Bar
Convert cell array of string number into numerical array
Convert numerical array to numerical cell array
Convolving (Blurring) an image
Display a segmentation image
Generate 3D spiral data with labels
Generate n different colors (for multiple classes plot)
How to modify tick labels on MATLAB plot
How to not displaying any figure?
How to plot 3D ellipsoid for 3D Gaussian distribution
How to plot the main title to a figure with many subplots
How to remove the tick marks from a plot
Including text and number on your plot
Make your own color map
Making array of structure
Often-used index techniques
Some facts about meshgrid
Space between subplots
Write cell array to text file
Often-used R techniques
?apply in R
A better way to import data from .csv file
Application -- extract name and meaning from HTML tag
Calculate max/min (across columns) for every row in R
Collection of Basic R
Compare dates in R
Convert factor to numeric in R
Convert list to dataframe in R
Convert table to data frame in R
Converting numerical factor to numeric
Data frame multiplication
Dataframe and vector manipulation
Decision tree and automatic rule generation
Discretizing, binning continuous variables
Display Decision Tree with a nice graphic
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3.0 Gb
evaluate R command using eval, parse and paste
Example on class "factor"
Example on data frame
Extract or Change column names in data frame
Good book for R
Handle JSON file format
How to extract a string of variable/object name from R object
How to index elements in a list
How to list functions, methods and objects in R
How to make a new variable from string of character
How to plot 2D image?
How to prevent a data frame degrading to a vector
How to remove some parts out of a vector of character?
How to remove/drop columns in a data frame
Independence test using Chi-square test
Information theory in R
Insert a new column between two columns
Install RStudio sever on Ubuntu
Lots of R visualization can be found here
merge dataframes and still preserve the original order
Operation for each row of data frame in R
pivot table : flatten the key-value pair dataframe
R package for Lasso and Elastic net penalty
Regular Expression
Remove all variables in R except loaded functions
ROC package in R
Slot in R
Sort data frame
Upgrade R and RStudio
Use Thai language in R
Using CHAID decision tree in R
Using dcast from package reshape2
Using function aggregate() and ddply()
Using strsplit and sapply with email
Visualizing acyclic graph using Sankey diagram
Weight of Evidence (WoE) Transformation
What's a good Editor for R
Writing data frames into multiple excel sheets
Optimization using Simulated Annealing (SA)
Personal Medical Assistant
Disease Ontology (DO) Dataset
Integrating AWS Lambda and API Gateway for Facebook Messenger Chatbot
Plot data vs labels
Programming with Python
(An easy way to) convert images to pdf from python
A good practice when reading from a file in Python
Append or Extend a list
Binning data using decision tree regression
Bridging the gap between Pandas and Scikit-learn
Cheat sheet
check if string in pandas dataframe column is in list
Chi-square test
complete a pdf form using python
Connect to Oracle database from python
Connecting python to database
Convert data type of columns in DataFrame -- Object to float64
Convert key-value to flat file
Convert multi-index into columns
Convert string to datetime format in Python
Count the occurrence of a character in a string
Create variable report from a dataframe
Dashboard web application for Python
Decision Tree in Python
Demystifying variable assignment in python
Display Decision Tree in Python using pydot and GraphViz
Display if string cintains characters
Finding a corresponding leaf node for each data point in a decision tree
Format and display elements in python list
frequency, contingency and pivot tables -- All done by crosstab
Generate date string range in python
get the maximum value for each row
Good resources for Python programming
How can I obtain the element-wise logical NOT of a pandas Series?
How to add a row to dataframe in a for loop
How to call API endpoint using python
How to convert ipython notebook into other formats
How to display a nicely ordered crosstab in Pandas
How to download images from url in Python
How to import a (MATLAB) .mat file into Python?
How to plot a graph using matplotlib in Eclipse
How to send email with file attachment via Python
Implement logistic regression scoring without scikit-learn
Import a module not in path
Import large file size into Python using pandas
Initialize dataframe with unknown row number
Install a newer version of anaconda while keeping the existing one
Install scikit-learn in your computer
iPython notebook shortcuts
latex on iPython and Matplotlib
List all columns in a dataframe containing a string
Moving average using rolling_mean
Optimizing your python code: code performance profiling
Pandas aggregate count distinct
Pivot table in Python
Process large data file in python
Python cheat sheet
Python taking arguments from command line with argparse
Python taking inputs from command line
Rename columns in python
resources for Python
Run IPython notebook on AWS
Sample rows from pandas DataFrame
Sample with replacement
Scikit learn on Big(ger) Data
Setting aspect ratio in matplotlib
Setup Ipython notebook on a remote server and how to connect to it
Setup iPython notebook server for remote access
Sorting multiple lists A and B by the value in B in python
SQL query for pandas
Static class variable in Python
Tokenizing Thai language
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
Update anaconda and its packages on Ubuntu
Use IPython notebook with Spark
Using Anaconda
Using iPython on AWS
Using iPython step by step
output example from creating python 3 environment in Anaconda
Using multi threads in python
Using Python to read and write Spreadsheet
virtualenv and pip
Working with Unicode, ASCII and utf-8
write to text file
Python boot camp Feb 2013
Reading list
Reading list for MVPA
Research Diary
Brain network characterization
ACM-BCB 2012, Orlando, New Deadlines: June 7, 2012 (Abstract submission), June 15, 2012 (Paper submission)
BIBM 2012, Philadelphia, May 31, 2012
Machine learning research Diary
(Collapsed) Gibbs sampling
Clustering on social network graph
Comparing logistic regression and LDA
Data set for Big Data
Disadvantage of rotationally-invariant classifiers on feature selection
Estimating mutual information
Feature selection on brain voxel space using regularizations
Good resource for Fraud Detection
Latent model for the brain activation
Shared component GMM
Transform the histogram using Weight of Evidence (WoE)
A story to tell
Collaborative filtering on brain
Conference/Journal list
GMM on the class specific response map
Haxby et al.'s several-subject fMRI is available
I like Gael's website
Justify the model and the data using earning curve analysis
Next steps for distinguishability measure
Regularizations for logistic regression
Surface-based searchlight approach
Using independent voxel classification accuracy to determine feature order
Using supervoxels in fMRI classification
Voxel selection using l1-norm
Voxel selection using submodular function optimization
RGB-D segmentation
Research Progress List
Research Writing
Adverb in front of a sentence
as follow, as follows, as followed, as following
throughout this paper
When describing corresponding items in order
Resume (Short CV)
shared-component Gaussian Mixture Models
static hand posture recognition
Sum-Product Algorithm: MATLAB code
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.0
Sum-product algorithm toolbox version 1.5.2
technical interview
Compilation of technical programming interview websites
Reverse singly linked list
Sort a linked list
terminal command techniques
"brew update" fails with: fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees
Archive files using command tar
Compare the differences between 2 files
Concatenate csv files with same header
Find and replace text (patterns) within a text file in terminal
for loop in terminal
Good read for bash programming
How to add alias
How to append columns to text file
How to configure your vi
How to time processes in milliseconds from terminal
Loop to read a file line by line in terminal
manipulate pdf files with command line on terminal
Randomly select lines from a text file
Run multiple scripts one after another in UNIX terminal
Sampling text file with header
Select lines from text file
select some columns from csv file
Using cron to schedule your cronjobs
using find
Very nice tutorial on processing csv files in terminal
terminal commands
Recursive copy of specific files in Unix
Tips on brain analysis tools
Using FSL
Toolbox plot a covariance matrix 2D and 3D
Tools for data science
Quantopian Zipline a python package for trading
Under-Water Sensor Fusion using Deformable Bayesian Networks (DFBN)
Code documentation DFBN version 3.1.4
Useful stuff
Variational Bayes Gaussian Mixture Models (VBGMM) and other variational methods
White-Border Removal Toolbox
Good read for bash programming
Post date: Aug 2, 2015 8:49:00 AM
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