The visualization of the biclustering results from Sonya:
Experiment#1: Comparing the biclustering algorithms and the number of bicluster k
Each voxel is described by the descriptor "Hypothesis-OAO".
The biclustering algorithm is run on both hemispheres simultaneously.
Progress: The data is already done, Sonya is working on the visualization.
We want to find out:
1) Which algorithms give better (homogeneous region in the brain) result?
2) Which is a good k
Experiment#2: Biclustering on the descriptors or on the beta, which is better?
Hypo-OAO --> use the results from experiment#1
Beta coefficients -- Bot is working on this result
Experiment#3: The difference of biclustering on 1) left, 2) right and 3) left-right simultaneously
just pick a good k={4,6,8}, use {CoCluster or nmfrule}