iPython notebook shortcuts

Post date: Aug 4, 2014 11:27:18 PM

I copy all these directly from iPython notebook shortcuts (as of Aug 3, 2014).

Keyboard shortcuts

×The IPython Notebook has two different keyboard input modes. Edit mode allows you to type code/text into a cell and is indicated by a green cell border. Command mode binds the keyboard to notebook level actions and is indicated by a grey cell border.

Command Mode (press Esc to enable)

Enter: edit mode

Shift-Enter: run cell, select below

Ctrl-Enter: run cell

Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below

y: to code

m: to markdown

r: to raw

1: to heading 1

2: to heading 2

3: to heading 3

4: to heading 4

5: to heading 5

6: to heading 6

Up: select previous cell

Down: select next cell

k: select previous cell

j: select next cell

Ctrl-k: move cell up

Ctrl-j: move cell down

a: insert cell above

b: insert cell below

x: cut cell

c: copy cell

Shift-v: paste cell above

v: paste cell below

z: undo last delete

d: delete cell (press twice)

Shift-m: merge cell below

s: save notebook

Cmd-s: save notebook

l: toggle line numbers

o: toggle output

Shift-o: toggle output scrolling

q: close pager

h: keyboard shortcuts

i: interrupt kernel (press twice)

0: restart kernel (press twice)

Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)

Tab: code completion or indent

Shift-Tab: tooltip

Cmd-]: indent

Cmd-[: dedent

Cmd-a: select all

Cmd-z: undo

Cmd-Shift-z: redo

Cmd-y: redo

Cmd-Up: go to cell start

Cmd-Down: go to cell end

Opt-Left: go one word left

Opt-Right: go one word right

Opt-Backspace: del word before

Opt-Delete: del word after

Esc: command mode

Ctrl-m: command mode

Shift-Enter: run cell, select below

Ctrl-Enter: run cell

Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below

Ctrl-Shift--: split cell

Cmd-s: save notebook