Python boot camp Feb 2013


pwd: -- where am I on this computer?

d-173-250-173-254:~ kittipat$ pwd

Who am I?


Tell the terminal to make different color to different type of files

d-173-250-173-254:~ kittipat$ export CLICOLOR=true d-173-250-173-254:~ kittipat$ ls AT.postflight.27425 Library java.log.29313 Calibre Library Movies matlab Desktop Music matlab_crash_dump.14210-1 Documents Pictures matlab_crash_dump.29313-1 Downloads Public workspace Dropbox error.log Google Drive java.log.14210
ls -F

--> tell what type of file it is

ls -lF

man ls

"q" get you out from the help/manual page

remove the file

rm -i testfile

tab --> shows the possible filename

tab-tab --> show the list of possible


*a*b* *b*a*