
[featureMat] = fn_extract_feature_image2(Istd,option);


The function fn_extract_feature_image2 takes as input the (RGB or gray-scale) image matrix and some option controlling which features to use, then output the stacks of image features.


featureMat:The feature matrix of the size Nrow x Ncol x F where F denotes the number of features used in the process. It is convenient to look at the output featureMat as 'stacks' of features, each stack representing one feature and having the same row-column dimension as the original image.


Istd: The image matrix of the size Nrow x Ncol x (1 for gray-scale and 3 for RGB). It is safe to use the standardized value of RGB, namely the value run from 0 - 1 rather than 0 - 255.

option: The option controlling which feature we would like to output to the output featureMat. Users can choose to include any feature by setting the toggle of the feature to 1. The option are listed in the table below.


% Image feature extraction

option = {};

option.gRGB = 1;

option.sgray = 0;

option.sLuv = 1;

option.gsLab = 1;

option.sxI = 1;

option.syI = 1;

option.texton = 0;

[featureMat] = fn_extract_feature_image2(Istd,option);