Deep neural network resources

Post date: Jun 15, 2018 1:31:20 AM

Deep learning in general

CS230: Deep Learning

The course is taught on (coursera video)

CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

There are tons of great tutorials in both ML and NN in CS231n Github

This is probably the best tutorial CNN so far Andrej's Article on CNN website

Prof Andrej Karpathy website

Stanford Deep Learning poster session 2018

Image classification:

Building powerful image classification models using very little data

Building a simple Keras + deep learning REST API


"Do better ImageNet models transfer better"

Fine-tuned ImageNet is a good indicator for other transfer accuracy tasks. Neural net terminology (epoch, batch size and iterations/passes) can be useful.

Object detection:

Deep Learning for Object Detection: A Comprehensive Review

Conv net on Medical image classification

Keras vs Cancer, as a part of Kaggle competition. A concise keras code that you can learn from.


Fchollet's Github collects many good examples using Keras, pretrained models including Resnet50, VGG16, etc.