output example from creating python 3 environment in Anaconda

The output is shown below:

685b35c8f358:python_dev kittipat$ conda create -n py3k python=3 anaconda
Fetching package metadata: ..
Solving package specifications: .
Package plan for installation in environment /Users/kittipat/anaconda/envs/py3k:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
anaconda-1.9.2 | np18py33_0 2 KB
argcomplete-0.6.7 | py33_0 25 KB
astropy-0.3.0 | np18py33_0 4.4 MB
beautiful-soup-4.3.1 | py33_0 113 KB
bitarray-0.8.1 | py33_0 55 KB
blaze-0.4.2 | np18py33_0 220 KB
blz-0.6.1 | np18py33_0 343 KB
bokeh-0.4.1 | np18py33_0 13.0 MB
cdecimal-2.3 | py33_0 137 KB
colorama-0.2.7 | py33_0 15 KB
cython-0.20.1 | py33_0 2.3 MB
datashape-0.1.1 | np18py33_0 76 KB
dateutil-2.1 | py33_2 146 KB
docutils-0.11 | py33_0 647 KB
dynd-python-0.6.1 | np18py33_0 311 KB
flask-0.10.1 | py33_1 138 KB
future-0.11.2 | py33_0 476 KB
greenlet-0.4.2 | py33_0 14 KB
h5py-2.2.1 | np18py33_0 767 KB
ipython-1.1.0 | py33_0 2.9 MB
ipython-notebook-1.1.0 | py33_1 742 B
itsdangerous-0.23 | py33_0 16 KB
jinja2-2.7.2 | py33_0 373 KB
llvmpy-0.12.3 | py33_0 513 KB
lxml-3.3.1 | py33_0 913 KB
markupsafe-0.18 | py33_0 20 KB
matplotlib-1.3.1 | np18py33_0 34.3 MB
mdp-3.3 | np18py33_0 684 KB
mock-1.0.1 | py33_0 37 KB
netcdf4-1.0.8 | np18py33_0 343 KB
networkx-1.8.1 | py33_0 703 KB
nose-1.3.0 | py33_0 202 KB
numba-0.12.1 | np18py33_0 290 KB
numexpr-2.3.1 | np18py33_0 130 KB
numpy-1.8.0 | py33_0 2.7 MB
openpyxl-1.8.2 | py33_1 160 KB
pandas-0.13.1 | np18py33_0 4.1 MB
patsy-0.2.1 | np18py33_0 274 KB
pillow-2.1.0 | py33_0 409 KB
pip-1.5.2 | py33_0 1.5 MB
ply-3.4 | py33_0 68 KB
psutil-1.2.1 | py33_0 89 KB
py-1.4.20 | py33_0 124 KB
pycosat-0.6.0 | py33_0 55 KB
pycparser-2.10 | py33_0 147 KB
pycrypto-2.6.1 | py33_0 453 KB
pyflakes-0.7.3 | py33_0 50 KB
pygments-1.6 | py33_0 919 KB
pykit-0.2.0 | np18py33_0 331 KB
pyparsing-2.0.1 | py33_0 64 KB
pytables-3.1.0 | np18py33_0 1.5 MB
pytest-2.5.2 | py33_0 214 KB
python-3.3.4 | 0 16.4 MB
pytz-2013b | py33_0 227 KB
pyyaml-3.10 | py33_0 150 KB
pyzmq- | py33_1 260 KB
redis-py-2.9.1 | py33_0 56 KB
requests-2.2.1 | py33_0 557 KB
scikit-image-0.9.3 | np18py33_0 6.3 MB
scikit-learn-0.14.1 | np18py33_1 3.0 MB
scipy-0.13.3 | np18py33_0 11.0 MB
setuptools-2.2 | py33_0 473 KB
six-1.5.2 | py33_0 13 KB
sphinx-1.2.1 | py33_0 991 KB
sqlalchemy-0.9.2 | py33_0 1.3 MB
ssl_match_hostname- | py33_0 6 KB
statsmodels-0.5.0 | np18py33_0 5.6 MB
sympy- | py33_0 5.7 MB
tornado-3.2.0 | py33_0 574 KB
ujson-1.33 | py33_0 19 KB
werkzeug-0.9.4 | py33_0 433 KB
xlrd-0.9.2 | py33_0 179 KB
xlsxwriter-0.5.2 | py33_0 168 KB
Total: 130.8 MB
The following packages will be linked:
package | build
anaconda-1.9.2 | np18py33_0 hard-link
argcomplete-0.6.7 | py33_0 hard-link
astropy-0.3.0 | np18py33_0 hard-link
beautiful-soup-4.3.1 | py33_0 hard-link
bitarray-0.8.1 | py33_0 hard-link
blaze-0.4.2 | np18py33_0 hard-link
blz-0.6.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
bokeh-0.4.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
cdecimal-2.3 | py33_0 hard-link
colorama-0.2.7 | py33_0 hard-link
curl-7.30.0 | 2 hard-link
cython-0.20.1 | py33_0 hard-link
datashape-0.1.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
dateutil-2.1 | py33_2 hard-link
docutils-0.11 | py33_0 hard-link
dynd-python-0.6.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
flask-0.10.1 | py33_1 hard-link
freetype-2.4.10 | 1 hard-link
future-0.11.2 | py33_0 hard-link
greenlet-0.4.2 | py33_0 hard-link
h5py-2.2.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
hdf5-1.8.9 | 2 hard-link
ipython-1.1.0 | py33_0 hard-link
ipython-notebook-1.1.0 | py33_1 hard-link
itsdangerous-0.23 | py33_0 hard-link
jinja2-2.7.2 | py33_0 hard-link
jpeg-8d | 1 hard-link
libdynd-0.6.1 | 0 hard-link
libnetcdf- | 2 hard-link
libpng-1.5.13 | 1 hard-link
libtiff-4.0.2 | 0 hard-link
libxml2-2.9.0 | 1 hard-link
libxslt-1.1.28 | 2 hard-link
llvm-3.3 | 0 hard-link
llvmpy-0.12.3 | py33_0 hard-link
lxml-3.3.1 | py33_0 hard-link
markupsafe-0.18 | py33_0 hard-link
matplotlib-1.3.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
mdp-3.3 | np18py33_0 hard-link
mock-1.0.1 | py33_0 hard-link
netcdf4-1.0.8 | np18py33_0 hard-link
networkx-1.8.1 | py33_0 hard-link
nose-1.3.0 | py33_0 hard-link
numba-0.12.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
numexpr-2.3.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
numpy-1.8.0 | py33_0 hard-link
openpyxl-1.8.2 | py33_1 hard-link
openssl-1.0.1g | 0 hard-link
pandas-0.13.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
patsy-0.2.1 | np18py33_0 hard-link
pillow-2.1.0 | py33_0 hard-link
pip-1.5.2 | py33_0 hard-link
ply-3.4 | py33_0 hard-link
psutil-1.2.1 | py33_0 hard-link
py-1.4.20 | py33_0 hard-link
pycosat-0.6.0 | py33_0 hard-link
pycparser-2.10 | py33_0 hard-link
pycrypto-2.6.1 | py33_0 hard-link
pyflakes-0.7.3 | py33_0 hard-link
pygments-1.6 | py33_0 hard-link
pykit-0.2.0 | np18py33_0 hard-link
pyparsing-2.0.1 | py33_0 hard-link
pytables-3.1.0 | np18py33_0 hard-link
pytest-2.5.2 | py33_0 hard-link
python-3.3.4 | 0 hard-link
pytz-2013b | py33_0 hard-link
pyyaml-3.10 | py33_0 hard-link
pyzmq- | py33_1 hard-link
readline-6.2 | 2 hard-link
redis-2.6.9 | 0 hard-link
redis-py-2.9.1 | py33_0 hard-link
requests-2.2.1 | py33_0 hard-link
scikit-image-0.9.3 | np18py33_0 hard-link
scikit-learn-0.14.1 | np18py33_1 hard-link
scipy-0.13.3 | np18py33_0 hard-link
setuptools-2.2 | py33_0 hard-link
six-1.5.2 | py33_0 hard-link
sphinx-1.2.1 | py33_0 hard-link
sqlalchemy-0.9.2 | py33_0 hard-link
sqlite-3.7.13 | 1 hard-link
ssl_match_hostname- | py33_0 hard-link
statsmodels-0.5.0 | np18py33_0 hard-link
sympy- | py33_0 hard-link
tk-8.5.13 | 1 hard-link
tornado-3.2.0 | py33_0 hard-link
ujson-1.33 | py33_0 hard-link
werkzeug-0.9.4 | py33_0 hard-link
xlrd-0.9.2 | py33_0 hard-link
xlsxwriter-0.5.2 | py33_0 hard-link
yaml-0.1.4 | 1 hard-link
zeromq-2.2.0 | 1 hard-link
zlib-1.2.7 | 1 hard-link
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Fetching packages ...
anaconda-1.9.2-np18py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |##################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 1.07 MB/s
argcomplete-0.6.7-py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |###################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 81.82 kB/s
astropy-0.3.0-np18py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |###################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:07 596.02 kB/s
beautiful-soup-4.3.1-py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 211.37 kB/s


xlrd-0.9.2-py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |##########################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 232.78 kB/s
xlsxwriter-0.5.2-py33_0.tar.bz2 100% |####################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 174.74 kB/s
Extracting packages ...
[ COMPLETE ] |#######################################################################################################################################################| 100%
Linking packages ...
[ COMPLETE ] |#######################################################################################################################################################| 100%
# To activate this environment, use:
# $ source activate py3k
# To deactivate this environment, use:
# $ source deactivate