Perfect Order Percentage (POP) deep dive

Post date: Oct 9, 2013 1:40:36 AM

ETL from Qiuying:

ETL from Srilatha:

Bot's ETL query adapted from Qiuying's query:

In this new query, I made the code easier to read by dividing the query into small sessions.

My hypothesis of the analysis:

  1. Lots of fraud/blocked sellers (VCAC, BSC) in the system from Mar to April
  2. There are some changes in the system since April--late ship definition.
  3. Something wrong in the system--Double count some imperfect orders
  4. For increase in late_ship -- something wrong with the system in USPS only (not UPS or FedEx)
  5. Bad sellers migrate to MFN-individual
  6. A few high-volume sellers turned bad
  7. Some new high-demand items/GLs are introduced into the system requiring customer service or need to be customized such that the 2-day handling period is not enough
  8. Many sellers don't care about the late ship anymore and comfirm shipment late despite the ship is on time
  9. There might be something wrong with variables order_entry_date, ship_comfirmed_date in the data warehouse

With a peek in the data

  1. Late_ship, seller_canceled_order, cs_contact_cnt, order_with_claim increased in the same order as imperf_order
  2. Increase in sellers shipping from Hongkong and China

Some additional hypotheses:

  • More fraud attempts
  • Under-enforcement <-- now focus on this
    • we changed top-grading rules defect count from 2-3 defects minimum
    • reinstate logic – sellers are not re-queued for 30 days now (talk to Andrew Ivanov)
    • We reduced the rate of block actions in MRI (Stan can give you more insight into this)
  • Defects are coming from unique ASINs that Ind sellers sell
  • Definition difference between new POP and old POP (sellers see old POP, but we are now internally measuring new POP)
  • Mix change:
    • Ind sellers are now allowed to sell in a new GL that they weren’t selling in before
    • Used items vs new (for e.g. Ind sellers are now selling more used items, perhaps because of something like a Used Buybox)
    • New ship option with tight ship lead time was introduced (or change of promised ship lead time on existing shipment option, or more orders placed with expedited shipping)