4/28/2020: Create Task: Create PT - Written Response Template Assessment Overview and Performance Task Directions for Students

  1. Create a video in .mp4, .wmv, .avi, or .mov format that demonstrates the running of your program. Your video must not exceed 1 minute in length and must not exceed 30MB in size Prompt. Use your phone, computer, camera, etc.

  2. In Google Docs, (Shared with kgmortensen@gmail.com) write the purpose of your App. Include the program language (Java script) and what the app is supposed to do. click here to find the template

4/10/20: Finish your chaser game on code.org. You will need this finished in order to move on to your create task.

If you want to have a little fun, go to the code.org and at the bottom of the page in code.org and play around with "DANCE PARTY"



Create Performance Task Prep

4/14/20: Please know that this final project must be done independently.

Be Self Directed!

GO TO CODE.ORG and log into the "Create - AP Performance Task Prep ('19-'20)"

  • Go to Lesson 1: Create PT Prep - Reviewing the Task Read pages 9-13 for information on the task at hand.

  • Review the scoring guidelines

  • Watch the video sample

  • Review some of the examples so you are familiar with what the task looks like. Specifically Grumpy cat.

  • Review the Digital portfolio resource