Review the artwork and view the video's of Andy Goldsworthy.

Identify Line, shape and form, color, texture, value and space. Capture at least 5 images of each for your collection. As you are capturing the images, keep in mind the principles of design that can greatly effect the success of your photos.

Emphasis: Refers to developing points of interest in order to pull the viewer's eye to important parts of the body of the work.

Unity and Harmony: All parts equal a whole.

Your work should not appear disjointed or confusing. Similar objects should work together using similar elements throughout the work.Hharmony gives an uncomplicated look to your work.

Balance: A sense of stability in the body of work. Balance can be created by repeating the same shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight.

Symmetrical balance: A sense of stability in the body of work. Balance can be created by repeating the same shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight.

Asymmetrical balance: When the image is divided in half and is not the same, the image becomes balanced by the presence of a larger image being balance by a lot of smaller images or empty space.

Radial balance: The object is divided like a pizza with the same exact elements on each piece.


Scale refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a body of work. Proportions give a sense of size seen as a relationship between the objects.

Rhythm and Movement

It adds excitement to your work by showing action. It directs the viewers eye throughout the picture plane. It creates movement by repeating lines, shapes and colors or specific objects within your collection of images.


Refers to the differences in a piece of artwork.

You can achieve variety by using contrasting shapes, textures, colors and values in your work.


Principles PowerPoint project

See the chart to the right that shows examples of the principles of art using the elements of art. Try and recreate the Principles within your own photography.

Activity: Create a PowerPoint demonstrating your understanding of the Principles of art by presenting one fine art image and one personal photograph for each principle.

Total of 14 slides, one introduction slide, one citation slide at the end. Keep photo and art images pertaining to the principle together.

Considerations when taking your photos:

Remember, fill the frame, experiment with angles, watch your light and use your flash, avoid background distractions, use your rule of thirds (move it from the middle), focus on the eyes, take a lot and anticipate the action.




Shapes in architecture



Values (of gray, black and white)



ART PRINCIPLES Unity and Harmony

Rhythm and Movement






