• Perceiving: Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes.
  • Performing: Using knowledge of structures and functions.
  • Reflecting: Evaluating a range of subject matter and ideas.
  • Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

OBJECTIVES: Students will learn to:

  1. Describe how art elements (line) create unique characteristics and expressive qualities in selected works of art.
  2. Identify and the experience contours of different objects and express them on paper.
  3. Produce different lines when creating contours.
  4. Paint with watercolor
  5. Create space within a composition
  6. Use science inspiration for decorative patterning
  7. Identify Art Nouveau


  1. Pre-assessment: Students will draw their best hand in a relaxed state. No one should draw a flat hand. This will take 5-10 minutes
  2. Present PowerPoint to students. Students will discuss the variety of lines that can be used and the meaning behind the work. They will look at a variety of drawings that have basic lines and discuss how the image makes them feel. They will review examples of how the line qualities create a mood. They will describe how lines create unique characteristics and expressive qualities.
  3. Students will draw the outline of their hand. This is a contour: The outside line of an object. Students will then practice drawing their hand without tracing it.
  4. Materials: 9x12 paper, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayon, marker
  5. Homework: draw their hand in three different positions.
  6. Over several days, students will practice drawing their hand, simple objects like scissors, glue bottles, their shoes and finally full figures. Students will also practice
  7. Materials: Bottles, cups, jars, hand, shoes. 9x12 white paper. newspaper to cover hand, 9x12 paper, pencil,
  8. Students will use their contour line drawings as inspiration to watercolor paintings, art nouveau composition, Illusion of depth and a printmaking project.


1. Final contour line drawing Exercises

2. Post-test and survey

3. Entrance and exit passes.

Additional Lessons

Illusion of depth composition with art Nouveau


Printmaking: Henry Matisse and Andy Warhol

Art Nouveau: Gustav Klimpt
