
Research papers as well as articles on 'Technology for English Language and Literature Teaching' are invited from our ELTAI Computer Technology SIG members as well as others.

  • The research paper / article based on the use of Technology in English Language/Literature Teaching should be accompanied by an abstract in about 150 words at the beginning. Preference will be given

  • Both the abstract and the complete paper should be typed in Microsoft Word 2003 (Extension = .doc).

  • Use Times New Roman typeface of 12 points and set the entire paper to 1.5 line space.

  • If the paper has any illustrations / pictures, please send them in jpeg format as email attachment.

  • A short biographical note about the author should also accompany your contribution

  • Photograph(s) of the author(s) may also be sent as an email attachment and as a .jpg file.

  • Preference will be given to the articles submitted by the members of ELTAI in publication. For membership details visit our website

  • All contributions should be sent to cc to <>