5. E-Learning: Mobile Learning --- Viswanathan & Rajagopalan

E-Learning: Mobile Learning

Dr. Revathi Viswanathan, Professor of English, B.S. Rahman University, Chennai

and Dr. S. Rajagopalan

An efficient teacher would find ways of using various tools, even mobile devices, for teaching language skills.. What are mobile devices? They are hand-held devices that are being commonly used by all in this digital era and they include Mobile phones, Laptop, Digital Camera, IPad, IPod and Tablet. We are aware that quite a good number of our students own latest models of these gadgets and use them for entertainment purposes. We find mobile phones being used for sharing photos, downloading songs, accessing social media like Whatsapp, FaceBook and for sending SMS to their peers. As teachers we have to find ways of using all the devices for supplementing our teaching and involving our students to participate in the learning process even beyond the classroom. In this article, we are going to see the feasibility of using them effectively.

What is unique about these devices? Mobile devices are considered very useful tools for the following reasons:

  1. They are portable and could be carried to any place.

  2. Devices like Smart phones function with Windows or Android operating systems, which is similar to working on a Laptop or PC.

  3. These devices have plenty of storage capacity.

  4. They could be easily connected with the Internet through Wifi or broadband connectivity.

  5. Teachers can easily maintain contacts with students even beyond the classroom.

  6. Any number of documents could be shared with students using these devices.

Although we are aware of the positive aspects of using these gadgets, there is a common complaint about students misusing them. Besides this, most of the institutions have banned their use within the campus. As a result, teachers do not know how to integrate the use of these devices with the regular curriculum. How are we then to provide for their use in order to help our students learn more effectively? The best method is to facilitate learning outside the regular classroom with the help of these devices. To begin with, teachers have to be familiar with various devices and their functions. Then they need to plan the way to use a suitable device for a particular language learning activity. What types of activities could be given to our students?

It must be stated that these tools could be used for teaching all language skills. In the case of developing listening skills, teachers can encourage their students to download ESL/ EFL/Business English podcasts from the web and learn various expressions and their usage from the audio contents. Podcasts are MP3 files (which had been elaborated in the earlier edition of our e-learning series) that are presented in the form of conversations or monologues by users. As mentioned earlier, with the high storage capacity, mobile devices can store more GB of audio files, which could then be retrieved easily. Teachers can plan for listening activities in their teaching module by integrating a few audio files and related tasks such as ‘gap-filling’, ‘true-or-false statements’, ‘note-making’ and ‘inferential statements’ for motivating students to develop the skill. Once students are used to listening to podcasts, teachers can motivate them to create their own podcasts by recording discussions with peers in their mobile phones, store them as mp3 files and share with others.

With regard to developing writing skills, teachers can encourage students to work on Google drive, blog and Wiki in their mobile devices like Laptop, Smart Phone and IPad. As internet could be accessed in these devices, students would find it very convenient to work on their assignments with the help of the devices at their own pace. In other words, with the help of these devices, teachers can monitor students’ writing process even beyond class hours. Students can never think of delaying their submission of their assignments.

It may be pointed out that collaborative writing could effectively be promoted through mobile devices. For example, discussion on a topic (that is done within class hours) could be carried on with students even beyond the classroom. Teachers can divide their class into groups and post the discussion topic in Google drive, Blog or Wiki for the groups to share their views with other group members. In this way even a very docile student would be encouraged to participate without any inhibition.

Students at the tertiary level need to know how to make effective presentations. In order to master this skill they need to be given adequate practice within the class. But with the present constraints on account of large classes, teachers have to find ways of involving students with the help of mobile devices. Mobile phones could be used for this purpose. To discuss the way to do this activity, teachers could first provide a common framework for making presentations, brainstorm the topic of presentation with every individual student and then encourage each one of them to make presentations by using a common framework. They could be told to use their mobile phones to record their presentations. The recorded audio file would be in mp3 format, or if it is a video file, it will appear in mp4 format. Students can then transfer their files through Bluetooth or using a data card. It is worthwhile to mention that we can evaluate presentations more effectively as we can play any student’s presentation as many times as they want.

Another oral activity that could be done using mobile phone, an iPod, a laptop, or a tablet is recording mock interviews. We are aware of the importance of training students for interviews and prepare them for jobs in various industries. Although students are told about various steps to be followed while getting ready for interviews such as planning, preparing and performing, they need actual training through mock sessions. However, again with the time constraint and need for additional training, teachers have to resort to providing opportunities to students beyond the class. In other words, they can discuss ways of facing interview questions and show how to answer those questions within class hours. A few mock sessions could be done in the class. In order to encourage other students to participate, teachers can assign the task to pairs and ask them to record their interviews in their mobile devices.

From the discussion above it is clear that mobile learning would go a long way in supplementing our students’ classroom learning. It makes for their learning at their own pace, and also anywhere and at any time.

Leaning on the move! A Classroom without walls! These are no longer empty words but i realities today and this is what we call a Learning Revolution. Are we going to lag behind the West in this regard? Our students have shown the way. More and more of them are now using mobiles for chatting and playing games and why not we help them make use of these devices for learning English too? Of course they may access the NET directly and make use of the learning resources and tools available there. At the same time there are also mobile applications available now for learning English. Some of them are free. Whether it the improvement of one’s vocabulary or grammar or enhancing one’s listening and speaking skills, we have many applications. Just do Google search for ‘mobile phone apps for learning English’ you get quite a lot of them, free as well priced ones. You may download them from Google Play or Apple Store on your mobile.

The British Council offers a variety of free English learning apps. You may access themat www.britishcouncil.org.il/en/english/apps

Here are a few of them which are free.

My WordBook

It is an interactive vocabulary notebook with some of the most useful words in the English language taken from Cambridge University Press’s dictionaries for English learners. The student may download word lists to suit his ability and He may learn and practice and to review frequently the new vocabulary and thus helps him to commit them to memory. One may browse preloaded flashcards of the most important words in English. Each flashcard contains pictures, sounds, example sentences, translations and notes to help us remember.

Wordshake or 60 Second Word Challenge

There are quick word games.

Big City Small World.

It is about London and students will have fun while they learn English

LearnEnglish Grammar

We may use it to improve our English grammar at home, on the move, or anywhere!

Why not you try some of these mobile applications and see how useful they are for your students>