S. Casilda Nimmi, TGT English KV1 Tambaram

A report on the use of ICT tools introduced at the Virtual Learning workshop Organized by ELTAI-IATEFL

A workshop on Virtual Learning was conducted by ELTAI on 7th & 8th Nov.2014 at KV No 1 AFS, Tambaram, Chennai. 31 teachers from 8 Kendriya Vidyalayas attended the workshop. The focus of the two day workshop was on teaching through technologies using a variety of resources and tools .I represent Chennai Chapter which has become vibrant under the able guidance of Dr.Uma Sivaraman, the Assistant Commissioner,KVS,Chennai Region. I thank specially Dr.S.RajaGopalan, Dr.P.N.Ramani and the two resource persons for having taken us to a virtual class room using Google Drive and Wikisapces..We were introduced to web 2.0 tools also. With gratitude to KVS and ELTAI, I place on record the small and simple efforts taken by me to create a virtual class room for my students from classes IX and X. and also web 2.0 for presenting video clippings. I have created the virtual class rooms through Google Drive and Wikispaces. The evidences of virtual learning procedures are attached in this mail. I have prepared a lesson plan also for the flipping classroom teaching. Here are the details of my new, fascinating virtual class room experience!

I am ready with a question bank to upload in my virtual class room. For class X students. They have their exam English Board exam on 19th March 2015.I invited my colleagues who have also undergone this training to visit my class room. My students are looking forward to receiving my invitations to attend the virtual class room. Since I find the virtual learning very interesting for the students-paperless assignments, relaxed learning, notes without notebooks, timely interaction I am planning to extend this service to other students of neighbouring Kendriya Vidyalayas ! I have a blog with a question bank for the teachers of English from the Chennai Region.

I once again thank ELTAI for this technological service –updating us with the available wonders of the web world.

Kindly find the samples attached with this.

1.Sample Lesson Plan

2.Sample interaction of our virtual class room

3.Sample assignment

'IT is a skill which is essential in the world we live in. Our pupils need touse the latest technology to offer them an effective education in the twenty first century.' Jane Rosser.


Class X English-Julius Caesar


Objective : Reversing the usual class room into a room of more self learning activities by creating a planned environment as a facilitator –to develop the higher order skills of students

Teacher’s Role

Evaluation:Assignment through Google Drive-Questions on expressions-inferential questions –Character analysis-using different question types.

Remarks to be given based on performance

Timeline : For each task and for the evaluation time limit to be given

1. Explain expectations clearly !

2.Set ground rules-to work individually,in pairs,in groups !

Unit : Calpurnia’s dream-the prescribed drama begins from here Activity before the class

1.Exposing students to………outside class –Provide link via Google Drive/ Group mail Who is Who using the link-Quizlet flash cards for the characters specified. Who's Who in Julius Caesar?

2.Know the gist of the scene to be enacted in the class :

http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-calpurniasdream- how-does-caesar-react-when-467672 -

Role of students : Students enter the virtual classroom created through Google Drive/ Nicenet/ My Wiki

TASK 1- Expose themselves to two sites to gather information

TASK 2: Assignment 1.Was Calpurnia superstitious? 2.Who

interpreted her dream ? How?

3.Watch a video clipping- The particular scene from JC movie-will be available in virtual class room

During Class : 1)Warm up quiz in who is who ? i)She was the wife of Caesar -? Ii) most respected and trusted person in Rome-? 2)Discussion on background, costume, bg music –who can be the director-all for fun 3) Dramatization- enacting the scene-role play-LEARN WITH FUN

Resources Needed



Google Drive/Wikispaces

3 .Students to be connected to virtual class room-invite them with class key /code-for the students who do not have such facilities, the school computer lab has to be arranged after school hours.

4. The text book

5. Video Clipping