1.Click And Learn: A Critical analysis of Web-Based Learning of English


Chinta Praveen Kumar

Vardhaman College of Engineering

Shamshabad, Hyderabad


Dr. Jayaraju

Professor of English

Govt. Degree College Vinukonda, Guntur, AP.

We are fully aware of the tremendous changes have been taking place in learning styles. One could have never imagined the book of learning might change the face to become ‘Facebook’ in just these years. Similarly, Twitter was something that birds did, subsequently; we never thought neither of these would be in hands of common people metamorphosing educational potential despite having their own strengths and drawbacks. In this paper, the study explores use and limitations of these applications. Broadly speaking, social learning in today’s curriculum in formal and non formal educational setting. This educational technology also provides important areas in course design added by some online learning tools for the learners. However, web-based learning into English classroom teaching is no way paradigm shift from what we are teaching at present. It is an added advantage. It is yet another trend of teaching in ESL classroom.

Key words: Analysis, Internet, Technology, Social Skills and Web-based Materials.


E-Learning is a growing attention in most countries and web-based materials would become an application into language teaching complementing the course teaching with digital learning. Effective language learning environment comes with multiple task practice by high quality materials. Learner should be provided with ample opportunities which can also be customized to group of learners by their learning abilities. Currently there is much technology-enabled software is available such as video, audio, speech simulation, technology where learner can engage in simulated conversations. It is a ground breaking source in the present learning system. Prensky (2001a, 2001b; 2003) differentiates between digital natives and digital immigrants.

“Digital immigrants are those who did not grow up in the digital era (i.e., born prior to 1980), while digital natives are those who have grown up using technologies such as the internet, computers, and smart phones”.

The learners and the teachers are part of learning by educational technology. It is worth noticing that wide varieties of resource are available for effective learning process. Traditional ways of presenting lesson can be complemented by using online tools such as digital voice recorders, digital cameras where teacher can also assess the learners’ fluency and accuracy of English language during learner’s presentation skills. Online exercises, quizzes, activities can be sent to individual or group of learners synchronously and can be retrieved files once exercise is done to evaluate the work.

2.Learning tools:

There are many learning tools available on internet. Significant tools as follows:

2.1 Wiki’s: A website is one of the most common resources in contributing to the Web. Websites as such can be divided into several groups according to their content, purpose, function, language etc.

2.2 E-journals: E-journals are part of websites where one can find electronic journals. E-journals usually contain articles, newsletters, conference details, publication or entries in order. Visitors can always feedback/comment on articles. The content of an e-journal depends on its user(s) but they are very often focused on a certain area, e.g. medicine, economics, sociology etc. http://www.wikipedia.org

2.3 Blogs: The term blog comes from the combination of the words 'web' and 'log'. Blogs are websites which main idea was adapted from individual interest. https://www.blogger.com.

2.4 Podcast: Media files for uploading and downloading audio and video are called podcast. The term stands for 'pod', i.e. portable on demand, and 'broadcast'. Originally, podcast were used by online radios but they spread to all areas of the Internet

2.5 Social networking websites: Social networking is bringing people into specific groups, through various communities to share their views, Although social networking is not official communication network for sending and receiving at universities and schools in India yet it is most popular online communication today with applications called ‘whatsup’ or ‘Facebook’. The social networking websites are here to connect people by communication and socializing.

An effective and full resource material is available to learn English speaking with this website. It is an interactive learning with simple tools as such ‘click and listen’ while recording and evaluating listening task. Materials are designed by native speakers. It gives reasonably good drilling for listening activity to acclimatize second language learners for comfort learners.

It is a proven method that strengthens one’s reading, speaking, and listening synchronously and asynchronously when stored information for easy learning English. One can definitely improve English using this method of practice.

When using web-based learning system user is synchronized with common abilities and attitudes of learners by browsing the web. Material are designed an account of common phenomenal learning standard.

This is the most trust worthy authenticated materials to help any learner with new tools and techniques to improve one’s English language.


The major concern about the use of web materials is trust, reliability and authenticity in plethora of ephemeral digital world. This material might be unauthenticated, unfiltered, user-needed materials. There is no any standard master to upload content over the web. It does not provide any objective of learning then naturally learner has no any chance get reflection of what he is learning. It is just a gateway to goggle, blog, or to find information from wikis on the web or social networking. It is difficult to integrate traditional objective based study and frequently operational materials.

Now the question rises whether web based materials really worth learning tool, Learning from websites control over the learning is quite different from the orientation of formal teaching courses where stress is laid on learning step by step which leads to successful teaching and learning process.

5.Learner’s interest

Learners who have grown with digital world will always learn differently from others because he or she has improved his or her ability to multitasking learning from pictures, sound and video, social networking, blogging, browsing rather than reading a text or textbook based information. There hyperlinks provided then hypertext minded people craving for ways learning, preferring to listen or watch. Learners are addicted to infotainment. I personally experienced with my students over years of observation that students usually prefer learning in teams, they wanted to engage in peer or group learning task, and they are techno-savvy because they have non-linear learning skills.

The sequences in the materials are not predetermined and the activities can be done as many times as needed in a self-paced way. The software leads the students by suggesting the preferred pathway. However, they are free to navigate and choose the order of doing the tasks independently. Such independence ensures the better teaching quality of the material (Ramsden in Kennedy & McNaught, 1997).

Though institutional advantages of this uses, however, use of this web English materials of considerable controversy. Through the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become part of regular teaching especially in technical educational setting, the effect and results are not yet considerably progressive. It requires further exploration developing authenticated materials. As Felix (2001) state, technologies after excellent opportunities for adding value to classroom teaching in a variety of ways. The important thing about using e-materials is the convenient of storing and retrieving data whenever necessary without carrying many loads of books. Now the trend follows as such reading on electronic gadgets such as iPads, e-books, and mobile phones. Nevertheless, learners have always a mood to learn on their own as learning is intrinsic especially adult learners who prefer blended in engaging unstructured method.

Though the use of web based language learning and teaching has come so fast that a large majority of teachers in India have not technologically or pedagogically prepared for this educational reform because there is wide gap between what they had learn and what they need to do future. Websites are suitable for today’s communication.

As Kent and Taylor (1998) state the web is “an excellent information dissemination tool and useful for getting a message out” (p.325).

It is known fact that sometimes students prefer to engage in technology enhanced multimedia, most seemed to have had a positive experience with web materials.

6. PDC

Pedagogical Development of Curriculum is advocated in further design of the curriculum for English as ESL. There is a complexity of pedagogical practice of web-based learning. Nevertheless, it is a time to reform curriculum in India for teaching of English. Effective language teaching and learning comes by rigorous practice of LSRW skills. Traditional approach of chalk and talk will not provide much exposure to multi-variety of resources at learner’s interest.


English Language Learner (ELL) can develop their competency in language applying a wide variety of online tools to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and synthesis information they have collected for the web.

6.2 Objectives:

1. Learners will be able to develop the critical thinking

2. Learners will be able to synthesis the information

3. Learners will create their own presentation using power point

4. Learners will be able to understand the use of audio-visual in enhancing better communication

6.3 Procedure

1. Teacher will introduce a topic to the learners

2. Learners will browse the information using search engine

3. Teacher then provides some useful URL links to browse again

4. Learners will now find further information

5. Teacher will guideline on presentation skills

6. Learners will prepare accordingly and present

7. Peer and Teacher’s evaluation, suggestion

Web-based English Language teaching and learning is a potential tool to support lifelong learning.


Computer technology is not a panacea for language teaching; using it demands substantial commitments of time and money and brings no guaranteed results.

New technology would provide both the content and process of language learning reshaping better learning environment. Computer technologies not only help teachers and students to show competency in linguistic, geographical, and social but also to build bridges between past and present tool for recording events. The use of current technologies allows students to engage in the types of online communication and research which will be paramount for success in their academic and professional lives.

Autonomous learning academically is not yet acceptable pedagogic practice. But academician can reinforce this method of improving knowledge in multiple ways. Teacher should encourage taking responsibly of their learning. Integrating the internet, and web facilitate learning activities across the curriculum provides better language abilities to become competent, productive, creative, technical for future-ready employable learners. This kind of syllabi would enable the learner to identify specific need at any stage of his learning. It also provides opportunity to learn and work collaboratively across the globe.

The above charts displays a result of pilot study survey of 25 learners selected randomly and it is found that there is marginal quantity of users between the age 12-15 using internet browsers in which podcasting is has not yet been considerably used. While users between the age 16-21 high use of goggle and Blogging besides social networking is recorded. It need further be considered users between the age 22-25 high uses of internet for multiple browsing tools. A language course is effective in proportion to suitability of learners’ age and background which may further be overcome by their interest and capability of learning.

However, proliferation of material over internet is enabled for various learning styles and situations globally. Nevertheless, these web-based materials sometimes may not be filtered because the students usually search for materials which have to be systematically arranged. In addition to that students have many opportunities to learn the new language accidentally, e.g. while reading about Shakespeare on the linked page, there can be a chance of diverging into multiple resources because linked-curiosity arises when they usually browse information. It is a threaded-learning and most students like even because variety of learning matter is always advocated. The learning context is predominantly individual because the students will use the materials autonomously despite of the fact that they have to take common examination subsequently.

3.Analysis of Web-based Materials for ESL

This paper is an attempt to answer the question of implementing in practical teaching English which can facilitate learners’ proficiency among the different learning styles and English Language Curriculum. Web-based strategy of teaching and learning has to be taken into consideration for effective learning. For instance, the software Abilities Builder is an interactive social builder which is appealing to learner in a real-life setting. It is customized to suit the individual needs. Web-based materials are area source of real motivational, interesting infotainment to all ages globally.

ESL Café has the following features

Teaching materials are found for both the teacher and the students besides general learners. In teachers’ section it is found that Idea Cookbook, International Job forum, and teacher training forum focused, besides Student forums extensive lists of vocabulary and over 40 interactive quizzes with automatic scoring on grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing including ESL links is provided.

The browsers of this web are likely to be intermediate-level ESL Learners who may want to improve their English. Users enter the website materials by clicking on the menu and finds extensive lists of interactive English exercises with an abundant of fun and knowledge.

www.esl.com. With over 5000 worldwide school & job listings is available in this web portal. It is the better ESL job www.talkEnglish.com search engine for those who want to aspire for teaching profession. It has easy search tool that provides a resource which are user-friendly and informative for both the students’ and the teacher's of international English Language learners.


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