3. Using Web 2.0 Tools ‘VOKT & VOXPOP’ for Enhancing the Speaking Skills --- Agravat & Raval

Using Web 2.0 Tools ‘Voki’ & ‘Voxopop’ for Enhancing the Speaking skills

Mayur R. Agravat, Asst. Professor, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D (Pursuing), Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Business Administration, Ahmedabad.

Tushar C. Raval, Asst. Professor, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D (Pursuing), GLS Institute of Commerce, Ahmedabad.


In the age of communication, it has become imperative to develop speaking skills. Language teachers, whether in schools or colleges, have started conducting the tasks related with oral skills development. The best possible way one can do is to make the classroom teaching/learning more interactive and plan-oriented. ICT even aims for developing the language skills through more interactive web tools and formative development based activities. Compared to earlier times when the development of communication skills was purely relied on simple classroom tasks thatdo not provide ample chances for the same, the current age of information presents wide spectrum of strategies for language development.

Web tools 2.0 provides sufficient such tools which are interesting, fun creating and learning oriented, entertainingas well as catchy to use. Nowadays, students who are more gadget and techno-freak, web tools would appeal in whole to them. Such tools seem like playing video games which is funny and time-taking and the same could be utilized for the development of oral skills. Here, Vokiand Voxopop, web tools, which is very interactive and fun-oriented, can actually help students developing vocal skills.For the mediate/inter-mediate level students who want to enhance speaking skills, these tools would create wonder for them.


Over the past twenty to thirty years the advancement in the field of technology has taken a long leap. Academic field is not an exception in it. There are fields like Law, Medical Science and Computer Engineering - I.T. which are ever growing and witnessing a change on regular basis. In academics where more emphasis should be given on the life-skills, there has been less attention given.Talking to language field, especially the global language - English, it has even seen wide spectrum oflearning in terms of policies, tools, assessment, acquisition and other development since past couple of years.

The traditional way of teaching English language entails the one and only usage of chalkboard, teacher-oriented classroom teaching and forcing students to attain the expected result through paper-and-pencil-test. ELT, since its descendent, has witnessed a variety in terms of material development, course curriculum, enhancing teaching techniques, motivating students and ofcourse developing new tools to make the classroom teaching and technique more learner-oriented and happening so that learners could get every bits of learning without losing their interest.

The current paper would seep into the details of using Web Tools 2.0 and will aim at developing speaking ability with the objective of attaining communicative competence. Initially, we would see the tool called Voki which is a free tool for creating one’s advertisement, text voice, adding voice and embedding, e-mailing it by changing voices etc. The second tool is Voxopop which is equally delightsome and interesting for online recording of one’s voice and share it in talkgroup.


Voki is an online creative tool for expressing one’s ideas personally in one’s own voice and talking character. It gives chance to students as well as teachers to use different avatars so as to make the communicative task more interesting.

The best art of learning this tool is recording one’s audioand practicing it. The more one practice the more one gets acquainted with the usagesand benefits of the tool.The recording process is very easy and common like other audio-recording tool.


The learning part comes with the process of reviewing. Either one can review one’s own recording after listening it once or twice or one can start a talkgroup and ask others to review one’s task and make sure to comment on it. The tool gives ample chance to review your voice, volume and pitch variation, intonation, pause, stress, pronunciation etc. One may come across one’s hold/grip or lack of ability and can work over it.



Background: In a class of 40, students could be given a half-made story(short story where either initial or later part is omitted to create a puzzle), either by written chits or taken printouts or mailing them. Students would have to make the full story out of the given half story sheets. The story could be an anecdote, an excerpt, a piece from persuasive speech etc. They would be asked to make the full story in their own way by using Voxopop and share it in the talkgroup. Sample tasks like,


    • Give shy and weak students a chance to express themselves

    • Helps students to use speaking as a tool for self exploration

    • Motivates students to share ideas personally and effectively

    • Aids in homework and other class assignments making more entertaining

    • Could help in understanding and developing pronunciation and accent

    • Assist to record and share with peers

The main usage of Vokis is that in it students, after registering, can record one’s audio-video, customize it according to one’s likeness and share with others to get the feedback. Some of the key features would be:

Managing students by giving common instructions

    • Managing classroom lesson or material by providing link of message on VOKI

    • Reviewing students’ Voki tasks and giving feedback

    • Sharing it in a team and getting peer feedback


    1. One must register oneself by logging into the website www.voki.com and also explore the product page www.voki.com/products.php One has to type basic information in it.

    2. After login with id, click Create button

    3. Select your avatar and start recording your voice task

    4. One may change theme, clothes, voice (accent) etc.

    5. Teacher/Student can also review the task spoken by student

One of the samples of how a teacher has reviewed the talk done by the teacher.

1.Mulla Nasruddin struck up in a conversation with a stranger.

At one point, he asked, “So how’s business?”

“Great,” the other replied.

“Then can I borrow ten dollars?”




1.It was a cold winter day, and a heavily dressed man noticed MullaNasruddin outside wearing very little clothing.

“Mulla,” the man said, “tell me, how is it that I am wearing all these clothes and still feel a little cold, whereas you are barely wearing anything yet seem unaffected by the weather?”




1.Late one night, Mulla Nasruddin’s baby started crying.

Mulla Nasruddin’s wife turned to him and said, “Husband, go take care of the baby. After all, he is not only mine—he is also half yours.”

Nasrudin sleepily remarked,




GOAL:To encourage students to complete any complex idea or event


Sudents would learn to use and tackle Web Tools 2.0

    • Experience virtual scenario of using English language

    • Record and listen one’s own recorded tasks and review it

    • Develop art of regular communication in routine scenario


    1. Students, by using Voxpop tool, would get aware about this creative tool

    2. They will record their full-made story and share with others

    3. They will get a chance to listen others’ recorded tasks

    4. One may review, reflect and write the improvements need to be made so as to make communication better

    5. Learners may comment and ask questions about others’ responses

    6. They may give the best possible answer of the tasks and can comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the performers if possible or teacher permits and gives feedback at the end.

    7. Teacher has, at last, to give feedback on the initiatives, importance of using the tool, strengths and weaknesses of the students.


    • Students might take more time initially to get comfortable with the procedure of using Voxopop

    • They might experiment recording their tasks twice, thrice or more time rather than once

    • Some might contribute or not fearing other could listen their tasks and give negative feedback etc.


Background: In a heterogeneous class, for beginners or mediate level, a teacher can use the Voxopop tool for teaching students on how to give the best answer for exams like KET, PET. Teacher can give them initial speaking tasks from the Cambridge handbook and ask them to complete the task by using Voxopop. They would be asked to make the necessary changes at the end but initially they would be encouraged to record some tasks and share it with the talkgroup. Sample tasks like,


Task-I Selecting a topic and making speech ready

Step-1 Teacher can give a theme to the students, for example, Human Rights. Now here teacher should keep only one registered e-mail id with the password and give the same to all the students in the class. For demo, refer the link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FunBew6S4Bk

Step-2 Students have to use the link and record the audio-video of their own by making their unique avatars on the given theme, Human Rights. Students could use their understanding, knowledge for the speech and can share through speech.

Step-3 Teacher can then upload his/her own video giving instructions as what they have to do. For example, in the teacher’s own video, he/she would say, now all the students will have to assess (by listening) the tasks of their peers and have to share their feedback in the class tomorrow.

Step-4 Students then have to follow the instructions and assess the voki task of anyone student and provide feedback.

Responsibilities: Teacher has to monitor how students are giving feedback about their peers on the strengths and weaknesses. Teacher, before assigning peer assessment to the students, could give them evaluation criteria as on what basis students could assess their colleagues.

Task-II Teaching students how to be ready for public speaking

Step-1 Students have to/would be instructed to give impromptu speech without much preparation and repetition on Voki by using his/her avatar and accent from the given options on the Voki tool.

Step-II Learners, after recording their video, will publish (save) it with his/her own name. They will then assess his/her own audio-video and give feedback on the strengths and weaknesses.

Step-III Pupils have to bring the recording of their performance and discuss it in the class provided by the constructive feedback given by themselves on how to improve on the weaknesses.

Step-IV It is now they have to prepare another speech through voki video and have to compare the first with that of second just to mark the changes. They have to discuss the same with the classroom teacher as how he/she has overcome the barriers.

Responsibilities: It would be teachers’ duty to listen carefully the self-assessment of the students and motivate them to record it second or third time. Weak students should be given more attention if needed.Teachers can then encourage them to start with the informative and persuasive speech.


Voxopop is another great tool for developing one’s speaking ability. This is the tool that has been used by many academicians as well as corporate professionals to maintain good communication skills of the employees. Voxopop is actually a voice-based e-learning tool that aims for engaging talks in talkgroups with more fun and pleasure. Users would be able to record his/her voice and create a group and can use for development purpose. The best part is one can use it anytime, anywhere, from home or office, just with the use of internet.


Step-1 Sign up on http://www.voxopop.com/

Step-2 Record a personal message

Step-3 Edit your profile

Step-4 Start a talkgroup

Step-5 Create a discussion

Step-6 Invite others to join your talkgroups and reply to discussions

The advantage of using the tool is that students could use to develop their oral ability by starting a forum and getting answers from students on the same. Many times what we speak and what we think are two different things. Voxopop, here, helps one to record one’s own recording and have self/peer-assessment so as to how and what to change in one’s speaking skills. Another advantage is listening to and comparing with others’ tasks with your own and make the changes in the speech.

The tool, apart from classroom teaching where students are encouraged to use English for regular communication, could also be used for IELTS, TOEFL, KET, PET, CAE etc. where a teacher/trainer can post opening questions or give the related tasks for the above mentioned examination and have students respond accordingly to the oral questions. The best part would be feedback that teacher would give to them. At times when learners would not be able to speak openly in the class, he/she would best contribute from home, in isolation, on the discussion forum.


Initially, it is preferable if students would explore through YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGGeEFxwA54 about the manual of using the Voxopop. One can also listen to the sample audios available or try to record one informally. The website has a unique interface where one can have fun while exploring and understanding the specifications of the same.

Source: KET, PET Handbook for teachers, University of Cambridge, Cambridge English

GOAL: To help students to develop speaking ability for routine conversation


    • Pupils would get aware about the Web Tools 2.0, Voxopop

    • Aids on how to prepare answers for the exams like KET, PET

    • Record and listen one’s own recorded tasks and review it

    • Cultivate habit for making conversation in real-life context virtually


    1. Students should be given and made aware about the task as how to use it

    2. They should be made aware about the question and then record the answers in a pair as KET and PET have paired format, as a pair task.

    3. After recording they will save and publish it with their group

    4. The recorded tasks should be made available on common talkgroup and others should be asked to assess tasks

    5. Teachers should review the tasks of all and be ready to give constructive feedback

    6. At the end, students would have to re-record the task with the given improvements by the teacher and share it

    7. Teacher could use proper rubric to give clear feedback to the students


    • Students might be unfamiliar with the method of using Voxopop. Teacher should give demo twice.

    • Many students might be more comfortable face-to-face rather than using online tool. Here teacher has to persuade and convince them about the benefit of it.


In the classroom where formative as well as summative assessment is happening, the usage of such Web Tools 2.0 would create fun and entertainment in the classroom. Nowadays, students are rather crazier about exploring such online tools and experiment with their own learning. Language teacher should try to utilize students’ craziness for using social networking sites and other tools in a productive way.With the emergence of ICT and awareness about using such technological tools actually can create wonder. The students of the 21st century are more prone towards witnessing themselves into this virtual world rather than into the four walls and contemplating about the syllabi content and examination result. Even soft-skills, life-skills, personality development related subjects are now collaborated with the English language teaching so as to realize learnersabout the importance of presentation, negotiation, critical thinking, communication and other such skills which are needed for survival. Web Tools 2.0 helps learners to learn oral skill in the most creative way rather than using through traditional way. Voki and Voxopop compensates the dearth for learning communication skills through different creative techniques.


    1. Voki helps speaker to express on the web using a _______ character.

      1. a) funny b) thematic c) talking d) voracious

    2. Voki, by design, are a visual and ______ point of reference for the lesson information.

      1. a) audible b) auditorium c) body-language d) vocal

    3. There are over ____ languages lets you to speak in Voki.

      1. a) 45 b) 25 c) 27 d) 36

    4. Can anyone share the video/audio through Voki by mail?

      1. a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say d) Don’t know

5) Voxopop is actually a(n)_________ e-learning tool that aims for engaging talks in

talkgroups with more fun and pleasure

a) audio-based b) cartoon-based c) voice-based d) None of this

6) In Voxopop one can make _____ talkgroups according to their demand.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) many

7) In Voxopop, one may write ___ mail-id per lineand total ______ emails in a day.

a) 2, 15 b) 1, 20 c) 4, 25 d) None