0. Editorial


Dear readers,

CALL as an academic field of inquiry and practice is fast developing in India. Many a teachers use computers to enhance the English language skills of learners at various levels. Furthermore several teachers’ associations strive hard to promote the use of technology in English Language Education through various conferences, and publications. At this point, it is important to remember the part that our SIG and journal has played in this development. As a result, CALL has now become an established field in India but still in its infancy compared the progress in other countries. In the current issue, readers will find different constructs of CALL such as Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL), Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and Web Enhanced Language Learning (WELL). All these concepts correspond to how one views technology or computer.

The contributors of the current issue acknowledge the paradigm shift that has occurred in the Indian context of English Language Teaching. Patel observes that technology has become important not only to enthusiastic 'technophile' teachers, learners and managers, but also to everyone concerned in language teaching. Madhavi in her article “Developing Writing skills using Study Skills Success software” says that computer is no longer seen as supplementary educational material but as a platform where effective teaching/learning can happen. Agravat and Raval in their article “Using Web 2.0 tools” emphasize the importance interesting, entertaining and learning-centred environment that can be created by an array of web 2.0 tools.

As CALL practitioners and researchers, we are no longer concerned with whether to use computers in language teaching but with the questions of which technological tool and how. Thus the choice of technology and pedagogy play a crucial role in CALL. Each article in the current issue deals with different technology and holds diverse pedagogical stance. As a result, in the current issue we have Madhavi with Study Skills Success (SSS) software in teaching writing, Patel with technology in designing learning environment, Agravat and Raval with Voki and Voxopop in teaching speaking, Mandloi with technology in managing anxiety and hesitation, and Revathi and Rajagopalan with mobile learning in teaching various language skills. So, we have a focus on listening skills, speaking skills, writing skills, presentation skills and reducing anxiety and hesitation of learners in classroom.

Happy reading!

M. S. Xavier Pradheep Singh