1. Editorial


Volume 6 - Number 4 (October - December 2016)

ISSN (Online): 2231-4431 - Pages: 1-2



Dr. M. S. Xavier Pradheep Singh

Managing Editor & Publisher – Journal of Technology for ELT

Dear Readers,

On behalf of the editorial board of the Journal of Technology for ELT, I welcome you to read this issue of our journal. We are glad to inform you that our journal has recently obtained high impact factor (4.31) for last year from Cosmos Impact Factor Agency. This is yet another clear signpost of the quality enhancement in the content of our journal. Indeed, it has been and will continue to be an uphill struggle to improve both the quality and the quantity of our journal. This struggle will not deter us from our journey ahead. With this determination, we present you the 4th issue of the 6th volume of our journal. In this issue, we have three articles on the use of web tools to teach English Language effectively.

Dr B. Sreekanth Reddy, in his study of the challenges in implementing the composition curriculum at TVTC College of Technology, Saudi Arabia, claims that “learners’ writing problems can best be addressed by the adoption of the genre approach to writing rather than the prevailing curriculum which is language-oriented” (Reddy 3). His study highlights the need to revamp the existing writing practices with the aid of technology.

In her article on Flipped Learning, Dr A. Joycilin Shermila introduces the philosophical underpinnings of Flipped Classroom pedagogy which has gained popularity in the academia recently. She also sheds light on the importance of technology to flip classroom teaching and activities.

Finally, Chinta Praveen Kumar and Dr. K Jayaraj, in their article on “Network-Based English Language Teaching”, attempts to bring out the effective ways of learning English through network-based software in a digital language laboratory. They list out a few network-based and web tools that were used in Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad. They also analyse the effectiveness of these tools by observing the development of the language skills of their students.

We, the editors, hope you will find this issue informative and thought-provoking. Happy reading!

Dr M. S. Xavier Pradheep Singh