1. E-Resources for Cultivating Language Proficiency via Computer Assisted Instruction

E – Resources for Cultivating Language Proficiency via Computer Assisted Instruction

Sr. J. Jeya Rani, Dr G. Rexlin Jose

Principal Assistant Professor

Annai Theresa College of Education for Women Dept. of Education (DD&CE)

Pavitram MS University



Technology is a part of our daily life. To confront the fast – paced globalization it is crucial that students of today are equipped with knowledge and skills. Cultivating language proficiency is undoubtedly the essence of human identity. Therefore, the acquisition of language helps us to communicate, converse, collaborate and co-create. Being in an actual classroom and interacting face to face with other students and teachers is the most effective way to learning. But, still the teachers and students can benefit a lot from having a computer and internet tools. Therefore, it is important to make use of the technological tolls to be effective in class room. This paper focuses on how e- resources help to cultivate language proficiency in the field of the computer assisted instruction.


Today’s knowledge facilitator needs to peep into vision and creative innovations along with fruitful use of technology. The 21st century learners are also keen to experiment with such novel ideas.

A number of teachers around the country have been using the Internet in their classroom for many years. These pioneer Internet-using educators have had the opportunity to experiment with a number of techniques and creative teaching methods that tap into the educational potential of the internet. There is no escaping fact that the teacher needs to put a considerable amount of time into researching and bookmarking appropriate web sites that their students will visit.

Dudeney remarks that the Internet may be the “perfect medium” for language teachers. He provides “hands on” experience that allows the readers to put into practice what they are reading, such as sending email or exploring a Website. He has organized his write up into difference sections. The first, called “Guidelines”, introduces the reader to the Internet and the tools used with it. Software and communication tools such as chat and email functions, are discussed, as well as some guiding principles for searching for and utilizing information on the World Wide Web. The another section called “Activities” provides activity descriptions for all levels of learners form basic introductions to more advanced themes such as news, music, media, the environment, weather, marketing and art. The next section, “Projects,” describes a number of longer-term projects that teachers can undertake utilizing Internet technologies. The fourth section is called “Advanced Net”. This section introduces the reader to some of the more advanced uses of the Internet available to language and science teachers, thus it is appropriate to anyone interested in pursuing technological, regardless of previous experience. Here, Dudeney describes uses such as browser, chats and multimedia.

The internet is a very interactive communications medium to cultivate language proficiency. Users decide which sites they will visit and which links they will follow. Students and teachers using internet are able to exchange information with people around the world inexpensively at any time. The internet gives them the ability to connect to companions around the world. Large number of educators and their students are using the internet to collaborate globally with other teachers, scientists, researchers, students and other individuals. Instant communication makes it much easier for students to get different viewpoints or perspectives on the topics.

Language is a basic means of communication is essential for surviving in the society. English has a status of a second language in almost all the countries where it is not the first language. To acquire simple language for day to day communication is the main aim of learning any language. In turn, today’s workforce is expected to be highly competent to continually improve skills and engage in lifelong learning. Language is a skill. Like any other skill, until and unless we practice the mastery in skill is highly impossible. The aims of learning a language are directly linked with the LSRW skills that are to be developed. The need for learning a language arises from the point of view of its adaptability.

Communication is sharing our feelings, ideas and opinion with others. This can be intellectual, personal, spoken or written in nature. We live in groups and man is invariably a social animal. As the social needs insist, we share our thoughts with others. The two-way process of communication motivates, informs, suggests, warns, orders, changes behavior and establishes better relationship to make interaction meaningful and make oneself understood. Communication becomes effective when a communicator communicate competently, simply, clearly, sincerely and dynamically. Communication is essential for close, sympathetic relationships in the society and for transformation of men, material and thoughts from one place to another. This process involves initiation, reception and response that serve as feedback. Hence, communication is interactive by nature.

Communication and collaboration are particularly exciting for students using the internet. Students can set up email access to connect with peers around the country. Emails activities are an excellent way to get started on the internet, as they require minimum planning. Students can also communicate in real time through on line conferencing. For this, online chat rooms are popular with students and teachers. Audio and video conferencing using some software create even more exciting educational opportunities. Collaborative projects go beyond simple communication. The internet also offers many credible and expansive resources for students to use to do research. The impact of the lesson is enhanced through students communicating via email with peers and experts. Students are asked to create and conduct surveys, make presentations and conduct research. The internet is a great tool for inquiry based learning. It is particularly well suited tool for cultivating language proficiency for any teachers.

Technological advancement in Language Proficiency

Let us examine the ways in which computers help in language proficiency to understand the nature of advanced language style. In pre-Internet days, computers in could be viewed from one of two perspectives. Firstly, computer assisted instruction developed and concerned itself with the pedagogical applications of the technology. Students used the computer to develop and practice their English. CAI is, of course, still with us today but in pre-Internet period limited text-based provisions were there for both students and enthusiastic practitioners. A second perspective was in the use of computers for assisting and understanding of what constitutes the language and how it works.

The statistical analysis of language initially analyses written language, has allowed persons to examine the frequency of words and this has informed the profession from several perspectives. It has given us insights into the most useful vocabulary and scientific terms to teach and facilitate the lexical syllabus. It has also allowed us to look at form-based words and this given us insights into their grammar that we teach. One positive outcome from all this has been the arrival of a range of publications for teachers and students such material can now be based on how the language is actually used rather than what the traditional book prescribes. We can see that computers have a role in pedagogical practice and in analyzing language both these aspects have further developed with the arrival of the Internet but the point here is that in pre-Internet days the role of the computer did not fundamentally influence the language itself and it is only with the arrival of the Internet and related technologies such as text-messaging on mobile phones that computers began to significantly change language.

Advantages for Students and Teachers

Multimedia training offers the audience a variety of topics and activities. It gives the presenters the freedom of choice and the experience of appearing before the audience. It gives basic ideas for doing projects and class room teaching practice. It really forces the students to read and become experts and prepares them for more serious research. It increases the development for both student and teachers. Multimedia offers a good opportunity for student observation, grading and learning of new ideas. It relieves teacher from a lot of burden and unnecessary tension.


Use of certain technological innovations in cultivating language proficiency definitely gives a boost up to the learning efficiency and interest of the learners. Creative teacher can motivate the students to become more creative using computer assisted instruction. Teachers need not come with chalk and talk method and they should use certain techno- tools to make their teaching effective and innovative which gives a positive experience everyday to the teachers and learners so that they both can make the best use of learning.

Works Cited

Dudeney, Gavin. The Internet and the Language Classroom: A Practical Guide for Teachers.

Mehta Dilbar. A Survey and study of I.T Students towards using Computer Technology for Language Learning, 2009.

Nagraj Geetha. English Language Teaching: Approaches, Methods, Techniques, Orient Longman Pvt, Ltd.., Kolkatta, 2004.

Nikhil Joshi. Creativity and Technological innovations in Language teaching and Learning, 2010.