0. Editorial


Greetings to our readers! Youngsters today are growing up with digital stimuli. Their learning preferences have changed. Online dictionaries, mobile phones, cameras, web 2.0 tools are playing magic in today’s classrooms. Having this in view we have chosen articles for this issue. The article Computer Assisted Vocabulary Acquisition deals with the CAVOCA programme that takes the learner systematically through the sequence of mental operations which make up the acquisition process. The Use of Mobile Phones in Improving English Pronunciation tells how the modern smart mobile phones help the learners to speak English with right pronunciation. The paper Impact of Internet on Education: Anytime-Anywhere Learning examines the role of Internet in education and emphasizes the need to take education outside the classroom and to promote anytime, anywhere learning. E-Learning: Podcasts brings out the different uses of podcasts for the teaching and learning of English, particularly in developing listening and speaking skills. Effects of Collaborative Blogging on Communicative Skills in Writing of Thai University EFL Students is a research paper that explored the effects of collaborative blogging on communicative skills in writing of Thai EFL students. These papers will help you to be more creative in your second language classroom.

A.Joycilin Shermila