
Assignment02 due in 1 week (note it may take longer - so be patient with yourselves)

IF you have questions call JilMac 802-254-8628, she will walk you through anything!

What's in WebSiteDevelopment_Assign02-14.doc

Review: How to look at the Files - your Default Browser and Default Editor

Starting in the Summer 2017 everyone is using the NEW Student Web Server CLASSweb.ccv.edu

https://youtu.be/TSEsVRRcg6E <-- ONLY watch up to 11:03 minutes

We are using the NEW CLASSweb.ccv.edu student server

How to set up your Student Web Server

Document explaining this is found in MOODLE Assignment02

NOTE: When you LOG into Sentora (after you have set up your password)

Your USERNAME = Initials MMDD0 you do NOT have to put in the .ccv.vsc.edu mine is jam08260

Here is a sample Google Web Site Page with LINKS to your Before & After code assignment


Clarification: The Assignment HANDOUTS are at the BOTTOM of each ASSIGNMENT page

Read: Chapters 3-HTML and 4-Text

Research: How to you Learn what the terms/definitions/acronyms mean?

What web sites do you use as resources?

You may want to start a LINKS or Resource page on your Google Site

with the Resource Links that match your learning style. These could include:

These two videos are interesting in understanding how the Internet works - they may also yield terms you can look up.

Internet in 5 min:

Code Before & After examples

  • Note: Chapter 2 had no Code Examples

  • Chapter 3 code examples

Even if you are NOT planning to become a Programmer.

Most tech jobs today require some programming.

Learning to be comfortable with code is an important skill to have
