Web Dev
Days & Times
Course Description
Previously Taught
May 25, 2021 - Aug 16, 2021 NOTE: This is a Accelerated Class = 7 Weeks - each week do 2 Assignments
Each course is evaluated every few years
1. Evaluate a variety of websites for content, style, and functionality.
2. Identify current trends in Web page use and design including content management systems.
3. Describe accessibility, copyright, security, and other legal and ethical considerations in Web design.
4. Understand that there are different versions of HTML and XHTML and use tools to validate standard code syntax.
5. Create a Web page in HTML using a text editor.
6. Produce sample Web pages using a graphical development tool.
7. Use a variety of media file formats and describe the parameters of each format and their effect on quality and speed.
8. Demonstrate the appropriate and effective use of tables and forms in Web page design.
9. Demonstrate the effective use of inline and external CSS for style and element positioning.
10. Describe the use of Javascript and PHP as they relate to Web development.
11. Create a form to collect and manage data and understand the options for processing that data.
12. Describe logistics and costs involved in planning, producing, finding a host, and maintaining a website.
13. Design and build a multi-page website that includes internal navigation, consistent style, and interactive elements.
Then it became a FLEX class - and the curriculum changed a bit.
2018 Summer On-Line Accelerated 7 weeks
2018 Spring On-Line Accelerated 7 weeks - cancelled only 7 students
2017 Fall On-Line Accelerated 7 weeks
2017 Summer On-Line 12 Weeks
2017 Spring On-Line Accelerated 7 weeks
2016 Fall On-Line Accelerated 7 weeks
2016 Summer On-line - 12 weeks
2016 Spring: On Ground Springfield, VT
On-Line - 12 weeks
2015 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2014 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2013 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2013 Spring CIS-151 Greenfield Community College
2012 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2012 Fall CIS-151 Greenfield Community College
2011 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2010 Fall CIS 1151 in Springfield, VT
2009 SumCIS-1151 in Springfield, VT
Curriculum Change & Renumber ...
2007 Spring CIS-2220 in Brattleboro, VT
2006 Spring CIS-2220 in Brattleboro, VT
On-Line: CIS-1151-VO01F and also again in the Fall 2021
Website Development
Summer 2021 - Online Classes Accelerated - 7 weeks May 25 - Aug 16 all work by the 22nd
One-on-One support available - call JilMac 802-254-8628 to set up Time
CCV HelpDesk https://ccv.edu/discover-resources/get-help/
CIS 151 - Web Site Development
Note: See file at bottom of page for Update of Course for 2015
A study of the creation of effective web sites and pages for use on the Internet or as an Intranet. Topics include: creating web sites and pages with a web site development tool; managing site presentation with Layers; block level elements and Cascading Style Sheets; Dynamic Web Templates; and behaviors. Students explore and modify HTML, CSS and JavaScript code, manage a web site's associated files and folders; manage the web publishing client/server process and administration of a web site. Students create and enhance a number of web sites in this course. Students need dependable internet access as part of this course. Prereq: CIS 140, or CIS 150, or permission of instructor.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance Learning, Hybrid Distance & Campus Mtgs, Lecture
SocialNaturalSci/Math/Bus/Tech Division
Computer Science Department
Course Attributes:
G-General Elective
Previous to 2015
1. Locate and evaluate a variety of Web sites for content, style and functionality.
2. Outline current trends in Web page use and design.
3. Describe characteristics and limitations of the various versions of HTML and XHTML on Web page design.
4. Create a web page in HTML using a text editor.
5. Produce sample Web pages using a graphical HTML editor.
6. Use a variety of graphic file formats & describe the parameters of each format and their effect on quality&speed.
7. Demonstrate the effective use of tables and forms in Web page design.
8. Demonstrate the effective use of CSS for style and element positioning.
9. Describe the use of Javascript and PHP as they relate to Web design.
10. Create a form that uses CGI script to process collected data.
11. Design a coordinated, multi-page Web site that includes links to other Web sites.
12. Describe logistics and costs involved in planning, producing, finding a host, and maintaining a Web site.
13. Describe the main types of content managers available, and critique their use in Web site design.
14. Describe accessibility, copyright and other legal and ethical considerations in Web design.
For ON_GROUND Classes - Cancels classes will meet On-Line, http://JilMac.com > Connect with JilMac > Guest
Moodle2 https://learn.vsc.edu (chrome issues)
Student Training in Moodle http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=5E697D97806426A9
CIS Resource Site - https://learn.vsc.edu/course/view.php?id=34833
Springfield Resource Room LOG: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/lclog
eTutoring.org http://eTutoring.org
On-Line Advisor: Ted Pappadopoulos, Academic Services Coordinator & Liaison for Workforce Development
(802) 828-0467 Theodore.Pappadopoulos@ccv.edu
Springfield Advisor: Debra Grant debra.grant@ccv.edu
Vermont State College Help Desk https://servicedesk.vsc.edu
Set up Classes: enable Guest Access to Moodle course: http://screencast.com/t/jCakALjNxnAj & https://moodledocs.vsc.edu/enabling-guest-access/
Reminder: ALL messages will be sent to your CCV.edu email address. Please start checking this! You can access it through your Portal or by going tohttp://mail.o365.vsc.edu.
Interested in forwarding your CCV email?
• Navigate to https://portal.ccv.edu/owa and login using your normal username and password.
• Once logged in, click the gear/wheel in the upper-right, and choose “options”.
• In the options menu, click “forwarding” under the “accounts” subsection.
• In the forwarding section, you can choose to enable email forwarding and identify which account to send messages to.
• Be sure to click "save" when done.
NOTE: JilMac's Web Dev classes HEAVILY rely on a GMail account - which we will use to learn CMS & Cloud Computing Integration
HELP DESK ..................802-828-2810 or submit a help desk request. http://ccv.edu/discover-resources/get-help/
SOFTWARE - Students DON'T need this software for this class .... However it is available FREE to CCV students.
o365 in the cloud - http://mail.o365.vsc.edu/
Free Microsoft software in the cloud. You must have an internet connection to use. Includes: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote, One Drive but not Access. Instructions on how to login and use this software are here - http://andromeda.ccv.vsc.edu/TrainingDocuments/o365SoftwareOnline.pdf
Office 2013/2016 - http://andromeda.ccv.vsc.edu/Learn/OfficeDownload-Install.pdf
Free Microsoft client software available to download. Defaults to whatever is the current version. If you click on the installation and support guide from the Office 365 screen, there are directions for going back to Office 2013 if that’s your preference.
If you have questions please submit a helpdesk request here - http://servicedesk.vsc.edu
Teachers Page https://teach.ccv.edu
CCV Academic Technology Curriculum Committee