"JilMac" Jil MacMenmin – Bio Note: the LandLine phone has been replaced with my cell phone! I have never changed my number - former students still call me from time to time.
updated 1/03/2020 and my phone number is still 802-254-8628
Jil MacMenamin or "JilMac" for short, is an Independent Web Database Consultant. JilMac works with clients’ Documents & Web Databases that include: MySQL, PostgresSQL, PowerSchool–Student Information System, Sage/Peachtree-Accounting. Interfacing with Merchant Accounts, e-Commerce, Third-Party Vendors, Google Sites/Applications, Microsoft Office Documents, Google Docs/Sheets/Presentations or whatever creates a clients whole system. Document Collaboration, small network setup, hardware procurement, security, and software installation enable her to build systems from the ground up that allows clients to have the Internet/Cloud access they need. She is frequently referred to as a “Jil of all Trades”.
She has extensive experience in Database Programming & System Development, Software Testing, Data Warehouse Report Generation, Document sharing & collaboration, and Corporate Training. Developing documentation and procedures that is comprehensive for all levels of users, technical & management staff is a trademark.
JilMac’s On-Line Teaching includes On-Line Adjunct Faculty since 2003 and On-Ground since 1985 at the Community College of Vermont, an innovative State College. Because CCV’s directive is to bring education to every Vermonter where they live or work. CCV has been on the front line of technology to support its directive. She has been an active faculty contracted to teach the teachers for some of those technologies. JilMac has also taught at other State & Private Colleges.
Her experience extends to teaching Vermont Adult Learning & Career Centers, Graduate level Workshops, and Technology Classes at private elementary, middle and high schools. Developing & implementing strategies for embracing paperless office/education by teaching through doing.
For 30+ years, JilMac has taught computer classes, but now concentrates on:
Web Programming: including but not limited to Advanced Web Development, PHP-Intermediate Web Programming, MySQL, JavaScript-Intro to Web Programming, Java, HTML/CMS/XML-Web Development, Digital Photography and Photoshop-Digital Image Manipulation. All of JilMac’s Web Prog/Dev classes utilize Web Hosting & Cloud Computing to have each student experience the Real Web –vs- Local-Host only instruction.
Cloud Applications: Google: Docs, Sites, Calendar, Map and integration of Google applications & resources. Compare/Convert/Integrate traditional Microsoft applications and teach Collaboration skills.
Integration of Social(FaceBook), Professional(Linked-IN) and Communication (Twitter & Pinterest) applications. Accounting packages & Shopping cart Applications.
JilMac Tutors Mathematics & Statistics. She was an eTutor from 2006-2019 several Community Colleges through the CTDLC – Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, which pioneered using onLine meeting software to support students, tutors and provide demonstrations to new colleges.
All of these things help JilMac bring a fresh look at Corporate Support, On-Line learning, and Technical Education.
Here Degrees include:
MSIE – Masters of Science in Internet Engineering - Grad Center of Marlboro College, VT http://gradschool.marlboro.edu/academics/msie
BA, Mathematics & AS, Computer Programming - Castleton University. Jil's Minor was Corporate Communications with a Concentration in Accounting http://castleton.edu
JilMac's first Computer - NCR499 - when she was the first Work-Study student at Granville High School. It was 1972.
NCR499 - National Cash Register - a BookKeeping Machine was the First Computer JilMac worked on in 1973. The Granville, NY first Work-Study
student. My mother was the principal's secretary - she was desperate to get
me out of school for a few hours per day to give her peace.
From the first day, I was on the job - I was told that as soon as I had entered the information into this new computer that it would do the work, and I would be no longer needed. So from the beginning, I understood that unless I kept up and ahead of the machines - they would always take over my job.
Programs were stored on Metal TAPE and later Paper TAPE
then Cassette Tape, Then Cards, then Floppy Disks, and HardDrives
PC languages would come later, after Monitors were attached to Personal Computers - but the Terminals eventually got Monitors and they were called "Dumb Terminals" because they could not operate without the Mainframe being on-line.
We used these terminals to write programs in Fortran (Formula Translation) one of my favorite languages. We also coded in COBAL & Pascal. These three languages would become the building blocks (after Assembler - machine code) of Mainframe languages.
In College we used "DEC printer Terminals" - Monitors had not yet been invented. It was 1975.You typed your program into the terminal - it printed each line.
You saved your program
and Ran it to see if it worked - or if you had errors.
When the transmission wasn't working you would clean the phone - and make sure you were getting good contact, and that the phone was properly inserted into the acoustic couplers. The PT-210 weighed 15 pounds and came in a briefcase-style case.
My first college course was at CCV - a new Concept back in the 70's a Community College at the State of Vermont. I got hooked on learning and started taking Computer Courses at Castleton State College, in Castleton, Vermont about 30 minutes from where I lived. Some classes were taught in Rutland at CCV by the CSC professors back then) we used a new machine - you could go over PHONE LINES! it was amazing !!
PT-210 Portable Data Terminal We were still PRE-monitors - everything you typed and all messages you got back - were printed on paper.
To go over the phone lines - you dialed the phone number and then pushed the phone into the
ACOUSTIC COUPLERS - it was so bleeding edge - I could hardly sleep!
Compaq -They called it Portable - because you could LUG it - we all called them LUGable - and loved them!
It weighed in at just under 30 lbs.
1985 - My First Portable PC was a suitcase - Well it wasn't mine - they were still too expensive - it was Holstein's.But I have it now - when they were getting rid of them - I took it - I couldn't part with it, and still can't.
To be able to easily take a computer with you, was heaven.
Here I am in 1985 demonstrating on-Farm software on the Compaq in Wisconsin ... yes, I lugged it through Airports, it was so freeing to be able to BRING your computer with you!!
1995 - I collaborated with a student to create my First Web Site. It was 4 pages, and 4 .jpgs - HTML was very new back then, there were no Shared Web Hosting (that came after Y2K= year 2000)
The TV series "Halt and Catch Fire" was about the creation of the first "Portable PC" and http://www.amctv.com/shows/halt-and-catch-fire
Community Colleges CCV(Vermont) & GCC (Greenfield, Mass.) (JilMac introduces herself to her students):
Hi, I'm Jil MacMenamin, you can call me JilMac. I am an instructor for several Community Colleges in Vermont and Massachusetts. I have been teaching computers and computer languages at CCV since 1985. I taught every semester from 1985 - 1997, during the big computer boom, pre-Y2K and for a few years after, I was working in the Deerfield-Amherst-Hadley-Holyoke, MA area. The long commute left little time for teaching.
I received my Masters in Internet Engineering in the Fall of 2003 and starting teaching Web Programming languages for CCV in the Spring of 2004. When I not teaching, I am an Independent Web Database Consultant for area schools & businesses.
I am a product of Community Colleges. My first college course in 1975 was at CCV in Rutland, Vermont. Accounting I followed by Accounting II, after that I was hooked. I enrolled at Castleton State College(now Castleton University), transferred my CCV credits and received by BA in Computer Programming in 1981 and my BA in Mathematics, Minor in Corporate Communications and Concentration in Accounting in 1984.
Classes at Community Colleges are an important part of my life, because I've been a student, a teacher, a spouse of a student, and a mother of students that have attended or are pursuing a degree from a Community College. I have a long history of how important Community Colleges are in my life and my community.
http://LinkedIN.com - this is one of your assignments - to create a LinkedIN account.
A flaw in LinkedIN is that it puts everything chronologically
- which is fine when you first set it up
but as the sight ages - as you add new clients
- what you have been doing for 29 years like teaching
falls to the bottom.
There are also many other techniques, putting together a current resume' will help you organize what you want to add to your LinkedIN and other online presences. You need to have your OWN site - if you want to have complete control.
Link to IRS W-9 to give to clients with Year-End Bill
In my spare time - I enjoy building stone walls and incorporate them into landscaping and gardening.
Ok students - now you have read about me.
The next step is to start looking for Jobs or at least information about current jobs available. Here are the sites you should be visiting.