When I read in the Jerusalem Post about the first ChatGPT Haggadah I got really excited. Anything that connects technology and the Haggadah is right up my alley. I have already written about Open AI in a previous post, so it goes without saying that I immediately ordered this Haggadah for my collection. The creators (they call themselves the "conjurers"), Royi Shamir and Yitz Woolf were kind enough to sign my copy for me.

Although the Haggadah reached me a few days before Pesach, I only had time to read through it during the Chag. Royi and Yitz asked for me feedback so here goes...

The Haggadah itself is a regular Ashkenazi Haggadah with the full Hebrew text and an English translation (more about this translation below). All the commentaries are written by OpenAI's ChatGPT and presented in the form of the AI commentator Rabb.AI who guides the reader through the Seder. All the illustrations are created by Midjouney.