Joshua Kulp and Stephan Durchslag

Post date: Mar 10, 2019 3:36:53 PM

Joshua Kulp, the author of the wonderful Schechter Haggadah visited me today to see my 1400 Haggadah collection. During his visit, he inscribed my copy of his Haggadah which was a great honor to me. He told me about his recent visit to Chicago where he saw another Haggadah collection, that of his friend Stephan Durchslag.

Stephan Durchslag is a lawyer whose collection is "slightly" bigger than mine. His is actually the largest privately owned Haggadah collection in the world! Durchslag has over 4500 different Haggadot and owns some of the nicest, most exciting and most valuable Haggadot there are.

Joshua told me he would introduce me to Mr. Durchslag who might maybe one day, during a visit in Israel, come to see my Haggadot. From what I can read about him on the Internet, he seems like a very interesting person to meet.