Open Siddur

Post date: Aug 30, 2016 5:08:12 PM


The Open Siddur team has been developing their own tools using a native XML database and XML TEI for encoding digital edtions of historical and contemporary Jewish prayer literature in multiple languages and variations.The Open Siddur Project aims to produce a free software toolkit for making high-quality custom Jewish liturgical books such as haggadot, siddurim, and bentchers that can be displayed on screen or printed to paper. The project's goals include producing a reliable source text, enabling personalization and customization of the text for local rites and customs and selective inclusion of multilingual translations, transliterations, instructions, notes, and commentaries.The coding project is divided into three major parts: * Schema: A defined XML format for storing liturgical materials, based on the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) XML schema. * Back-end: A database and REST API for storing and accessing siddur data. * Front-end: The web-based editing application. Volunteer coders are always welcome. We are, in particular, looking for web/mobile user interface programmers.

Open Siddur Project's github repository is at

The still alpha-ready proof-of-concept web app in development is at

Placeholder for the project providing all the basics and for sharing newly contributed material is at