VVV - Version Variation Visualization

Post date: Jan 19, 2016 4:10:23 PM

VVV compares multiple retranslation documents at segment level, and visualizes the similarities and differences, in order to facilitate overviews, close reading, and navigation among versions. An algorithm called ‘Eddy’ (‘∑D’) quantifies variation among versions of a base text segment, in order to distinguish more and less predictable or distinctive versions. An algorithm called Viv (‘variation in variation’) aggregates Eddy metrics, and projects the result onto the base text segment, in order to distinguish more and less variously translated segments. The algorithms can be applied to the aligned corpus or any selected sub-corpus

VVV is developed by my co-supervisor Tom Cheesman at Swansea University., More about the tool and its possibilities in an upcoming article.

A link to the tool: http://www.delightedbeauty.org/vvv