
Post date: Jan 25, 2016 7:47:16 AM

Tracer is a text reuse tool created by Marco Buchler of the Gottenburg University. It combines several nice features to visualize text reuse and can be used to automatically identify similarities between different texts. I was impressed with the work done by Jan Rybicki using Tracer's automatic lemmatisation. Jan compared 7 English translations of a Polish poem and was able to show the similarities between different versions based on results of Tracer. More about this HERE. He then produced a Gephi Network (see picture), something he has done in the past also with Cheesman's Shakespeare translations*.

Tracer and Gephi are definitely tools I should learn more about.

* Tom Cheesman, Kevin Flanagan, Jan Rybicki, Stephan Thiel, ‘Six Maps of Translations of Shakespeare’, in: Un/Translatables: New Maps for Germanic Literatures, edited by Bethany Wiggin, Catriona Macleod, Dan DiMassa and Nick Theis (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press)