Digital Humanities Israel - Digital Seder

Post date: Mar 27, 2018 6:48:06 PM

The Digital Humanities Israel Group is organizing a special Pesach Meeting which takes place 28/3/2018 at Tel Aviv University, Main Library (Soraski). Four digital projects that deal with the Pesach Haggadah will be presented. The presentations will be in Hebrew. On the program:

Avraham Roos - Using Digital Tools to Compare English Translations of the Haggadah

Yael Netzer - Tagging the (Hebrew) text of the Haggadah

Yaron Deutscher - Digitizing Ancient Haggadah Hymns

Deborah Matos - SephardiPal/Archetype for Analysis of Iconography of the Haggadah

The program starts at 09:30 and will finish about 15:00

Registration here: