Post date: Nov 2, 2017 5:38:12 AM

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Digital Tools for the Analysis of Historical Corpora


University of Amsterdam


10:00-10:15 Prof. Dr. Rens Bod, Computational and Digital Humanities, UvA and workshop organizer

Avraham J. Roos, PhD Student, ASH, UvA - Introduction

10:15-11:15 dhr. dr. ir. J. (Jaap) Kamps, Humanities, UvA - Digital Means to Analyze Texts

11:15-12:00 Dr. Jan Rybicki, Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

part 1 - theoretical - Counting words with Stylo, visualizing with Gephi

12:00-12:45 Lunch will be provided for all participants

12:45-14:15 Dr. Jan Rybicki - part 2 - hands-on - Counting words with Stylo, visualizing with Gephi

14:15-14:30 break

14:30-16:15 Dr. Marco Buchler, Head of Digital Historical Research at Leibniz Institute of European History, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

part 1 - theoretical - Detection of Historical Text Reuse

part 2 - hands-on - Detection of Historical Text Reuse

16:15-16:30 break

16:30-17:00 Prof. Tom Cheesman, Swansea University - VVV - Version Variation Visualisation

17:00-17:30 Avraham J. Roos - Introducing PDD (Poetic Devices Detector) and Concluding comments

Registration is open for all, but ASH Ph.D. candidates and/or ASH members will be given priority. Participation is free but registration is required.

There are only 20 places available.

Register HERE.