People Per Hour

Post date: Oct 17, 2018 10:00:04 AM

OCR is heavily overrated. Notwithstanding my numerous attempts to scan documents and use OCR to digitize them, I have spent days on end manually correcting them, especially the ones that were scanned from very old Haggadot or that had been poorly scanned. In the end I just gave up. It was easier asking someone to type out the documents for me than to spend zillion of hours correcting every other word. But where does one find professional typists who do not charge an arm and a leg for every Haggadah?

Enter People Per House, a website that lets you find freelancers for extremely reasonable fees. I have used this website a lot and my freelancers have typed out tens of Haggadot for me. Want to try it? I can give you £30 for your first job free of charge. Just sign up for PPH (it's free) using the link below and you automatically get 30 pounds to spend on your first job! Even better, you earn me 30 pounds as well (as soon as you order your first job and pay at least 50 pounds) which means I can get yet another Haggadah typed out!

Use the following link to sign up :

My favourite typists are:

Imade O.
Kavita A.
Beatriz M.

All three come highly recommended, are diligent and will do a quick, professional job. Contact me if you want advice concerning fees.