Skill Check


While picking resources there is a chance for a skill check to pop up. The type of skill check depends on the resources you are picking. For this Fire Flowers and Cuckoo Flowers count as plants, thus the skill check appearing will be a herbologist one.

There are no skill checks while picking on Mystras.

Pictures may not display properly when using mobile phone browsers to play the game.

For successfully completing a puzzle in the given time you will get Power Charge for 30 minutes, increasing the chance to successfully pick a resource.

For failing to complete a puzzle you will get Fatigue for 30 minutes, decreasing the chance to successfully pick a resource.

After repeatedly failing to complete puzzles you will get Power Drain preventing you to pick resources for 24 hours.

The puzzles appear in different variations that may look very similar and the following list is likely not complete:

Herbologist Puzzles

Fisherman Puzzles

Geologist Puzzles