Pet Abilities

Healing Wave

The Pet casts a spell that restores some life over 6 seconds in fight.

Surface Wound

The Pet casts a spell that causes the opponent of the master to lose some life over 6 seconds in fight.

The amount can not exceed the same percentage of the masters health.

Power Charge

The Pet casts a spell that strengthens the next physical and/or magical blow by the master.

Life Force

The Pet casts a spell that increases the strength of the next physical or magical blow by the master.


The Pet casts a spell that weakens the subesequent physical and/or magical blow by the opponent.

Damage Deflection

The Pet casts a spell that shields it's master against some physical and magical damage.

Curse of Harm

The Pet casts a spell that causes the next blow of the opponent to partially damage themselves.

Wild Daring

The Pet casts a spell that significantly strengthens the master's next blow, however the master partially damages themselves.

Vampire Will

The Pet casts a spell that allows the master to partially heal themselves for their next blow.

Magical Healing

The Pet casts a spell that restores some mana over 6 seconds in fight.

Note: Exclusive to red pets.

Enchanted Fire

The Pet casts a spell that some of the opponent's mana in fight.

Note: Exclusive to red pets.

Players of level 11 and above with the medal of worship of the Pet Patrons reputation have the option of disabling up to 3 pet abilities per red pet.

Clicking the padlock in the top center will lock the ability, so the pet will not use it in fights. A locked ability will be shown with a padlock over it. Depending on the number of locked abilities, the other abilities will be more likely to be used in fights (shown by one to three dice). This does not mean the pet will use abilities more often in fights, but the chance for the individual ability to be used is increased.