Valour Chart

How To gain Valour

  1. Damage while fighting opposing race - Whilst dealing damage to you foe, you will accumulate valour . If you win the fight the valour will be added to you overall valour

  2. Scalps For Valour - After every kill you make you will get a scalp. you must be the person that deals the killing blow, you do not have to be victorious to claim the scalp.

  3. Valour From Quests - There are certain quests that you can get valour .

Table of valour per level for battlefield's

Crystalline Caves

Ancient Temple of the Chosen

Arena of the Underground Knights

Valour From Quests

Scalps For Valour

For a list of the bonuses in for handing in scalps, click here.

Unlock-ables from the Arsenal