Attributes & Armor

Warrior attributes

    • Agility (Formerly Dexterity): Affects your characters ability to dodge a hit.

    • Intuition: Affects your characters chance of causing a critical strike.

    • Protection: Affects your characters ability to block.

    • Strength: Influences your characters direct damage.

    • Damage: Directly influences you characters direct damage.

    • Vitality: Directly influences your characters hit-points.

    • Life-level: Directly influences your characters hit-points.

As well as these standard attributes there are others you may see in the game:

    • Speed: A percentage of transfer time that will be reduced.

    • Injury Resistance: Affects your characters chance of not getting or reducing injury time to themselves.

    • Injury Probability: Affects your characters chance of causing injury to your opponent

Mage attributes

As well as the existing attributes, as a mage you will also use these attributes:.

    • Wisdom: Influences you characters direct magic damage. (roughly 10 wisdom = +1 magic damage)

    • Intellect: Directly influences your characters mana-points.

    • Volition / Magic Crit Chance: Affects your characters chance of causing a magical critical strike.

    • Magic Damage: Directly influences you characters direct magic damage.

    • Repression: Reduces magic crit chance of your opponent

    • Resistance: Can reduce magic damage you receive

    • Penetration: Reduces your opponents magics resistance

    • Concentration: Reduces chance of blundering a spell.

Elemental Attributes

Many of the Mage Attributes are greatly affected by there elemental attributes. The Magic Schools work in the same way as your armor class. Being a Dodger with Light or Shadow magic would have resistance v.s. a Bonecrusher with Fire or Air magic. For more information on Armor class match ups read further down below in the section labeled PvP Strengths and Weakness

Also note that your Armor Class will also effect your Elemental Class for more info see the Mage's Guide link below.

  • Fire - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Fire Based Spells

  • Air - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Air Based Spells

  • Shadow - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Shadow Based Spells

  • Light - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Light Based Spells

  • Earth - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Earth Based Spells

  • Water - Obtaining attributes would increase your Penetration and Resistance on Water Based Spells

Note: It is possible to obtain attributes in all magic fields.

For more information on becoming a Mage please visit our Beginner Mage's Guide

Armor Classes

Unlike most game you will not choose a set character class upon character creation. A characters class is based upon which type of armour the character is wearing, and as such you can easily change you characters battle class. There are 4 types of classes that armour can give:

Generalist: Generalist is the basic class, It is also the first class you will become. Generalist has no special advantage, and will perform dodges, blocks and critical hits evenly.

Style: Mostly consists of some basic attire with a weapon and shield.

Bonecrusher: Bonecrushers are a class of players who specialize in dealing out huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time with critical hits.

Style: Consists of wielding 2 handed weapons such as an Axe or Hammer.

Dodger: Dodgers are players who prefer to dodge hits rather than try to block, they have the same strength as a bonecrusher but lack the amount of critical hits..

Style: Fighting style consists of wielding 2 blades weather it be Axes, Swords, or Daggers

Heavyweight: Heavyweights are tanks. They are players who will block most hits that are directed towards them and even if hits are not blocked, they have the most hit-points of all classes and can therefore, take a beating and can last a long time in a fight.

Style: Fighters will wield a small hand weapon at first (gradually advancing into swords) and a use of a Large Shield.

PvP Strengths and Weaknesses:

    • Bonecrushers will usually defeat heavyweights with moderate ease as their damage negates the Heavyweights life advantage and blocking seems to be reduced against Bonecrushers.

    • Dodgers will usually beat Bonecrushers by their sheer amount of unblocked dodging and be a constant frustration to bonecrushers.

    • Heavyweights beat Dodgers into submission by usually blocking all incoming hits and shrugging off the hits that do connect. They also seem to hit dodgers more often than not.

    • As you have read from above the Elemental Classes are effected in the same way as the armor. If your magic is that of a Dodger Class you will have Resistance and Penetration to the Bonecrusher Class of magic. And so on with every field of magic and there respected armor class.

This results in a paper-rock-scissor battle order and when choosing your class, you should pick that which most suites you.

Armor Types:


This armor is cheap and affordable for your average player. Leather is classified as a generalist set and is the cheapest armour set, offering no set bonuses. It does boost basic vitality, protection and life level. Leather is a common drop from most mobs. Cutthroat and hunter are the most commonly seen grey sets. Cutthroat focuses more on intuition and damage whereas hunter will focus more on protection and vitality. Both sets offer a bonus to attributes once 5 pieces are put together and again when 9 pieces are combined. In simple terms, a hunter set can be seen more as a tank set and cutthroat more as a quick damage set.

Neither of these sets will affect your character class though (Bonecrusher, Heavyweight and Dodger). It is as always best not to mix sets and it is strongly advise keeping to one set, but as it will not affect your character class as long as you derive a set bonus of at least 5 items, the other pieces of extra armor can be made up as you want.

Green, Blue and Purple:

These armours give a warrior a class, Bonecrusher, Heavyweight or Dodger, The most common type of armor worn in game is green armor, Blue armour needs to be made from a full Chess Set, or from level 6 and at least Champion Rank and can be bought from the Armory. Purple Armour can be obtained from in game through Special Events.

Executioner and Anger sets give rise to the Bonecrusher class. The executioner set is classified as a low green and when combined in a set of 5 and later 8 will give added set bonuses. A Bonecrusher will only be defined as one when he has 5 pieces at least of an Anger or Executioner set equipped. The Anger set is a low blue set and as a blue set is much, much more expensive than a low green set.

Note: The Executioner Axe and any other Bonecrusher weapon counts as one piece towards your set bonus.

Twilight and Northern-Wind(NW) sets are the Dodger class set items. Twilight is a low green set and is also inexpensive when compared to a low blue NW set. When 5 and 9 of these items are put together they result in set item bonuses. A Dodger will only be classified as a Dodger once 5 items of either set are collected.

Similar rules apply to the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants(SoG) sets. Mammoth is a low green set and SoG is classified as a low blue set. These sets will result in a classification as a Heavyweight once at least 5 pieces are put together.


-Different sets should NEVER be combined with one another unless they have the same classification: such as [Twilight and NW]; [Mammoth and SoG] or [Executioner and Anger]. Doing so will cause your player to be vulnerable to Critical Attacks. If you have, for example, 5 pieces of Executioner and are wearing some old leather or hunter armour, you WILL NOT be classed as a Bonecrusher until ONLY Bonecrusher armour is equipped: Such as Executioner combined with Anger or only Executioner. Remember, 5 pieces minimum will need to be equipped of only that class in order to determine your class. So if you've got a spare leather helm at level 5 and want to equip it while you wait to get an executioner helm, don’t.

-Another important note is that players of a certain class should not use potions/amulets or scrolls designed for another class on themselves. Therefore a Dodger should never use an Amulet of Destruction or Scroll of Rockskin, a Heavyweight should not use an Amulet of Destruction or an Elixir of Wind and a Bonecrusher should not use Elixirs of Wind or Scrolls of Rockskin. Using the wrong potion/scroll will make you weak and vulnerable to attacks while engaged in battle. Always read carefully before applying.

Generalist: Do not Apply

Dodger: Elixir of Wind

Bonecrusher: Amulet of Destruction

Heavyweight: Scroll of Rockskin

Methods for obtaining armor

Shops around Faeo

Auction House

Drops from Monsters


Chests, Caskets and Trunks

Palace of King Magish

The Derelict House

Magical Wand

Quests Only some items are available through quests

* Other methods may exsist