Elvin Sanctuary

Away from roads and populated village, surrounded by a ring of steep mountains hid from prying eyes of the ancient Temple of the Elves.

Long ago, as a result of strong avalanche entrance to the sanctuary was littered with stones. One hundred years later, the earthquake re-opened the entrance to the temple. Unfortunately, the Dark Elves, the guardians of this mysterious place is transformed into undead and under the leadership of the powerful Queen Andorweny guard their property against intruders.

Entrance to the Temple of the Elves is in Canyon of Immortality and Jasmin Brushwood.

The instance is accessible for 6 hours every 7 days for players of level 3 and above. The quest "Fighting the Undead" has to be completed to gain access to the quest "Dead hosts of the ancient temple" which is required to be started to have access to the instance. Both quests can be received from Paladin Shiko in Tomb of Kings and Royal Tomb.

Dead hosts of the ancient temple:

Retrieve the lost Royal Ring from the Elfin Sanctuary. To receive the key you need to kill Queen Andorvane and return it to Shiko. Every player in the group that participated in the fight receives the ring if they still need it. As a reward for finishing the quest 50 Hunters of the Undead reputation is given.


  • Dead hosts of the ancient temple - Level 3

  • Strength and Tenderness - Level 10


The instance consists of five normal locations and two boss locations. The strength of opponents within the instance depends on the highest level player in the group.

The initial locations in the hunt meet Pathfinders .

Dark Pathfinder:

They are found in the normal locations on hunt screen.

The health and strength of the pathfinder depend on the level group of the instance.

Upon death there is a chance they will drop an Elixir of Internal Defence.

In fight they can use the following abilities:

Weakens the victims next attack.

Doubles the strength of it's next attack.

While the opponent is above 65% health the pathfinder's damage is increased.

Before the door fight:

Make sure every member of the group received the Elixir of Internal Defence from the Dark Pathfinders in location and used it. The Elixir makes the door fights a lot easier by significantly weakening their effects on you.

The Elixir's effect only lasts for one fight.

Door Fights:

There are three transfers for which there are door fights. The door fights consist of 1 Dark Custodian and 4 Dark Hunters. The Dark Hunters are the same as the Dark Pathfinders you have to kill for the Elixir of Internal Defence.

The health and strength of the Dark Custodians as well as the Dark Hunters depends on the level group of the instance.

Dark Custodian:

In fight they can use the following abilities:

Restores some of it's lost health. Used up to 3 tims per fight. Can not be removed.

Blocks the victims pet from using abilities for 4 turns. Unlimited use. Can not be removed.

While the opponent is above 65% health the Custodian's damage is increased. Can not be removed.

Deals initial damage and additional damage every 8 seconds for 32 seconds. Can not be removed. (Damage depends on the level group of the instance)

Deals initial damage and additional damage every 8 seconds for 32 seconds. Can not be removed. (Damage depends on the level group of the instance)

Resets the superblow sequence. Unlimited use. Cannot be removed. Only for level groups up to level 10.

Prevents use of magic. Unlimited use. Can not be removed. Only for level groups of level 11 and above.

Fight with Boss Queen Andorvane:

In the fight with Queen Andorvane will also be 4 Dark Hunters identical to the ones in the door fight.

Queen Andorvane:

The health and strength of the Queen depend on the level group of the instance.

In fight they can use the following abilities:

Restores some of her lost health. Used up to 5 tims per fight. Can not be removed.

Instantly removes 42% of all opponents health upon the death of one of the Hunters in the fight. Targets gradually restore 35% of their health back afterwards.

While the opponent is above 65% health the Queen's damage is increased. Can not be removed.

Prevents the victim form dodging, blocking or dealing critical hits for 2 turns. Unlimited use. Cannot be removed. Only for level groups up to level 10.

Prevents the victim form using magic for 2 turns. Unlimited use. Can not be removed. Only for level groups of level 11 and above.

Recommendations for the fight:

Players should ensure keeping their health above 42% shortly before a hunter dies and it is recommended to fight slowly afterwards so the health can regenerated from the ability.

After winning the fight against the Queen the group will receive the key to open the stash which contains a blue quiver or parts to blue bows. Which pieces drop depend on the group level but are otherwise random. The received pieces are transferable.

Level Range



Forged Plates

Bow Base






For opening the stash the group will either receive one Bow Base, one Bowstring, 5 Rawhides, 5 Forged Plates or one Quiver.

To make a bow the appropriate Base, a Bowstring, 15 Rawhides and 15 Forged Plates are required. All pieces need to match in level to make a bow of the same level. To get the bow visit the Workshop Armory by talking to Craftswoman Soygura in Square of Fire or Craftsman Ostap in Daylight Square.

The bows will become non-transferable when owner changes. This means they can only be sold once.





Adjacent to the room with Queen Andorvane is another room without a door fight in between which contains the Menacing Ling.

Fight with Boss Menacing Ling:

The Ling will summon additional Ling Acolytes and will grow stronger if there are too many or not enough Ling Acolytes left in the fight. The Ling Acolytes do not have skills they use in the fight.

The health and strength of the Menacing Ling as well as Ling Acolyte depend on the level group of the instance.

Menacing Ling:

In fight they can use the following abilities:

If Menacing Ling has more than 10 or less than 7 summoned Lings left alive to fight with it it will boost it's damage in proportion to the excess or missing summons.

Casts to deal damage to the opponent. (Damage depends on the level group of the instance)

Recommendations for the fight:

If the number of Acolytes in the fight goes lower only hit the remaining Acolytes in block while trying to deal a lot of damage to the Menacing Ling. For groups of 2 or more people it is advisable to stall for players facing Acolytes if someone is facing the Menacing Ling.

If the number of Acolytes exceeds 10 it is advisable for the player facing the Menacing Ling to stall while the others are trying to quickly kill the excess Acolytes.

After winning the fight against the Menacing Ling the group will receive the key to the cache with the sphere. Only one cache can be opened using the Key. The sphere received from the cache will be non-transferable.

A Sphere required to open closed Tias runes for level 5 helmets.

A Sphere required to open closed Tias runes for level 10 helmets.

A Sphere required to open closed Tias runes for level 15 helmets.

A Sphere required to open closed Tias runes for level 20 helmets.

Groups up to level 8 only have the option to open the cache for the Simple Sphere.

Groups of level 9-13 have the option to open the cache for either the Simple or the Silver Sphere.

Groups of level 14-18 have the option to open the cache for either the Silver or the Gold Sphere.

Groups of level 19-20 can open the cache to receive both the Gold as well as the Dazzling Sphere.

It is advisable to ensure the loot distribution is set to leader for the group so the Sphere can be given to the player who needs it. The Spheres only last for 30 days. The opened Rune Tias will be non-transferable however if it is built into a helmet it will not affect the transferability of the helmet.