Mathias Schmitz

Mathias holds a PjD in Psychology and Education Science from UCLouvain. His research interests revolve around intergroup relations, political psychology, social identity, methods and statistics.

He is now working as a Postdoc research on two COVID-19-related projects funded by the Louvain Foundation and the Ghent University. Specifically, he assesses how a series of psychological factors (e.g., motivation, norms, emotions, values) relate to preventive behaviours during the pandemic. The aim of these projects in twofold: (a) provide evidence-based recommandations for the authorities, and (b) produce scientific knowledge.  

Keywords: interoception, emotions, mind-body relationship


UCLouvain - Faculté de Psychologie et Sciences de l'Education (PSP)

Psychological Sciences Research Institute (IPSY)

Place du Cardinal Mercier 10/L3.05.01- 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve -  Belgium

Phone : +32 10 47 23 49

Mail: mathias.schmitz[at]

Office : C215

Find more information on:

Mathias's Research Gate webpage