Illuminetti Lab

Welcome to the Illuminetti lab

We work on several topics that have a link to emotion and affective sciences (e.g., emotion and health, emotion and memory, emotion and food behaviors). Each topic is developed under the Research domains tab. In each tab, you will find a description of the topics adressed, relevant publications, media reports, and the researchers involved. 

We are happy to welcome students/reasearchers to complete an internship, a master thesis, a PhD, or a postdoctoral stay.

If you are interested, please contact Olivier Luminet or the specific researcher involved in the topic you are intersted in.

Here below, you will find videos, podcasts, or newspaper articles describing our work, an easy way to get a first flavour about what we do at Illuminetti Lab.

Bienvenue au laboratoire Illuminetti

Nous travaillons sur plusieurs sujets qui ont un lien avec l'émotion et les sciences affectives (par exemple, émotion et santé, émotion et mémoire, émotion et comportements alimentaires). Chaque sujet est développé sous l'onglet Domaines de recherche. Dans chaque onglet, vous trouverez une description des sujets abordés, les publications pertinentes, les rapports des médias, et les chercheurs impliqués. 

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir des étudiants/chercheurs pour effectuer un stage, une thèse de master, un doctorat ou un séjour postdoctoral. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez contacter Olivier Luminet ou le chercheur spécifique impliqué dans le sujet qui vous intéresse.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez des vidéos, des podcasts ou des articles de journaux décrivant notre travail, un moyen facile d'avoir une première idée de ce que nous faisons au laboratoire Illuminetti.

News & Upcoming events - News & Prochains événements

Next events

Emotion Regulation: Advances in Theory, Assessment, and Clinical Treatment

David Preece, Curtin University and University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia)

Emotions are central to daily life and issues with emotion underpin many different psychiatric disorders. This means that emotion regulation is a key area of study for clinical research and practice. In this presentation, Dr Preece will summarize recent advances in the emotion regulation field with respect to theory, assessment, and treatment. He will detail his recent work developing new psychometric measures of emotion regulation and will illustrate the importance of considering emotion regulation problems across both negative and positive emotions. Dr Preece will discuss how different profiles of emotion regulation can underpin different psychopathologies and, in the tradition of precision psychiatry, how this can inform more targeted transdiagnostic treatments for emotional disorders.

Invited by: Olivier Luminet and Illuminetti lab

Date: Wednesday 17 April 

Time: 4.15pm
Locaton: Michotte building Salle du conseil A224


Loneliness as an Emotional Disorder: Bridging Affective and Clinical Science

David Preece, Curtin University and University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia)

Loneliness is a significant and growing public health issue, which is a key risk factor for a variety of mental and physical health issues across the lifespan. To date, loneliness treatments have had relatively low effectiveness, emphasizing the pressing need for more work in this area. In this presentation, Dr Preece will outline recent theoretical advances from his lab on the understanding of loneliness, harnessing insights from the affective science field to conceptualize loneliness as an emotional disorder. He will present recent data illustrating how emotion regulation patterns can explain substantial variance in loneliness levels and will detail the unique emotion regulation profiles underpinning loneliness. Dr Preece will discuss how these insights can inform more comprehensive and targeted treatments for loneliness.

Invited by: Olivier Luminet and Illuminetti lab

Date: Tuesday 23 April 

Time: 14.00pm

Location: Michotte building, E241


Navigating Pandemics and Political Polarization: Insights from COVID-19 and Brexit Studies

Michèle Birtel, University of Greenwich

Infectious diseases and polarized conflicts represent urgent global challenges necessitating effective action. Understanding the attitudinal and behavioral responses to health and political threats to society is key to improving future interventions. How can psychology contribute to enhancing societal responses and interventions? This presentation reports findings from multiple experimental, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies from countries across the world that examine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit. Our findings highlight the significance of national and moral identity, social norms, attitudes towards opposing groups, and endorsement of conspiracy theories in shaping how individuals navigate societal threats. They also show that positive contact may mitigate conflict and the negative effects of strained intergroup relations on wellbeing. Potential implications of these findings for managing future pandemics and political polarization are discussed, emphasizing the importance of considering intergroup dynamics when designing interventions aimed at promoting effective collective health behavior, reducing conflict, and improving health and wellbeing.

Invited by: Olivier Luminet and Illuminetti lab

Date: Monday 29 April 

Time: 9.15 am
Location: Michotte building, Socr 42

Conceptualizing constructs: New and uncommon methods

David Grüning, Université Mannheim, Gesis - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences,  Germany

The conceptualization of constructs has a long tradition in self-report research. Interestingly, the methods commonly used to theorize and test constructs are rather restrictive in at least three ways.
First, statistical modelling of construct factors is strongly focused on the idea that a latent factor is best represented by items that are highly similar to each other (i.e., items to which participants respond very similarly). However, similarity is only one of several criteria by which items can be clustered to represent a hypothesized factor (see e.g., increase in predictability or interindividual variance).
Second, the trend in construct modelling has mostly focused on confirmatory approaches. An extensive prior exploration of the factor structure can inform limitations of an assumed factor model. Third, confirmatory model testing is often applied in a narrow sense. That is, common applications of confirmatory model fit testing can be advanced in several informative ways. In the present talk, I aim to provide a compact overview of the landscape of exciting but more or less uncommon methods to address the three restrictions. These methods can substantially improve our understanding of the constructs we measure on a daily basis through self-report.
I illustrate each method with examples, mostly from personality and psychopathology research, and offer ideas for their application in other fields

Invited by: Olivier Luminet and Illuminetti lab

Date: Monday 29 April 

Time: 4.00 pm
Location: Michotte building, E241


Alexithymia: Towards an Experimental, Processual Affective Science and Effective Interventions

Kristy Nielson, Department of Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA; Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA

Alexithymia is a multi-dimensional personality trait involving difficulty identifying feelings (DIF), difficulty describing feelings (DDF), and an externally oriented thinking style (EOT). Poor fantasy life (PF) is debated as another facet. For over 50 years, the alexithymia literature has examined how alexithymia-related disturbances in perceiving and expressing feelings contribute to mental and physical disorders.
We review the current understanding of alexithymia, including its definition, etiology, measurement, vulnerabilities for both mental and physical illness, and treatment. We then focus on the importance of further experimental and processual affective science research that a) emphasizes facet-level analysis toward understanding the nuanced bases of alexithymia effects on neural, cognitive, and behavioral processes; b) distinguishes between emotion deficits and emotion over-responding, including when over-responding is functional; and c) clarifies when and how impairments occur for neutral and positively valenced information or contexts. Taken together, clarification of these issues will provide clear directions for effective, tailored, alexithymia interventions.

Invited by:  Olivier Luminet and Illuminetti lab

Date: Friday 3 May 

Time: 11.00 am

Location: Auditoire Science 2


Énervé·e, enthousiaste, triste ? À quoi servent les émotions ? 

🔊 Écoutez cet épisode du podcast Milgram de Savoirs avec Olivier Luminet 🔊

Our "RE-Member" project won a price! - Notre projet "RE-Member" a gagné un prix !

🏆 Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP) 🎉

Watch a short video about the project here

Find out more about this inter-disciplinary project here.

Si vous souhaitez participer, c'est par-ici. 👈 - Als je mee wilt doen, klik dan hier. 👈 

Olivier Luminet 

was awarded as 

🥳  Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society  🥳

to recognize his contribution to the field of health psychology 

In the press - Dans la presse

Emotions and Alexithymia - Émotions et Alexithymie

Énervé·e, enthousiaste, triste ? À quoi servent les émotions ? Podcast Milgram de Savoirs avec Olivier Luminet

Comment le manque d'émotions peut-il affecter notre santé? Podcast FNRS - 15/12/2022

No words for feelings: Alexithymia as a fundamental personality dimension at the interface of cognition and emotion 

Presentation slides - 01/11/2022

Est-ce un problème de ne pas montrer ses émotions? Vidéo du F.R.S. - FNRS sur youtube - 28/10/2022

L'alexithymie, comment le manque d'émotions affecte notre santé, Olivier Luminet Youtube - 19/11/2013

Présentation du livre Psychologie des émotions RTBF - 08/09/2022

Psychologie des émotions. Concepts fondamentaux et implications cliniques.
Coordinateur: Olivier Luminet et Delphine Grynberg.
Préface: David Sander.
2e Édition, Octobre 2021.
DeBoeck Supérieur

Find more about this topic in Alexithymia

Psychology & Society - Psychologie & Société

Vendredi 13: "Personne ne veut forcer la malchance" La Dernière Heure - 13/10/2023

Mental health & Society - Santé mentale & Société

La santé mentale des jeunes... Parlement de la FWB à l'invitation des commissions de l'éducation, de la santé, et de la jeunesse.

Après la projection de Tout va s'arranger (ou pas) un débat avec les députés. 

Oser en parler sans être stigmatisé? Fini les mesures "sparadrap"? Des investissements à long terme pour la prévention primaire? La santé mentale aussi prioritaire que la santé physique? Des états généraux de la jeunesse? L'école au centre de l'action? Enfin une vraie priorité pour les prochaines élections? Et pour les prochains gouvernements?

Ici le lien vers le résumé (12 minutes) :

Ici le lien vers le débat parlementaire (1H25)

"Les chaînes d'info en continu nous font beaucoup de tort" L'Écho - 04/11/2023

Carte blanche: Le blues des jeunes: Comment les aider à recharger leurs batteries vitales? Le Soir - 20/12/2022

Les belges et leur santé - Retrouver son bien-être Moustique - 14/12/2022

Une Belgique dans un triste Etat Le Vif - 10/11/2022

Dossier santé mentale: Anxiété, morosité, dépression: comment le moral des Belges plombe le pays Le Vif - 08/09/2022

On n’a pas tiré les leçons du covid concernant la santé mentale de la population Le Soir - 07/09/2022

Comment préserver la santé mentale de la population? Olivier Luminet, Béatrice Delvaux, Julie Huon

Podcast dans Le Soir - 07/09/2022

Coronavirus, guerre, énergie… comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale? Podcast dans Le Soir - 06/09/2022

Find more about this topic in Mental health & Society

Climate crisis & Society - Crise climatique & Société

La psychologie face au défi climatique Le Soir - 25/01/2023

Crise climatique et économique: Quand la peur devient moteur
RTBF - La Première - 25/11/2022
Site web

Les nudges environnementaux, c'est quoi? RTBF - 05/11/2022

Find more about this topic in Climate crisis & Society

Coronavirus & Society - Coronavirus & Society

42e Baromètre de la motivation

40e Baromètre de la motivation

Prévention de la santé physique et mentale – Quelques leçons du COVID 19 13/12/2022


«Ne me parlez plus du covid»: quel avenir pour Psychologie et Corona? Le Soir - 13/12/2022

Obligation vaccinale

Cartes blanches: Pourquoi le groupe Psy et Corona penche en faveur de l’obligation vaccinale - 12/01/2022

Vaccination obligatoire : "Il faut éviter à tout prix les moyens détournés pour y parvenir" - 12/01/2022

La Belgique vers le pass vaccinal - 16/01/2022

Find more about about this topic in Coronavirus & Society

Collective Memory - Mémoire collective

Quels événements, lieux et personnages demeurent dans la mémoire de dix-huit Belges connus lorsqu'ils pensent à leur pays ? Un groupe d’universitaires francophones et néerlandophones cherchent des réponses à cette question depuis plusieurs années... et ont publié leurs recherche dans le livre:

Dialogues sur la Belgique: Souvenirs, images, questions
Édité par: Olivier Luminet, Valérie Rosoux, Elke Brems, Ariane Bazan, Marnix Beyen
Première édition, Octobre 2020
Presses universitaires de Louvain

De Nederlandse versie van dit boek werd gepubliceerd onder de titel
Dialogen over België. Herinneringen, beelden, opvattingen
Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2020

Recipes for success: The 2023 ICUP winners on doing inter- and transdisciplinary research

Circle-U - 01/06/2023

Intergenerational transmission of memories related to historical facts
Presentation slides - 01/2023

Le pouvoir du symbolique Le Vif - 20/09/2022

La mémoire des attentats de Bruxelles Le Soir - 22/03/2021

Find more about this topic in Collective Memory

Health Psychology - Psychologie de la santé

Social Life & Health - Vie sociale & santé

The anger of the supporters is the story of a social identity that has finally been disappointed Le Soir - 05/12/2022

Le bénévolat est bon pour la santé. Science Today UCLouvain ScienceToday - 11/02/2020

Le volontariat est bon pour la santé, selon une étude de la Mutualité chrétienne L'avenir & Metro - 04/12/2019

Find more about Social life & Health

Nutrition & Health - Nutrition & Santé

Connaissez-vous le nudging? RTBF - 30/10/2019

La pomme de pin, la confession et le salsifi RTBF - 27/04/2019

Find more about this topic in Nutrition & Health